The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 1333

There are more than 1000 people in the demon clan.

However, there seemed to be more and more people in the family. In all directions, all over the mountains and fields, there were human figures rushing to kill one after another.

The situation is very disadvantageous to the demon clan.

Two old women, protecting the peacock princess, burst out a terrible monstrous spirit and killed them all the way.

There are more than a dozen girls who are closely following.

These intimate girls are the more than a dozen women whom Lin Fei ran into in the peach forest last time and bathed in the hot spring lake with Princess peacock.

Their identity is Princess peacock's intimate treatment.

Among them, the slender, graceful woman is with Lin Fei and goblin.

Her strength is a sea of hardship. It's easy to take two people with her.

She released two Demon power ropes, tied Lin Fei and goblin, and flew behind her.

Besides, the whole body energy of Lin Fei and the goblin is blocked, and there is no resistance at all.

"Damn, it's really puzzling. The hatred between the demon clan and the Ji family has brought me in.

It's a fight between the gods and the kids

Lin Fei at this moment, is really deeply aware of the helplessness of the weak.

Both the demon clan and the Ji family are strong, and there are many experts. As long as they are lucky, they may suffer in such a large-scale fierce battle.

Who knows when there will be a terrible yuan force or demon force bombardment, fall on their own body.

However, Lin Fei and the goblin are all under control now, and they can't escape.

"Kill! You can't let Princess peacock run away

The martial arts of Ji's family rushed to the position of Princess peacock one after another.

However, many jijiawu people who tried to come and stop were attacked by the terrible evil spirit of the two old women, and their bodies were blown up one after another, turning into a cloud of mist.

Lin Fei felt numb at the sight. The strength of these two old women was terrible.

The martial arts of Ji family, who are powerful in the imperial realm, can't get close to the area of ten li. Otherwise, if they are slightly affected by their evil spirit, it will be the end of both form and spirit.

Even if the masters of the bitter sea rushed to kill them, the two old women of the demon clan just stretched out their dry old fingers and gently touched them.

The masters of Ji's family in the bitter sea immediately burst their heads, which was a terrible sight.

"These two old women of demon clan are so terrible. What is their real strength?"

Lin Fei asked Emperor Yan.

"I don't know, but I guess their strength is above Shenqiao at least."

Emperor Yan replied.

"Well, is it interesting to struggle like this.

Today, none of your demon families can escape! "

The old man in black in Ji's family was very gloomy when he saw that two old women of the demon clan had killed so many martial arts of Ji's family.

I saw his body movement, already arrived in a blink, blocking in front.

The man in purple behind him also followed closely, his eyes full of pride, staring at Princess peacock, his eyes full of fighting spirit.

"You all step back and go after the other demons.

Give it to me here! "

The old man in Black said to the other strategists.

Suddenly, all the other jijiawu people retreated and turned to chase the other demons.

"Matchless, you fight Princess peacock."

The old man in Black said lightly.

"Yes, uncle."

The young man in purple nodded and agreed. He looked at Princess peacock like a knife.

It turns out that this young man in purple is called Ji Wushuang.

"At that time, my father was seriously injured in the war with your father, and he is still bedridden. Today, let's settle this account between us."

Ji Wushuang has a strong sense of war burst out. His black hair dances wildly. His eyes are as sharp as electricity. His clothes are as powerful as the God of war.

"Miss, you go first, I'll stop him!"

An old woman of the demon clan stood in front of Princess peacock and said in a voice.

She knew that the most important thing now was to break through quickly.

Because Ji family is well prepared, all around the mountains and fields are full of Ji family's men and horses. The number of demon clan is too small to fight.

If we don't get out in time, the consequences will be unimaginable.

She opened her mouth and spewed out a bright light, which was surrounded by terrible Demon power.

It turned out to be a crystal clear animal bone with various mysterious demon symbols flashing on it.


The rolling Demon power is surging, blocking the sky and the sun, and the crystal animal bone is infinitely enlarged.

Among them, the roar and roar of demons and Warcraft came out. One after another, demons and Warcraft rushed out of the bones and rushed to the old man in black and the young man in purple."Hum!"

The old man in black snorted and reached for his hand. Suddenly, the night fell down in the sky.

This space is suddenly dark, a kind of dead, desolate, dark atmosphere, completely filled with heaven and earth.

Under the darkness of the night, there came out waves of gruesome funeral songs of ancient death.

Then, a skeleton as high as 100 Zhang slowly appeared from the night. This figure was full of the terrible breath of cold, quiet and killing.

On the back of this hundred Zhang skeleton, there are a pair of black wings that are four or five meters long. They are flapping gently, and a breath of death spreads out from it.

"This is the secret skill of Ji family, death prison!

It's terrible. "

Yan Emperor in Linfei know the sea, can't help but cry out.

Death prison?

Lin Fei's heart is also very shocked, the old man in black, too terrible.

He can change the sky in this space. It's still day, but he can make this space become night completely.

It was noon, and the hot sun was shining in the sky. It was the most intense time.

But all of a sudden, it was night that came to this land. It was so strange.

"Back up!"

The old woman of the demon clan, who had just ejected animal bones, changed her face greatly. Obviously, she also knew the secret skill of the old man in black.

Bang Bang

As soon as the old woman's voice fell, two of Princess peacock's sisters were waiting for her. They couldn't escape. They were enveloped in the black night, and their bodies were suddenly shattered into nothingness.

It's a dark night. It's so weird and terrible. If you don't pay attention, you will be crushed by the smell of killing and death.

There was a surge of Demon power in the old woman's body, which was continuously infused into the huge animal bones in the air like the Yangtze River and the sea.

Innumerable dense rush out from the animal bone, send out the animal roar of earth shaking, a large number of animal tide, quickly will all closely guard.

"Miss, I'll cover for you to leave!"

Another old woman suddenly cried out that she was full of five spirits. Her body moved, and in the blink of an eye, she turned into a giant bird as big as a hill. She uttered a shrill cry and tore her claws forward.

Suddenly, the dark night was torn, a huge gap, brilliant sunshine, re shine into this space, clear sky and bright clouds.

The giant bird incarnated by the old woman, with a fan of wings and a terrible strong wind, blows up on the ground, rolls by, whistling past, and immediately blows Princess peacock and more than a dozen close to waiting women out 6000 or 7000 meters away.

"Miss, you go quickly. After you leave Qinling Mountains, quickly go to take refuge with Peng demon king. Let's stop Ji's family."

One of the old women's voices came from afar.


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