The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 2304

"This is the special ability of our evil spirits. Relatives with blood relationship can feel each other.

The closer the blood relationship is, the stronger the feeling is.

When I saw my mother at that time, I knew all at once, needless to say. "

Qingluo said.

"So it is.

So, do you feel now that there are your relatives in that palace? "

Lin Fei asked.

"Not bad.

Moreover, they are close relatives.

It can only be the king of evil shadows. "

Qingluo nodded.

Although, Qingluo didn't have much affection for the evil shadow king.

However, no matter what, the evil shadow king is her own father. This kind of close blood relationship can't be changed.

"Good, we finally found the evil shadow king!

I hope he hasn't been killed by that ancient master. "

Lin Fei said.

"He's not dead yet."

Qingluo said.

Then, Lin Fei, Qing Luo and the devil body split up and immediately went to the tall gray palace in the middle of the plain.

In the rear, the ten evil dragon beasts did not catch up. Instead, they looked at the back of Lin Fei and roared for a moment, then disappeared.

It was not long before we came to the central part of the plain.

Close by, you can see the gray palace more clearly.

The scale is huge, the whole body is gray, the top is sharp and round, and there are different shapes, ferocious and terrifying evil spirits around.

The mysterious grey runes hover around the palace like groups of deep-sea fish.

At the gate of the palace, there were several men of the evil shadow clan, all of them with their eyes shining and full of terror.

"Why? You two little guys, who are you! How dare you break in here

When Lin Fei found the evil shadow men, they also found Lin Fei and Qingluo at the same time.

Because, in this meteoric Valley, the scope of divine perception is very limited.

Even Lin Fei's divine power can only sense the distance of several thousand meters.

Other people, even worse.

Although the people of the evil shadow clan standing at the gate of the palace are very strong, they are much weaker than Lin Fei in terms of divine consciousness.

Therefore, it was not until Lin Fei and Qingluo approached that they found out.

Those a few men, discover Lin Fei and Qing Luo, it is a Leng at first, next, it is the pole of shock.

"You How did you get here, you two

A man, in an incredible tone, asked harshly.

You know, this is meteorite Valley!

Meteorite Valley is the most dangerous Jedi in the evil world, full of all kinds of unknown dangers.

Even if the great figures of Jiaozu level come in, they have to be careful.

If ordinary people come in, they will die!

However, these two young men and women, as well as a separate body, unexpectedly appeared here.

How can the men of the evil shadow clan not be shocked.

Lin Fei felt these men for a moment and could not help frowning.

These men are all masters with terrible fighting power.

Each one, should be stronger than the previous wizard!

"These people are very strong.

They may be under guru.

It's also possible that it's under the evil shadow king.

However, for a while, it is difficult to explain clearly with them.

The best way is to break through. "

Lin Fei said to Qingluo.

Lin Fei whispers to Qingluo.


What Qingluo means to Linfei is obedience.

So, Lin Fei with Qingluo, and the devil body, has been toward the gate of the palace.


No matter how you get here, leave immediately.

Don't take the first half step, or you will die! "

A man immediately angrily shouts a way, a terrible prestige, send out from him, cover to Lin Fei three.

The powerful evil force, like a vast ocean, instantly suppressed Lin Fei's three.

"These two little guys are very strange.

I think it's safest to kill them directly.

In order to avoid unnecessary complications. "

Another man said.

With that, he suddenly reached out to Lin Fei with a palm, which suddenly became bigger and bigger, as thick as a mountain, and was oppressed by endless evil energy.

The other men didn't stop, they just watched.They are all great figures in the evil shadow world, who govern countless creatures and call the wind and rain.

Just two lives, in the eyes of a few of them, it is better than ants.

"Sure enough, it's much stronger than Wufang!

If you work hard with them, it will be a bit of trouble.

Well, first break into the palace and see the evil shadow king, then make plans. "

Lin Fei thought quickly in his mind.

The next moment.

The devil's body separation is directly to cast the seventh level of magic prohibition, and the overwhelming dark and demonic runes are swept out in an instant.


Several men at the gate of the palace were surprised to find that their bodies were sealed in an instant and could not move!

Lin Fei is quick, with Qingluo, body movement, is already rushed into the palace.

The speed of the devil's body is not slower than Lin Fei's, but also keeps up with him.

"To die!"

In the rear, the most powerful man, in the blink of an eye, got rid of the seal of the magic ban method, and slapped Lin Fei three times.

Terrible palm force, constantly exploding, into a gray energy dragon, galloping and roaring, instantly catching up.

"This man's fighting power is no weaker than mine!"

Lin Fei was surprised.

It seems that in the evil shadow world, in addition to the two great figures at the level of the patriarch, there are several particularly powerful masters.

No wonder, the evil shadow world, in this starry sky, is also a powerful interface.

Bang Bang

The body shape of the devil's body is blocked behind Lin Fei and Qingluo, and all the attacks are blocked.

Gray energy dragons bombard the tall body of the devil.

However, in addition to the faltering, the devil's body has no damage at all!

"How can this body be so hard?"

In the rear, the man who took the shot was too surprised and angry to believe.

At this time, Lin Fei, Qing Luo and the devil body had already rushed into the palace.

Once inside the palace.

Lin Fei immediately found that the area of the palace was very wide, and the layout was similar to a huge gray square.

In the middle of the square, there is an altar.

On the altar stands a ferocious statue.

This statue is very tall, nearly 100 meters high, standing on the altar, very conspicuous.

Lin Fei was attracted by the strange appearance of the statue.

I saw this statue, holding an old battle shield in his left hand and a strange looking axe in his right hand.

What shocked Lin Fei most was that this statue had no head. It used two breasts as eyes and navel as mouth!

"This "Isn't that torture?"

Lin Fei was stunned to the extreme.

You know, Lin Fei's soul came from the earth to Yuanwu.

In the past, when he was on the earth, Lin Fei graduated from University, and what he studied in University was liberal arts.

As a liberal arts student, Lin Fei has some knowledge of many historical myths and legends in the ancient Chinese traditional culture!

According to a widely circulated ancient Chinese book, the book of mountains and seas, the overseas West Scripture, it is recorded that "Xingtian and the emperor fought for gods here. The emperor severed his head and buried it in the mountain of Changyang, with milk as the eye, navel as the mouth, and dry Qi as the dance."

At this moment, when Lin Fei saw the strange statue without head on the altar, he immediately thought of Xingtian!

"My God, that statue seems to be the ancestor of the evil god!

This is our evil shadow clan, the most primitive evil god in the legend.

It is said that our evil shadow clan was formed by taking the ancestor of evil gods as the source of blood, spreading branches and leaves. "

As soon as Qingluo saw the statue on the altar, he blurted out to Lin Fei. , the fastest update of the webnovel!