The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 1844

Boom, boom

This day, the heart, did not stop even a moment of attack.

The whole altar has been shaking.

However, fortunately, there are many protective arrays on this altar, so it has never suffered any substantial damage.

After the demon body has understood all the demonic scriptures engraved on the nine stone pillars.

Lin Fei suddenly thought of a problem.

This heart contains such a terrible amount of evil energy. If the evil needle can absorb this heart, it is estimated that the strength will have a great leap forward.

However, the closer the devil body is to the heart, the greater the pressure it will encounter.

In the end, Lin Fei found that the evil body was separated by the evil needle. Although he was not afraid of the heart, it was impossible to absorb it.

That heart, too strong.

The closer the body is to it, the more difficult it is to act and behave.

Finally, Lin Fei has to give up and leave with LV Qi.

Then, Lin Fei two people, in this small space, after searching everywhere, nothing.

Even the ghost monkeys who escaped before disappeared. They probably ran to a secret corner and hid.

So they finally left the small space in the temple.

Back out in the real world.

Then Lin Fei and LV Qi searched all the other temples nearby.

Almost all of these temples are empty and have nothing useful.

Half a day later.

Lin Fei and LV Qi left the mountain.

"Boy, this should not be the core area of life and death."

Emperor Yan said to Lin Fei.

"Yes, we need to go further."

Lin Fei nodded.

Then, Lin Fei and LV Qi continue to move towards the core area of the land of life and death.

Along the way, the two people are continuous, encountered a variety of dangers.

Fortunately, with the strength of the two, and a variety of cards, are to save the day.



In advance, Lin Fei suddenly stares at a huge mountain in the distance.

Looking from a distance, you can find that there are many medicinal fields on those mountains, and there are many kinds of herbs, including all kinds of Taoist medicine, and even a lot of Banxian medicine, playing with each other.

Even a few children, a few turtles, and some other strange animals were moving on the border of the medicine field.

These are all semi immortal medicines that have been channeled!

"The fragrance of medicine is so strong. It seems that all of them are ancient spirits."

"In the outside world, it's very difficult to find a psychic Banxian medicine. Except in other secret places, there are so many psychic Banxian medicines here!"

All of a sudden, Lin Fei couldn't move. He stretched his neck and stared at the medicine field on the black mountain. The strong fragrance of medicine came from there.

The Banxian medicine, especially the Banxian medicine, is precious.

Now, all of a sudden, there are so many banxianyao and Tongling banxianyao.

It has great attraction for Lin Fei.

In this land of life and death, it is estimated that very few people break into Pingjin.

Because there is a saying in the holy land, that is, where there is life and death, there is death but no life.

It is said that in the past, there was a fairyland power that fell into the land of life and death.

So, most people don't come in.

Lin Fei would never have been in this place of life and death if he had not been looking for the holy lotus for Emperor Yan and reshaping his body.

Because so few people come in, the herbs have been growing for tens of thousands of years, withered and flourished. They are all peerless treasures.

"Master Lu, let's go and collect some herbs together. There should be no problem."

Lin Fei suggested.

LV Qi nodded.

So they went to the peak where the medicine terrace was.

On the hillside of the black mountain, there are many medicinal fields, which are obviously cultivated by human beings. In every field, there are many kinds of herbs with strong fragrance.

"Well, with these Taoist medicines, I guess I can refine the immortal golden body formula again."

Lin Fei said to himself.

However, just close to the mountain, there was a very gloomy and ominous atmosphere, which spread quietly.

It gives people a sense that danger can happen at any time.

They walked all the way to the foot of the mountain, nervous and excited.

Nervous, I don't know if there will be any unknown danger here.Excited is, if you can pick up a few strains of semi immortal medicine, it's cool.

The half immortal medicine is of great value. It is the top herbal medicine in Shengzun mainland and even in Xianling kingdom.

Every semi immortal medicine, put in the outside world, is enough to cause a bloody battle.

But what surprised them both happened.

Just came to the foot of the mountain, they found white bones, snow-white and crystal clear in the grass, even if they died, I don't know how many long years.

On that bone, there is still a strong fluctuation of Yuan force, which spreads out continuously.

These people who died here were top experts, but in a moment they found more than a dozen.

"Is there any great danger here, too?"

Lin Fei and LV Qi immediately wake up.

"No, it's weird. Let's go back!"

Lu Qi seems to have suddenly found something. He lives in Lin Fei, and his figure is rapidly retrogressive.

After retreating quickly and withdrawing for a certain distance, Lin Fei suddenly felt a headache, and his blood seemed to burn.

"It's highly toxic. There are not only precious Taoist medicine, Banxian medicine, but also highly toxic things that can kill peerless experts in those medicine fields!"

Lu Qi said in a deep voice.

Lin Fei was pale and weak. He almost fell to the ground. His body was about to split and his bone seemed to break.

"Damn, there is still a little Poseidon water on the body. Try to see if it has the effect of detoxification."

Lin Fei has a secret way in his heart.

So he took out a small jade bottle and poured some Poseidon water into his mouth.

After drinking Poseidon water, Lin Fei was surprised to find that his toxic symptoms were rapidly alleviating, and then nothing happened.

"Master Lu, you should drink some, too."

Lin Fei hands the Poseidon water to naluqi.

After Lu Qi drank it, there was nothing left.

Lin Fei was unwilling to stand at the foot of the mountain and looked at the medicine field halfway up the mountain. It was lush and there were all kinds of herbs. He didn't know which one was poisonous.

"There is a dead body in the medicine field!"

All of a sudden, Lin Fei found a corpse sitting in the medicine field. His whole body was dry and golden. His skin was tightly wrapped on the bone, as if he was wearing a layer of gold clothes. , the fastest update of the webnovel!