The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 4688

On the illusory mountain peak, Lin Fei and the fire beast saw a lot of strange creatures. According to Liu Qi, these strange creatures belong to the ghost family!

The ghost clan seems to have seen Lin Fei and the fire source beast. They stare at them one by one with vicious eyes, and constantly emit harsh ghost howls, which gives people a kind of creepy feeling.

"Just now, in the process of climbing the mountain, we didn't see this illusory peak at all.

Now, as soon as the person who calls himself Liu Qi says that this illusory mountain peak will appear immediately, we can feel it.

There must be something wrong with Liu Qi! "

The fire source beast whispers to Lin Fei.

"Not bad."

Lin Fei nodded.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I advise you not to provoke those ghosts. These guys are very difficult. If you don't have to, try not to provoke them."

Liu Qi said.

"It's more comfortable to stay in Yangjie and drink and chat with me."

Liu Qi said again.

"We are looking for those ghosts. We want to wipe out all these disgusting people."

Said the fire beast.

"Are you going to stop us?"

The fire source beast stares at Liu Qi fiercely to see how he answers.

"How can I stop you? It's too late for me to be happy that you want to destroy them.

You're right. They're disgusting guys. I've been bored with them for a long time.

If you want to destroy them, go.

However, they are not easy to deal with. You should be careful. "

Liu Qi answered immediately.

Liu Qi's reply made Lin Fei and the fire source beast stunned.

What is the identity of Liu Qi?

Why is he here?

Lin Fei and the fire beast are very strange.

"Why don't we just take him down and interrogate him."

Lin Fei thought about it and said to the fire beast.

"I can't see his real strength at all.

This shows that his strength must be very powerful!

Once we fight, we don't have to be his opponents. "

The fire beast hesitated and said.

"Yes, I can't see his real strength."

Lin Fei couldn't help frowning.

"However, what is certain is that Liu Qi's strength must be great.

In that case, let's wait and see what he wants to do. "

Lin Fei thought about it and said.

"That's good."

The fire beast nodded.

Lin Fei and the fire beast both communicate in secret by means of sound transmission.

"I think we'd better open the skylight and tell the truth. This place is in the eye of fire in the depths of bahuo valley. This is the world where our ancestors of the fire source beast lived. Why are you here as a human being.

You said that you have been on this mountain for a long time, so why don't you leave here? I believe that with your strength, it's not difficult to leave this time and space to go to the outside world?

Tell us why. "

Lin Fei looked at Liu Qi and said.

"It seems you want to hear my story."

Liu Qi sighed.

"Yes, we want to hear your story."

Lin Fei nodded.

"Well, come here. Let's sit down and I'll buy you a drink.

Drinking and telling my story.

My wine is good. It's just right for my story. "

Liu Qi turned and walked into a nearby Pavilion.

The pavilion was already in tatters, dark and old color.

But when Liu Qi walked into the pavilion, the pavilion immediately bloomed out bright god awn, dazzling.

Originally, the dilapidated Pavilion is constantly changing. In a twinkling of an eye, it becomes a brand-new Pavilion, just like it has just been built.

Even the paint on the pavilion is still wet, as if it hasn't dried.

Moreover, around the pavilion, a large number of lush flowers, a large area of wild flowers and grass, and even bees and butterflies flying in it.

Not far away also appeared a green lake.

There are fish jumping in the lake.

The environment is very beautiful.

What shocked Lin Fei and the fire source beast most was that when they sensed these things, they found that they were all real!

It's not an illusion created by any energy or law.

It's something that really exists!

Lin Fei and the fire beast were shocked by this situation. They couldn't understand what was going on in front of them.This Liuqi is so mysterious!

"Ha ha ha

Come in, you two. Let's have a good drink! "

Liu Qi sat down on the stone chair in the pavilion and waved to Lin Fei and the fire beast.

Lin Fei and the fire beast hesitated.

"Let's go!"

Lin Fei thought about it and said to the fire beast.


The fire beast nodded.

Then, Lin Fei and the fire beast strode past, walked into the pavilion and sat down opposite Liu Qi.

"Ha ha ha

Both are happy people

Liu Qi laughed.

With a wave of his hand, two crystal clear wine cups fell in front of Lin Fei and Huoyuan beast.

There was another glass in front of him.

And a pot of hot wine.

Liu Qi picked up the wine pot and poured a cup of wine for Lin Fei and Huoyuan beast, and also poured a cup for himself.

"Come on!

I'll do it first

Liu Qi raised his glass and drank a glass of wine.

Lin Fei and the fire source beast's divine sense immediately make a perceptual analysis of the wine in the wine cup in front of them.

It turns out that these wines are real wines.

And it should be brewed with a lot of precious natural materials and local treasures.

Even for the gods, these are also very precious wine.

So Lin Fei and the fire beast raised their glasses and drank the wine respectively.

"Well, you can say it now."

Lin Fei's eyes look at Liu Qi.

"Since you want to hear it, I'll tell you."

Liu Qi poured a glass of wine for himself and drank it.

"A long time ago, I was an ordinary mortal in the sea of absolute space, in a very ordinary plane, above a very ordinary star.

At that time, my family was very ordinary. My parents worked hard every day. I also had a smart sister. Although the family was not rich, they were very happy.

I have been studying hard since I was a child. I plan to gain fame and fame in the future, make a name for myself, and change the fate of my family.

With my own efforts, when I was 17 years old, I took part in the rural examination in our Township, and won the first place, which made a big splash.

Since then, I have been a little famous in our village.

Later, I met a girl by chance.

Until now, I still remember the name of that girl. Her name is Shishi.

I fell in love with Shishi at first sight and became a pair of lovers. "

Liu Qi begins to tell Lin Fei and Huoyuan beast his previous story.

But after a long story, Lin Fei and the fire beast can't hear any information they want to know. , the fastest update of the webnovel!