The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 3793

"Not bad.

As soon as our master's enemies arrive, we have to flee.

There is no other way.

The master means, Lin Fei, you'll run with us.

Escape from the boundless sea of chaos. "

Said the dog.

"Escape from the boundless sea of chaos?"

Lin Fei was stunned.

To tell you the truth, Lin Fei is very reluctant.

The boundless chaos sea, especially the 3000 world, is Lin Fei's hometown.

It's not a happy thing to be away from home at any time.

What's more, Lin Fei has a family to take care of. There are too many people to take care of.

"Maybe things are not so bad.

If my enemies don't find me in the end.

We can stay in the valley of falling gods all the time.

There is no boundless sea of chaos, and there will be no robbery.

Anyway, let's go for a walk.

Everyone should be ready. "

Said the statue.

"I see."

The Chinese zodiac and Lin Fei are nodding.

"Shifu, Dijiang's strength is terrible. How can I deal with him?"

Lin Fei asked.

Now that he is here, Lin Fei takes the opportunity to ask the statue master for advice.

Because Lin Fei knew in his heart that despite the statue master, he only stayed in this square all day. In fact, no matter where the whole boundless chaotic sea was, the statue master could feel it at any time.

It is estimated that many things in the boundless sea of chaos cannot be concealed from this statue master.

"The emperor river is far more powerful than the general God.

Moreover, he got the body of a chaotic heaven swallowing beast.

Chaotic heaven swallowing beast is a powerful beast in the absolute space sea. It is born with thick skin, thick flesh and infinite power. The general God is vulnerable in front of chaotic heaven swallowing beast. "

Said the statue.

"Chaos swallowing beast..."

It's the first time that Lin Fei heard about it. He was a little surprised.


If I'm right.

Because it was Dijiang who found the egg of the chaotic heaven swallowing beast. The spirit body forced into the egg, occupied it, and then hatched. In this way, Dijiang had the body of the chaotic heaven swallowing beast.

However, the spirit body is still emperor Jiang's

Said the statue.

"Master, what you mean is that the meat of the emperor river is originally chaotic, swallowing the heaven, and the spirit body is the emperor river."

Lin Fei asked.

"Not bad.

Therefore, the strength of Dijiang is very strong.

Now, this time, the boundless chaotic sea will cause a real bloodbath because of the emperor river. "

Said the statue.

Although Lin Fei's statue master has been staying in this square, he knows more about the situation in the boundless chaotic sea than any living creature.

"Master, in this way, there should not be any God in the boundless chaotic sea, who is the opponent of Dijiang.

In this way, isn't he invincible? "

Lin Fei frowned.

"Not necessarily.

There are several places in the boundless chaotic sea, which are very mysterious.

Even I can't see through.

For example, there is a demon nest inside the demon capital, which is very strange.

Maybe there are real masters in it.

In short, Lin Fei, for the time being, don't fight with Dijiang.

Let's avoid him first.

Let the other gods fight against him.

When we know his real strength, we can make plans. "

Said the statue master.

"OK, master, I see."

Lin Fei nodded.

"Lin Fei, you already have the world power in your body.

These two days, you stay here, I pass you two kinds of secrets, and some of the laws of chaos

Said the statue master.

"OK, thank you, master!"

Lin Fei is very happy.

If you want to ask, what is Lin Fei's most eager thing now, it must be to improve his strength!

Strength is everything.

Only with strength can we protect what we care about.


Lin Fei stayed in the square.

Three days in all.

In these three days, Lin Fei practiced two kinds of secret arts.

The name of one of them is a bit complicated.

It's called ultimate heart sword.

To Lin Fei's surprise, this secret skill is a perfect combination of heart sword and kendo, and a perfect combination of the powers of the two.

You know, although there is a sword word in the name of heart sword, in fact, it is mainly the use of heart power.And kendo is the real sword.

Lin Fei's heart swordsmanship and kendo, which he practiced before, were separated from each other.

Now, this ultimate heart sword style is actually to combine the two into one, and display their strengths and power at the same time.

Such a secret skill is really weird.

Before Lin Fei, he never thought that he could do this.

Under the guidance of the statue master, Lin Fei soon succeeded in the initial cultivation of this ultimate heart Sword form.

Then Lin Fei began to practice the second secret skill.

This kind of secret skill is related to body method.

It's called shadowless.

The name is simple, but it's wonderful.

Once cast out, not only the shadow disappears instantly, but also the spirit and breath completely disappears.

Let the enemy, can't feel.

This kind of body method involves the law of time, the law of space, the law of reincarnation, and even the law of cause and effect.

Therefore, when practicing shadowless style, the statue master forced the law of cause and effect into Lin Fei.

"Lin Fei, now, I'll force you the law of cause and effect.

Note that this is a high-intensity indoctrination.

You need to mobilize all the spirit energy and consciousness, to understand wholeheartedly.

Once you find that you can't continue to understand, stop immediately.

Otherwise, it will cause irreparable damage to your spirit body, and even explode your consciousness.

Of course, you don't have to worry too much. I'll protect your knowledge of the sea. "

The statue Master said solemnly when he was teaching Lin Fei the law of cause and effect.

"All right."

Lin Fei nodded.


The next moment.

A huge, complex, mysterious amount of information, like the ocean, forced into Lin Fei's sea of knowledge.

Lin Fei felt that his knowledge of the sea, in an instant, was propped up, as if expanded a little.


Lin Fei began to mobilize all the spirit energy and consciousness, to understand the huge amount of information pouring into his sea of knowledge.

This is indeed a high degree of indoctrination, endless information about cause and effect. In Lin Fei's knowledge of the sea, it is boiling, making Lin Fei's knowledge of the sea painful from time to time.

Even, from time to time, it interferes with Lin Fei's thinking and consciousness, and makes Lin Fei fall into a short coma.

Fortunately, the soul tree, the soul heart, the soul dragon, and the chaotic ice lotus constantly release energy to protect Lin Fei's knowledge of the sea.

Finally, a day later.

"Master, my understanding of the law of cause and effect seems to have reached its peak for a while.

It's going to stop. "

Lin Fei said.

"All right."

The statue master immediately withdrew all the information about cause and effect from Lin Fei's knowledge of the sea.

Lin Fei immediately felt refreshed and energetic.

"Into the micro realm, very good!"

The statue was praised by the master.

Lin Fei, on the basis of the law of cause and effect, has reached a micro level! , the fastest update of the webnovel!