Peerless Daoist

Chapter 4773

"How about a strong attack?" Lu Yu asked.

Fu Zhixue said: "The city wall of Hulao Pass is almost indestructible. What kind of force do you plan to use to destroy it?"

Lu Yu raised his eyebrows: "How do you say this?"

Fu Zhixue said with a wry smile: "This city gate is built according to the standards of Liangjie Mountain, not only the best casters and top masters of the entire heaven, but even the Emperor Yanzong and the master are also used for Hulao. Guan was blessed with mana."

When everyone heard the news, they couldn't help but sigh.

Emperor Yanzong was Emperor Taigan.

No one knows how strong the walls of Hulao Pass are.

But being able to be blessed by Emperor Taigan and Wensheng Yihan at the same time with mana, it can be seen that the degree of hardness has already exceeded everyone's imagination.

This Hulao Pass was originally built to protect the Imperial Capital. I am afraid that the people who built it in the first place could not have imagined that one day this city gate would become an obstacle for the official army.

"However, there are still flaws in Hulao Pass."

Fu Zhixue suddenly said: "Hulao Pass is mainly for the defense of the outside world, but the defense is not so high for the side that relies on the imperial capital. Its flaws appear on its city gates!"

City gate?

Many generals had incredible expressions on their faces.

"Master Fu, the city gate is often the key to a city's defense. How could this flaw come from the city gate?" Cao Bao shook his head, a little unconvinced.

Fu Zhixue said: "The city wall of Hulao Pass is a dead thing. It was built there before Dayu established the dynasty, and after being blessed by the emperors and saints of the past dynasties, it has already reached the level of spirituality. It is really difficult to shake."

"However, the city gate is alive. Although the city gate is made of extraterritorial meteorite iron, it is extremely strong, but it will wear out over time, so it will be replaced."

Cao Bao asked: "Even so, the city gates are still not easy to break through. I heard that the city gates of this first-class pass are all cast by the master craftsmen selected by the Ministry of Industry, and each gate has a number. If it is broken, the master craftsman will be held accountable."

"Ten years ago, the city gate of Hulao Pass was in disrepair, and requested the Ministry of Industry to recast the gate. The Ministry of Industry did not dare to neglect, and immediately started construction after receiving the money. It took half a month to build the gate. ."

Fu Zhixue said solemnly: "But the Minister of Engineering, who was in charge of casting the gate back then, was greedy for the money and replaced the extraterritorial meteorite iron with black gold iron, and the rest of the materials were greatly discounted, which made this gate far beyond imagination. Solid."

"There is such a thing?" Everyone exclaimed.

Hulao Pass, but an important town that is related to the safety of the Imperial Capital, there are people who dare to put their hands here.

Fu Zhixue said lightly: "Since Dayu established his dynasty, Hulao Pass has basically not been attacked, let alone from the inside. Therefore, this gate has always been a loophole and has been regarded as a cash cow by the officials of the Ministry of Industry of all dynasties."

There were some former court officers present, who didn't seem to be surprised.

Lu Yu said: "The extraterritorial meteorite iron is more precious than gold, and every bit is invaluable. A small worker in the Ministry of Industry, just greedy ink to get rid of these extraterritorial meteorite iron, is enough to offset his decades of salary, enough to make him take risks. "

"That's right." Fu Zhixue said, "I was in charge of the Ministry of Personnel back then, and I was well aware of these matters. The officer of the Ministry of Industry later embezzled a huge amount of property and was investigated by the Three Judicial Justices. As for the casting money of a city gate. , it's just a trivial matter, and no one will pursue it."