Extreme Pupil Teacher: Miss Peerless

Chapter 2783

"A bunch of rubbish! Let you deal with Zhenyan Qijue. You almost killed yourself! "

Mo Zhuling's eyes are cold.

If she just came late, all these people would have to be kicked out,

A group of waste, this little thing can't be done well!

If they let her work so long in vain, she must cut them alive!

A group of high-level mainland people dare not refute.

They have been frightened by the strength of Mo Zhuling.

The strength of the other side is so strong.

What's more, entering the mirror array is like entering the realm of no one.

The hearts of the people shocked, did not dare to say a word, just quickly get up from the ground, kneeling on the ground toward the Mo bamboo Ling constantly kowtow.

Mo Zhuling's eyes are cold, but he doesn't care about them any more.

There's nothing to worry about with a bunch of useless trash.

The only role of the other side is to stay in the mirror array, so that she can abuse Su Xiaoxiao and them!

"Let's go!"

Mo Zhuling sneers.

"Let's meet the real yanqijue."

At this point, she sneered.

Zhenyan Qijue?

It's really a big name!

Unfortunately, after today, she let them become true Yanqi waste!

Mo bamboo Ling says so, immediately lift step to sweep toward front.

With her strength wrapped in black fog, the secret of the virtual mirror array can't pose any threat to her at all.

It's easy to find their whereabouts.

When Mo Zhuling takes a group of senior mainland people to search for Su Xiaoxiao's whereabouts


Another part of the virtual secret place, a small figure, fell to the ground.


Luo Qingtong cries, but the exit is soft, soft and cute


She was covered with black lines and quickly got up from the ground.

However, she just took a step forward, and in a moment, with a snap, she fell to the ground again.

That's right. Luo Qingtong has become a cat, or a little white cat!

This cat is nothing else. It's xiaotuanzi.

Before Luo Qingtong asked if he could bring himself into the mirror array,

This guy said yes,

But because of the lack of energy, she can only be attached to it.

This also calculate, Luo clear pupil asks it can change an appearance.

Because of its bouncing appearance, she really couldn't accept it.

And if it goes in like this, what if it's written down?

It's easy to show up later.

However, the guy replied that she could, and turned into a cat!

Ya's image is not as good as the previous one. At least you don't have to learn to walk!

Luo Qingtong looks depressed,

She got up from the ground and walked out with one deep foot and one shallow foot, falling from time to time.

It's like being drunk.

Fortunately, Luo Qingtong has a strong adaptability, but he soon learns how to walk.

The walking posture is still not very good-looking.

Looking at his crooked walking posture, Luo Qingtong's lips are pumping.

Forget it. Anyway, she'll only be a cat for a while. If she walks uglier, she'll be uglier!

No one knew it was her anyway!

Of course, Luo Qingtong won't tell anyone that she has become a cat!


Luo Qingtong takes a crooked cat step and sweeps towards the front of the virtual secret place.

She wants to find them as soon as possible, lest they have an accident!