Extreme Pupil Teacher: Miss Peerless

Chapter 4107

In this way, on one hand, she was unable to love and adored, but on the other hand, she was forced by the aristocratic family to approach him.

The other side is bound to love her more.

However, in the present situation, the people in the aristocratic family can no longer count on it, and Yu Xinlan's situation is embarrassed.

After all, she can't say that she and Tiandu emperor have asked not to be with yeqianmu, and push herself to be with yeqianmu.

Even if the emperor Tiandu came to take care of the aftermath, it would be extremely humiliating!

And may not be able to succeed!


What if someone came to carry the pots she had before?

Yu Xinlan's heart flashed a very cruel look.

She will never give up easily.

This time, there is a way to break the situation.

That is to throw all the things this time to Luo Qingtong!

Let her carry the pot!

Yu Xin Lan thinks so, the twinkling of an eye chilly smile.

If those people in the aristocratic families knew that all the things before were actually done by Luo Qingtong.

Moreover, her royal highness, the imperial concubine, deliberately framed her in order to separate their relationship with Xingyang palace.

Is all the help coming back to her?

What's more, all the words that she said before and refused to marry yeqianyu were gone!

Because the other side is so cruel and deep-seated, how can it be worthy of the night?

Will the latter be extremely disappointed to see her "true face"?

And he put on a good play in the royal banquet, it will be more able to alienate the feelings between the two of them, let the two of them separate!

Not only that, but also to take advantage of the solution of her this period of time around!

Jade Heart LAN thinks so, immediately the smile of lip side, more and more cold.

That one of the means, appears to be very mature and proud extraordinary.

"Let the emperor Tiandu help me to handle these things. After that, I won't let him interfere in any other affairs and take care of the aftermath for me!"

"I have my own way out!"

Yu Xinlan said so, and immediately handed a letter just written in her hand to the guard who sent the letter for her.

The latter caught a glimpse of what Yu Xinlan had just written on it. In an instant, there was a trace of surprise and clarity on his face.

He nodded to Yu Xinlan and said, "Congratulations, Princess!"

"If this method is successful, the princess will regain the support of all the aristocratic families."

"Not only that, the heart of Tiandu Shaodi can only be yours."

"That's right!"

Yu Xinlan's face is cold.

She gave a proud smile.

Then he looked at the guard and said, "pass this matter to Tiandu emperor immediately, and let him do it well."

"Otherwise something went wrong."

"I can't get rid of the encirclement. Don't blame me again!"

"Say I make it hard for him to do it!"

This time, she must be able to step on Luo Qingtong, pull each other off the horse, and set foot on the position of the little emperor!


The guard said so and immediately disappeared in front of her.

Yu Xinlan looked at his back and turned to look at the direction of Shaodi's house with a sneer. She said in a cold voice: "hum."

"Luo Qingtong, is the taste of the apology banquet very good?"

"We can put all the people in Xingyang Palace on the ground and bow our heads!"

"However, this apology banquet is my flourishing banquet!"

"When you come to Xingyang palace, I will let you know."

"What is the taste of stepping stone?"