The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 2072

"Oh, well, let's see what the news is."

The blood demon said, stretching out a magic finger and rowing to the front space.


In that space, there is a gap.

A dark altar fell from the gap and suspended in front of it.

"It seems that you have made a lot of preparations to attack Xianling Kingdom, the third level of demon kingdom."

Around them, the leaders of the other two big clans also came one after another.

At this time, the altar is constantly shining, the black light is shining.

Then, an unreal Terran figure slowly emerged in the altar.

"My lords."

The Terran made a respectful salute.

It can be seen that he is in awe of these evil spirits.

"Well, what's the news?"

Asked the blood demon.

"Zhencang Laodao is now planning to merge the mainland."

Said the Terran.

"In progress!


We have also started to take action. We must not allow the 44 continents within the Xianling boundary to merge successfully.

Otherwise, the law of heaven and earth within the Xianling kingdom will begin to recover immediately.

At that time, we, the strong, will be more and more oppressed when we enter the Xianling realm. "

The blood demon roared.

"Well, you should be in the Xianling Kingdom immediately and follow the previous order.

Interfere with Zhencang Laodao's plan.

And from now on, we are also outside, launching a strong attack!

This is a wonderful time. If we choose to act at this time, we will catch Zhencang by surprise! "

The blood devil said with a grim smile.

"Yes, Lord demon!"

On the altar, the figure of the Terran replied respectfully.

Then, his figure disappeared on the altar.

Within the boundary of Xianling, in a very secret underground cave, the evil Qi surged.

On the altar in the cave stands a tribe.

This Terran is a great power to transform a fairyland.

"Ladies and gentlemen, you have just heard the order of the foreign evil Lord.

Now, we need to seize the time and take action immediately.

OK, now send the message immediately.

Let's all start at the same time!

Activate all magic source altars!

At that time, the pure smell of magic source can spread quietly in the Xianling realm.

At that time, in ancient times, the demonic obsession left by the powerful demons who once fell in the Xianling realm, as well as the demonic ghosts who were suppressed in the Xianling realm, will all go crazy and make waves.

Hehe, at that time, I'll see how Zhencang can deal with it! "

The fairyland power on the altar stepped down from the altar and said to several other people in the cave.

All the people in the cave are capable of turning into fairyland.

These fairyland powers have long secretly surrendered to foreign demons.

However, they were well hidden, and they were not exposed in the last clean-up.


At this time, in the cave, the rest of the fairyland powers nodded.

Then, everyone took out a piece of jade slips and sent out messages one after another.

The next moment.

Within the Xianling realm, deep in the sky of each continent, in the void, there is a very hidden altar of magic source activated.

Wisps of dark magic gas constantly erupted from these altar sources and quickly penetrated into the whole Xianling kingdom.

There are hundreds of these altars, which are distributed in the high altitude of Xianling.

Usually, they are hidden by the clever magic array, and they can't be found at all.

Although, those really terrible demons outside the territory can not enter the Xianling realm.

However, they can project a relatively weak separation, and quietly make all kinds of arrangements in the Xianling realm.

Although they are relatively weak, they have mastered the most advanced magic ways and magic arrays.

So, in fact, all the situations in the whole Xianling Kingdom have long been exposed to the eyes of those powerful demons, such as Zhang Guanwen.

At this time, hundreds of magic altars were activated, and a lot of pure magic breath was penetrating into the whole Xianling Kingdom, all the spaces and every corner.

Soon after.

Under the interference of these pure demons, great changes have taken place in many places in the Xianling kingdom!Shengzun mainland, Nanling, within the Buddha range.

In the heart of the Buddha range.

There is a vast grassland.

In the center of the grassland, there is a bodhi tree towering into the sky.

At this time, the towering bodhi tree suddenly began to shake violently.

A huge dark hand of the devil tore the ground and slowly stretched out.

The torrent of evil spread out and blackened the whole world.

There were nine huge red iron chains, which passed through the middle of the evil hand and bound the dark hand firmly.

Kill... Kill!

In the giant hands, there were bursts of wild roars.


the evil hand struggled violently, seemed to be completely crazy, dragged nine red iron chains, completely rushed out of the ground, and suddenly grabbed the bodhi tree.


This evil hand is fighting with the bodhi tree.

Shengzun mainland, Zhongsheng state, in the land of life and death.


At a certain moment, suddenly, there was a riot in the place of life and death, which was silent.

All kinds of creatures, which exude the smell of terrible demons, constantly rise up into the sky.

Swarms of dark crows rush out of the place of life and death.

These crows have a human face, a beak and black hooks like knives.

Each one can be more than one meter long. It's as black as ink. Its Yin Qi is very heavy. It looks like a dead man's head.

Teams of fierce ghost monkeys, all over the mountains, like crazy, rush out of the place of life and death.

There are countless other kinds of ghosts, demons, rushing out.

In the Yuan Dynasty.

The central boundary area.

Deep in the sea, in a seemingly endless broken ancient battlefield.

In the depth of this ancient battlefield lies a huge mountain like dark giant.

On the body of this dark giant, there is a huge sword.

It is this sharp sword that suppresses the dark giant here.

Lin Fei had seen this dark giant before.

Lin Fei's bow was obtained in this ancient submarine battlefield.

Originally, the dark giant had his eyes closed all the time.

However, at this moment, it is suddenly opened his eyes.


Kill all the lowly creatures in Xianling!

Suddenly, the dark giant roared. , the fastest update of the webnovel!