time:2024-08-23 02:20:17
The 35th Test Platoon of Antimagic academy, they’re one of squads enrolled at academy specializing in raising the witch hunters, whose job is to find and neutralize any magical threats! Unfortunately
Volume 13, Afterword
Volume 13, Epilogue - The 35th Test Platoon
Volume 13, 6 - Ill Cut You Down!
Volume 13, 5 - Lets Go Back Together?
Volume 13, 4 - Total War
Volume 13, 3 - Burdened With a Planet
Volume 13, 2 - Problem Children Gather Again
Volume 13, 1 - Together
Volume 13, Prologue
Volume 12, Afterword
Volume 12, Epilogue
Volume 12, 5 - And The Feelings Are Crushed