Extreme Pupil Teacher: Miss Peerless

Chapter 210

"Brush, brush!"

As Luo Qingtong himself said, this is the ultimate show off.

More and more people rushed towards the treasure house, but Luo Qingtong was always calm.

Countless attacks came at her.

"Get her!"

In the cry of the earthquake, Luo Qingtong can't say calm.

Her figure in these attacks and crowds of snipers is particularly elegant.

All the attacks and interceptions are blinked by Luo Qingtong's figure in an instant.

"Brush, brush!"

One attack after another is almost a wrong body from around Luoqing pupil.

Even those who rush up to catch her are also flashed by Luo Qingtong.

She played her pupil skills to the extreme. In such a dense attack like a fishing net, she cleverly found out the point of connection. Just a flash and a flash, she continuously avoided those attacks and catches!

From the beginning to the end, her figure has never slowed down!

Such high-speed operation pupil technique, Luo Qing pupil in the mind of a stabbing pain!

But the sting is rewarding!

Looking at Tianyu royal family, a group of experts who came to capture themselves were left behind. The blood light in Luo Qingtong's eyes suddenly lit up and jumped up the wall.


The young man's body is like a butterfly, which is graceful to the extreme. On the wall of the palace, he stops a little and flies away towards the distance!

Countless attacks fell behind her, all turned into her foil!

"The garbage of Tianyu royal family! How about your treasure house? If you have the ability to pursue it

At the moment when he fell to the ground, Luo Qingtong rolled directly on the ground, looked up at the Tianyu royal family on the city wall and gave them a big thumbs down gesture!

The smile on that face, contempt to the extreme! Evil spirit and crazy four!

"Son of a bitch! Get her

"Catch her at all costs!"

Those people of Tianyu royal family who were chasing and blocking her all the way were very angry when they looked at this scene.

This little thief, even if he steals into the treasure house, dare to ridicule them!

Even if they don't know the meaning of the gesture, these people can feel the deep contempt and disdain from Luo Qingtong's smile!


A group of people stormed down from the wall of the inner court of the palace!

"My God! The wind is blowing hard

Luo Qingtong looks at the crowd that is as black as a bullfight. He vomits his tongue and runs wildly!

Dead man! Hold on! I'm here to save you!

Tianyu royal family sacrifice themselves for others, immortal!

Little Xiang pig squats on Luo Qingtong's shoulder, four little hooves are pulling her clothes, which is messy in the wind!

It just looks at this woman, when she will play herself to death!


The whole emperor could hear the movement from here.

Luo Qingtong leads a group of people from Tianyu royal family to rush to the place where Yingchun building is.

At this time, Beiqing is also injured in the battle with those supreme killers!

Fengyu wants to protect yeqianyu, who can't move at all. He can't make time to help him.

Under the pressure of the supreme killers, the three were surrounded in the middle.

Night thousand eyes condensation looking at them, the body's power breath surging fast.

He's about to find a way to release that woman!

Just then, boom!

Outside, there was a huge crash.