My Evil Imperial Wife is Too Arrogant

Chapter 526

The disciples present did not expect Lou Muyan to make such a crazy move.

The power of the sixth pill to attract Dan robbery is not small. If it doesn't offset the promoted Lei robbery, isn't it troublesome?

"Younger martial sister Lou's behavior is really strong. I heard that she refined six intermediate pills that can attract Dan robbery on the six Dan comparisons. I don't know what pills she wants to refine this time?"

"Yes! It's a rare and honored opportunity to see younger martial sister Lou's Alchemy today." a disciple of Yaozong sighed.

Li Weiyu, a disciple of Yaozong, is also among them. Since he was inspired by Lou Muyan last time, his alchemy has made great progress. He was very excited to see her alchemy again this time.

"What if the Dan robber brought by younger martial sister Lou doesn't want to be rejected by Lei robber?" the disciples of Baji sect are worried.

"With elder martial brother Chi guarding you, what are you afraid of?" said a disciple of Jianzong.

The others were heartened when they heard elder martial brother Chi's name.

Yes! With elder martial brother Chi, he certainly won't let younger martial sister Lou have an accident. They only have to watch bingluan's promotion and younger martial sister Lou's Alchemy.

Lou Muyan threw the pill into the colorful glass tripod and soon refined the spirit grass one by one. Because of the catalytic effect of the colorful glass tripod, she soon began to coagulate the pill.

"Bang!!" the dark cloud shrouded the whole flying magic weapon, and purple thunder cleaved down at the ice blue egg.

When the thunder fell, two layers of glow suddenly appeared over the big egg and ran quickly.

A layer of continuous circulation attracted a large number of spirit clouds around, and a wisp of spirit was crazy rolled up by the power of the array.

The big egg seemed to feel the aura coming in, and he quickly absorbed it like a bottomless hole.

Another layer of shield is surrounded by a defensive force. When thunder falls, its power is obviously weakened by the array of Mingxiu.

It was just a wave, and then the wind surged, the dark clouds became thicker and thicker, and the more rough purple thunder fell, and the thunder resounded through the sky.

"Boom!" waves of thunder did not stop, and fiercely chopped on the big egg.

The blue light on the big egg gradually weakened, and the complex runes on it began to dissipate.

Because the power of thunder robbery was too strong, Mingxiu was afraid to spread to others. He immediately opened a layer of defense on the flying magic weapon and covered all the disciples.

"Oh, my God! What a powerful thunderstorm!" the disciples watched waves of thunderstorms hit, from the thickness of their fingers to the thickness of their wrists, and couldn't help numbing their scalp.

If they stand in such a thunderstorm, they will be killed after three waves at most.

"It is worthy of being promoted to the tenth level. Such a momentum can not be compared with the thunder robbery of the strong sword God."

As long as a swordsman crosses the sword saint, he is a watershed. When he is promoted to the sword God, he will be baptized by thunder robbery. As long as he successfully carries thunder robbery, a golden pill and Dantian will be born in his body.

As long as the golden elixir is not broken, even if the elixir field is destroyed, you can still practice. The sword God is also the goal pursued by countless swordsmen in the mainland.

Lou Muyan saw that the thunder robbery in the sky was becoming more and more fierce. Her eyes moved and the flame in the Dan stove was collected.

"Boom!" a fiery red cloud began to gather, and it also shrouded over the flying magic weapon.

"The pill robbery is coming, too. Younger martial sister Lou has a high rate of producing six pills!" someone exclaimed.

Then a series of lightning fell, each wave with a silk red light.

Blood and Red Emperor rushed into the air with Lou Muyan's footsteps and began to quench their bodies by lightning.

Many old disciples here didn't participate in the last six Dharma contests. At this time, they were completely shocked to see Lou Muyan and her crazy behavior.

How strong and changeable Lou Muyan's body is! He can resist Dan robbery with his body.

There were several rumbling voices in the dark clouds. It was obvious that they were robbed of part of the territory by the sudden arrival of red clouds and were dissatisfied.

Purple thunders staggered down, some on the big egg and some on Dan Lei.

The two thunders repel each other and bombard each other. The lightning falling on the ice halberd egg is really offset by part of the force.

However, with the strengthening of purple thunder, the red cloud soon dissipated in the sky.

Eight honey yellow and bright elixirs flew out of the colorful glass tripod and were collected by Lou Muyan.

But she didn't stop. Seeing that the power of thunder robbery was constantly strengthened, she took out a spirit grass and threw it into the Dante furnace for refining.

Every time Dan Jie and Lei Jie repel and bombard each other, which lasted for more than an hour.

Lou Muyan also produced ten batches of pills one after another. Such alchemy speed almost blinded the eyes of Yaozong and other disciples.

"Can't younger martial sister Lou use up her mental and Yuan strength?" someone couldn't help asking.

"The time she spent refining a furnace of six pills hasn't changed. It's too short."

"I don't have as much time to refine a furnace of three pills as she does a furnace of six pills. Younger martial sister Lou's alchemy is really an eye opener for me!"

"Yes! Six grade alchemists can only refine three heats of pills at a time, and then their mental and Yuan strength will be exhausted. But younger martial sister Lou has refined ten heats of pills. Why are you so energetic?"

Watching Lou Muyan fly up and rob the body with Dan again, they almost have the impulse to spit blood. Is this woman still human?

Luo Li's face was worried. When he saw that Mingxiu's eyes were full of pride and trust, he found that the man was indeed extraordinary.


The dark clouds in the sky gradually turned into purple clouds, and the lightning grew from the thickness of the wrist to the thickness of the thigh.


A huge wave of purple thunder fell, and the Dan disaster was completely offset.

One by one, lightning struck the big egg like a purple dragon.

"Click!" after a crisp sound, a pleasant Fengming with strong authority sounded.

When they saw the eggshell broken, a bird with ice blue flame flew from the eggshell to meet the purple thunder.

Then his body grew bigger and bigger, and his whole body completely covered the flying magic weapon.

Ice blue feathers have no trace of impurities, and a cluster of gorgeous red crowns appear on the head, with a kind of arrogance.

"Roar!!" Purple electricity comes more ferocious.

After resisting several waves, the ice halberd was suddenly blasted on the board of the flying magic weapon by a huge thunder like a bucket, and the breath was also much listless.

Lou Muyan looked up at the falling purple thunder eyes. As soon as he was cold, he immediately took out the spirit grass for refining six high-grade pills, threw it into colorful glass and began to refine it.

Xuexue and the Red Emperor immediately greeted the purple thunder in the air.

They are all contract beasts of Lou Muyan, so they have a common breath to help. If they become Longyao, the thunder robbery in the sky will increase several times.

The blood was soon split and scattered on the ground, and the golden vine was full of burnt marks.

Ice halberd saw that his partners worked so hard for him, and his eyes showed a firm color.

He struggled to stand up, raised his head and burst into the sky again. Facing the purple thunder, he fiercely ejected an ice blue flame.