The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 4419

"Build a mountain!"

Lin Fei starts to build a mountain in his own mental world.


A mountain peak rises slowly, rising higher and higher, just like a huge sword standing in the world of mental force.

"Another one!"

Lin Fei said softly.


Another mountain is rising from the earth.

"Build a plain!"

Lin Fei's heart moved.


A plain, slowly forming.


Lin Fei drinks lightly.

A big river, running across the plain, roars and roars with great momentum.

"A desert!"

Lin Fei said to himself.

Soon, a vast desert appeared in the mental world.

Gradually, in Lin Fei's mental world, mountains, plains, rivers and oceans, and even cities, pavilions and villages, continue to take shape.

Slowly, this mental world, and a real world, there is no difference.

What is in the real world is in the mental world.

The only difference.

There are no creatures in this mental world!


A figure appears in this mental world.

It's Lin Fei.

This Lin Fei is not a real flesh and blood body, but a collection of Lin Fei's consciousness.

"Well, the mental world I built can be confused with the real world. It's not much different from a real world."

Lin Fei stands in this mental world, looking at everything around him slowly, and says in a voice.

"For the time being, the scope of my mental world has reached a certain limit."

Lin Fei nodded.

"In this mental world, everything is under my control.

Once the enemy falls into my mental world, his strength will at least be reduced by half. "

Lin Fei's heart, secretly estimated.

"Even, I can create some creatures for this mental world.

Of course, these creatures are fake.

It can only be used to confuse the enemy. "

Lin Fei thought in his heart.


Lin Fei stretched out his hand, and a large group of creatures appeared in the distance.

There are humans, animals, demons


Lin Fei's hand, pointing to another position.

Immediately, a large group of creatures appeared in that position.

There are many kinds and everything.

Slowly, there are more and more creatures in this mental world.

Even, it began to form countries, races, sects

In the end, there seems to be no difference between this mental world and a real world.

A large number of creatures are active in this mental world.

It's hard to tell the true from the false.

Of course, Lin Fei knows that these creatures are all fake.

It's made at will.

"All right.

It seems that my mental cultivation has reached a bottleneck and can't continue to rise. "

Lin Fei stopped his mental cultivation and said to himself.

Lin Fei opens his eyes.

In the first floor of the enlightenment tower, chaos swallowing beast, the reincarnation palace master, is still in meditation.

The master of reincarnation palace is still practicing the law of reincarnation.

I saw, one after another mysterious law of reincarnation, constantly released from her body, like a strip of seven color ribbons, floating around her body, very good-looking.

"It seems that her law of reincarnation has made great progress."

Lin Fei's secret way in his heart.

The chaotic heaven swallowing beast seems to be practicing a kind of ethnic inheritance and concentrating on cultivation.

"All right.

Let the two of them practice here.

I went out to have a look at the reincarnation steles on the stars outside. What inheritance is suitable for me.

Find several ways to practice. "

Lin Fei stands up and walks into the enlightenment tower.

Lin Fei's eyes, looking at those dense stars.

Each star above, there is a tall reincarnation monument.

Each reincarnation tablet records the inheritance of a certain reincarnation elder.

Next, Lin Fei walked one by one.

Read carefully, each piece of reincarnation stele written records.

Lin Fei found that most of the contents recorded on the reincarnation tablet were related to the war that broke the reincarnation road in that year.There are many reincarnation of a pulse of God, are in that war, fall.

And these reincarnation tablets are recorded before the fall of the gods.

Whenever Lin Fei meets an interesting inheritance related to reincarnation, he immediately practices.

Anyway, the tablet of reincarnation is a public treasure of reincarnation. Every member of reincarnation is qualified to practice the inheritance recorded on the tablet of reincarnation.

Moreover, Lin Fei also found out why he could easily obtain the inheritance on these reincarnation tablets.

That's because I, as a member of samsara, have practiced the law of samsara.

If other creatures, who have nothing to do with reincarnation, or who have not practiced the law of reincarnation, break into this sea of space, they will certainly be rejected or even attacked.

It's impossible to get close to those reincarnation steles and get the inheritance recorded on those reincarnation steles.

Time goes by.

Unconsciously, hundreds of years have passed.

Lin Fei has been practicing for hundreds of years.

Moreover, the more reincarnation steles Lin Fei read, the more he knew about the war and the hatred between reincarnation and the dark creatures!

Accordingly, I know more and more about reincarnation and the way of reincarnation!

Lin Fei found that reading every reincarnation tablet is reading a period of history.

By connecting these sections of history, we will gradually form a more and more complete history.

It turns out that reincarnation has a long history of feuding with the dark creatures.

Samsara pulse, there are three main samsara.

The three reincarnation masters control the law of reincarnation in the world.

The law of reincarnation is one of the most basic and indispensable laws in the world.

All souls in the world are governed by the law of samsara!

In the world, after death, most of the living beings have to enter the path of reincarnation. Along the path of reincarnation, they go to the gate of the six paths of reincarnation. Then, according to various causes, they choose a gate to reincarnate and start their next life.

Or start the next cycle.

Reincarnation Road, six reincarnation gate, are controlled by reincarnation pulse.

Therefore, in a sense, it can be said that all creatures in the world, after death, are in charge of reincarnation during the period of reincarnation!

Even, it can be said that reincarnation is in charge of the most basic order in the world.

Reincarnation of all souls!

This order is a basic order in the world.

The dark creatures are a very special race.

This race, after death, does not need to enter the path of reincarnation.

But, immediately, it can be reborn through the dark creatures, some secret method of inheritance.

The dark creatures are very ambitious and hope to be the master of the world.

Therefore, the reincarnation of reincarnation, which controls all spirits in the world, has become a thorn in the eye of the dark creatures. , the fastest update of the webnovel!