Extreme Pupil Teacher: Miss Peerless

Chapter 3891

But Li Xin for the upper position, where also can take care of so many?

If he doesn't kill Li Qinhan and others, when he comes back to Li's home, I don't know how much blame and derogation he will suffer because of his character's exposure!

At that time, he would not be able to keep his original position in the Li family, let alone fight for a seat!

That's why he and Sheng Huayi hit it off!

But Li Qinhan didn't expect that Li Xin didn't even care about the family's decline in order to compete for the position, so he was on his way!

And in the hearts of the people, when they are angry and resentful, a group of demons on the other side have launched an attack.

The five magic marshals were sitting on the top of the mountain, looking at the figures of the Li family, their faces were full of anger.

They just had a fight with Xie Jun and others before. Although they beat each other away, they also hurt a lot!

What's more, they all have very important things to do at this very moment.

This meeting Li people come to the door, it is to ignite their anger to Xie Jun and others before.


Their voices roared. In an instant, the demons who surrounded Li Qinhan and others received the order that they must die!

After all, these practitioners are as annoying as bedbugs!

In that case, kill them!

Look at these people, how dare they come back to their nests for trouble!

The magic marshals didn't care whether Li Qinhan was Xie Jun or not.

In their eyes, all practitioners are the same!


Roar out with their voices.

In an instant, the demons that surrounded Li Qinhan and others like mountains and seas moved.

They are like landslides and tsunamis rushing towards Li Qinhan and others.

In this terrible wave of demons, Li Qinhan and others, like a boat in the sea, may be annihilated by these landslides and tsunamis at any time.

And countless attacks, also at this time, toward them.

"Go! Let's go

Li Qinhan's voice was drinking loudly.

However, their bodies have been completely surrounded by these demons.

With their strength, it is impossible to break through the siege of these demons.

All the Li people tried their best to break out of the nest, but it was useless!

The distance they came in before is too deep!

If they found something wrong just at the door of the nest, they would be able to escape.

But this time, they were sealed up in the middle of the nest.

No one knows what these demons are doing in the deep of the nest, but they don't show any outside.

But after Li Qinhan and others went deep into it, it just appeared.

And Sheng Hua is also because of this, incomparably determined, as long as Li Qinhan they are cheated into this nest, they will surely die!

When all the Li people were in despair, Li Qinhan gritted his teeth fiercely and caught Li Xinyan by his side, saying: "Xinyan, we'll send you out!"

"Remember, you must go to Luo Jiu and ask her to help you!"

"She is the only one in the whole inner world, even the holy land family, who will help us sincerely!"

When a young man is kind, he will repay him.

A point of kindness, she can return very much!

If we say that in the whole inner domain and even in the holy land family, who does Li Qinhan believe most, except Luo Qingtong!