Extreme Pupil Teacher: Miss Peerless

Chapter 416

"Well." Luo Qingtong nodded, "but what I want to do now is not the crossbow of last time."

She raised her hand and pinched her face.

"What's that?" Yeqianmu looks at the parts that are all over the table.

In his opinion, these parts are no different from the parts of the crossbow he saw last time.

"Fool." Luo Qingtong looked at him with a smile, "if I use that crossbow, don't I let you know?"

Luo Qingtong doesn't believe that the man didn't take the picture of the crossbow to find someone.

Therefore, even if she made weapons for the Luo family, she would not make that kind of crossbow.

What's more, although the effect of the crossbow is good, once the martial Marquis realm can form strength and protect the body, these crossbows may not be able to break through.

What she wants to do is a more ruthless weapon, which is used to make cards for the Luo family.

"What's that?" Xiaomingzun looked at her, and her big and cute eyes were staring at her for a moment.

This guy, how long ago, knew how to sell cute with this shell.

Luo clear pupil is stared at by him a burst of heart itch of, really want to go up to kiss again.

At this time, the little pig is also reminded of the scene on Jiuwu mountain.

It stares at the parts cut out by Luo Qingtong's hands, opens its mouth and says, "is this the same weapon as the crossbow you made?"

"No. Much more Luo Qingtong looked at them and narrowed his eyes slightly.

What she had done before in jiuwushan was just a simple version of Zhuge crossbow. It didn't take much time.

But this time, what we need to do is a more complicated and more powerful weapon - the gun.

"Shua Shua."

When Luo Qingtong was chatting with yeqianmu, he had finished all the parts.

She put the parts together very quickly.

In fact, these parts are not particularly difficult to make, but because of the high precision required, except for Luo Qingtong, who has pupil skills, no one in this alien world can make such weapons.

"Do you want to try?"

Luo Qingtong made a pocket gun with high precision. When he held it in his hand, almost no one could see it.

She raised her hand and aimed at the little Xiang pig.

The latter in her action, the heart of a shiver, do not want to jump up and run!

My God!

This woman is going to make fun of it again!

However, when it jumps up

"Bang bang!"

Luo Qingtong's gun shoots.

Just for a moment, the little pig felt that his whole body was wiped by countless strong winds.

In an instant, behind it, there is a pig shaped outline gathered by countless small holes!

If luoqingtong wants to give it a hand, these small holes will have been hit on Xiaoxiang pig.

"Wow... Wipe..."

A little pig Dong fell on the ground, looking at the shape of the circle of pigs in the air, his eyes straight.

It's too fast! Too fast!

It almost didn't react and the bullets flew out.

Not only that, the frequency of shooting and the strength of striking are too strong!

Xiangzhu stares round and looks at the circle of holes shot from the spaceship.

If it's not wrong, Luo Qingtong doesn't use any power at all. How could it cause such a powerful killing force?!

My God! It's horrible!

Is this still a common weapon?!

This is almost catching up with the attack power of the spirit weapon!

But the spirit weapon must use the person who has the use to cooperate with the actual strength to display only then may!

Luo Qingtong's weapon completely breaks this rule!