The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 2353


Black impermanence, and more than a dozen shadow answers.

Each of them is very shocked and excited.

That's the Taoist palace left by Hunyuan Daozu. If you find it, it's a great event that will definitely stir up the universe and shake countless stars!

"All right.

From now on, while hunting, we should put our main energy on finding the Taoist palace of Hunyuan Daozu! "

Said the third prince.

And then

Thousands of decaying warships are moving at the same time, slowly heading towards the starry sky.


With these thousands of decaying warships appearing in the starry sky on a large scale, large areas of dead gas and corpse gas began to spread rapidly in the vast starry sky.

A day later, thousands of decaying warships came out of a very powerful interface.

This interface is called feifengjie.

In the interface, there are four great figures of Jiaozu level!

Feifengjie has not joined any star organizations yet.

However, even the heavenly palace, the Luocha palace, such a huge thing, will not easily provoke feifeng world, but treat it with courtesy.

It's because the interface of the four great figures at the level of religious ancestor is very terrible.

"Well, exterminate this interface, and it will become a main stronghold of our underworld in the starry sky."

The voice of the third prince came from the old warship where the third prince was.


Black impermanence, and a dozen shadow, at the same time agreed.

"Go in! Kill this world

A shadow came forward, waved his hand and made a cold sound.


All of a sudden, the overwhelming Yin soldiers, killed into the feifeng world.

Within the feifeng world, a fierce battle started.

Half a day later.

A sensational news spread rapidly throughout the starry sky.

Feifeng world, the destroyed world, the four great figures in the interface, all fall!

Feifeng world, all creatures, all killed.

No one can escape.

And the main culprit of killing feifeng is the Yin soldier who made the corpse disaster in the starry sky!

The news spread, in the starry sky, set off an uproar.

In feifeng world, there are four great figures at the level of patriarch and hundreds of masters at the level of leader.

This kind of interface, in the starry sky, can squeeze into the list of powerful interfaces.

Unexpectedly, it was slaughtered in only half a day.


Those Yin soldiers who create the disaster of corpses in the starry sky are more and more powerful! "

"Yes, even feifeng Kingdom has been destroyed.

Then, how many interfaces in the starry sky can resist those terrible Yin soldiers! "


In the starry sky, people are in a panic.

Two days later, a more surprising news spread.

In the starry sky near feifengjie, in two days, there were forty or fifty interfaces in succession, all of which were slaughtered!

That vast starry sky is completely blocked by the boundless corpse gas and dead gas!

Forty or fifty interfaces, more than hundreds of millions of creatures, were slaughtered in two days!

Among these interfaces, there are weak interfaces, medium strength interfaces and powerful interfaces.

However, none of them could resist the attack of those Yin soldiers.

This news spread, the whole universe star sky, shake again, this is simply a cosmic magnitude earthquake.

Any interface, all the stars, can not calm down.

Even those great figures of Jiaozu level, after receiving the news, stood up one by one on the spot, their faces dignified!

Obviously, the speed and scale of the slaughtering of the underworld soldiers have increased.

"My God, it seems that those Yin soldiers are ready to take a big action to exterminate all walks of life in the starry sky!"

"Our starry sky is in danger!

The biggest crisis has come! "


On this day, the universe is filled with an atmosphere of incomparable tension and fear.

"There is an order from the heavenly palace. All circles in the sky should unite immediately and concentrate all their strength to deal with our common enemy, the Yin soldiers who create the disaster of corpses in the sky!"

A leader of the heavenly palace appears in the starry sky to convey the order of the Lord of the heavenly palace.

"The Lord of the Rocha called on all the stars, all the alliances, all the interfaces, all the creatures to unite and kill those inhuman Yin soldiers.

Completely solve the disaster of the starry sky

The Lord of Luocha also sent messengers to shout in the starry sky.

Then, one by one star organizations, alliances, and some powerful interfaces came forward and agreed to gather the strength of the whole star world to deal with the Yin soldiers.At the same time, the most powerful Star Alliance in the starry sky began to meet with each other to discuss the plan of sending troops together to deal with Yin soldiers.

Up to now, almost all the creatures in the whole universe have a tacit understanding, forming a common understanding.

That is to say, we must make up our minds and gather our strength to completely solve the great disaster of the star sky corpse disaster.

Otherwise, the starry sky will always be sunny!

It can be said that in the starry sky above the corpse disaster, there is no interface in the starry sky, which can be set aside!

One day, suddenly.

Dong Dong

In the starry sky of the universe, there is a rumbling drum. The drum sounds like thunder, which makes the whole universe, every place and every corner roar.

At the same time, with the sound of thunder, there are lightning and thunder in the whole starry sky of the universe, and the blood red thick electric awns are constantly born, extending hundreds of millions of miles across the starry sky.

These drums are so grand and amazing that they can be heard all over the universe at the same time.

"My God!

This is Zhou gu!

It is said that a few years ago, it was cast by the stars and the world.

ZEU drum, collected in the starry sky, each interface ancestor's oath.

ZEU drum together, every interface in the starry sky, will hear the drum.

When there is a big event in the starry sky that endangers the safety of the whole starry sky, the zEU drum will ring, calling on all circles of the starry sky to work together to protect the starry sky. "

In many interfaces, some old people who have lived for a long time and are about to decay think of this old legend of the starry sky.

"He is the leader of the heavenly palace. He personally beat the drum and called on all walks of life to go to the heavenly palace to discuss the event of killing the Yin soldiers!"

Soon, news came out that it was the Lord of the heavenly palace who was beating the drum.

"It turns out that the legendary drum fell into the hands of the Lord of heaven!"

In the starry sky, many creatures marvel.

It has to be said that this drum is very mysterious. After the sound of the drum, you can hear the sound of the drum clearly on every interface, and it's all wobbling.

It seems that the drum is urging the people of all interfaces to take action.

"Go to heaven!"

Soon, each star alliance, as well as the high-level figures in each interface, made a decision to lead the people to set out one after another to respond to the call of zeugu and go to the heavenly palace.

"Gather the strength of all walks of life to kill the Yin soldiers together!"

In the starry sky, there was such a roar everywhere.

A group of troops, mighty, toward the palace.

Everyone knows that a big war sweeping the universe is about to open!

"Lin Fei, what shall we do?"

In the Xianling realm, a large number of experts, such as Zhencang Laodao, tianchanzi, soldiers, Gongquan, bashisheng, all came to Linfei and asked him what he meant.

You know, this is a big event involving the whole starry sky. At this time, the Xianling kingdom must be the choice.

At this time, the deafening sound of war drums shook the whole Xianling world, constantly shaking, without a moment of peace.

"Our Xianling alliance is also a member of this starry sky.

Get ready and go to heaven

Lin Fei did not hesitate too much, said. , the fastest update of the webnovel!