The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 1153: Not qualified to arrest people

Chapter 1153


Fang Chuan clicked the corner of his mouth and looked at the man, "I have the right to speak, right? I also have the right to refuse to chat with you?"

He sneered: "Do you want to force me?"

"You are provoking trouble, and I can arrest you according to law." The man snorted coldly and looked at Fang Chuan, "Also, if you violated foreign policy, I can also arrest you."

He sneered: "I advise you to follow Mr. Zhang's words, otherwise, you may regret it."


Yang Yifan hadn't made a sound just now. At this time, he sneered: "You are really majestic, indiscriminate? You want to arrest people without asking why?"

He stood up at once: "Do you decide this country?"

"Sit down for me!" The man pointed at Yang Yifan and said loudly, "If you want to find something, I can catch you together!"

Yang Yifan's mouth twitched: "I want to see, do you really dare to catch me!"

Fang Chuan also nodded: "Yes, you can try to catch me."

He paused: "By the way, do you have the kind of investigative authority? I remember people in the military have it."

He looked at Mr. Zhang again and said: "You can see if you are qualified to arrest us!"

He is confident! Because before, he had obtained a lot of information in the office of Commander Yang Zhao.

For example, he has been authorized for this task, and at the same time he has been elevated to personal authority.

Now, he no longer belongs to the scope of ordinary law. If you want to interrogate him, you need a special institution and organization.

"What's your name?" When Mr. Zhang heard this, he suddenly died out, and an ominous premonition was born in his heart.

People who know about permissions are generally not ordinary people.

Because ordinary people don't even know that in this country, there are also jurisdiction management.

Fang Chuan smiled faintly: "My name is Fang Chuan."

Yang Yifan also smiled and said: "By the way, my name is Yang Yifan. We belong to the Yizhou Military Region, and we are now performing special tasks and have orange permissions."

"Orange authority?" Mr. Zhang couldn't help being surprised.

"Yes." Yang Yifan nodded and pointed to Zhang Dejun: "They are the same, they have the same authority as us."

He pointed to Fang Chuan again: "Our boss has blue authority."

He smiled and said, "In this way, do you know that you are not qualified to arrest us at all?"

"Please show your credentials." Mr. Zhang was depressed. He had known that he would not go to the muddy water. It seems that this matter is not simple.

Yang Yifan smiled faintly, took out his credentials, and threw it away: "See it for yourself."

Mr. Zhang hurriedly picked up the certificate, looked through it carefully, and realized that the man in front of him was from the military.

As for the permissions, he needs to go through the internal system to find out.

So, he quickly took out his cell phone, entered a system software, and quickly entered Yang Yifan's ID number.

After that, he discovered that the system prompts that with blue permission, he has no right to access Yang Yifan's database.

His face turned pale.

And the man next to him, seeing Mr. Zhang's appearance, suddenly became a little nervous.

They seem to provoke characters who cannot be provoke!

Fang Chuan waved his hand and said with a smile: "They are just foreigners, and there is a mistake first. You are indiscriminately, and I must go down and apologize and compensate them."

He looked at Mr. Zhang: "That's how you solve the diplomatic problem? If I tell Commander Yang Zhao about this and report it to you, what do you think will happen to you?"

When Mr. Zhang listened, his feet couldn't help but feel weak. He has worked so hard to climb to his current position, which is very rare.

He didn't want to ruin his promising future because of this incident.

Moreover, his operation is indeed a little improper and does not conform to the rules, but he is used to it and feels that this solution is the fastest and most convenient.

After all, Chinese people are active and foreigners cannot easily offend them.

"I, I..." Mr. Zhang wanted to quibble, but found that there was nothing to say.

Fang Chuan waved his hand: "Okay, don't blame you. This may be the big environment. I can only say that you were unlucky and met us."

He said again: "I told you the story of this incident. It was their so-called expatriate who bullied my girlfriend and wanted to drug my girlfriend and gave it to your foreign friend. I am punished."

"Is that so?" Mr. Zhang showed a trace of embarrassment.

But in fact, he is not surprised. He is a person with strict logical thinking. How can he not think that he can't make a slap?

He didn't ask this question before, but also to avoid making no excuses at this time.

He quickly said: "It turns out that I was blinded by them, Mr. Fang, I'm sorry, I will go down to deal with this matter immediately."

Fang Chuan smiled faintly: "Go, you don't really need to deal with it, just tell him that you can't solve it."

"Yes!" Mr. Zhang nodded and apologized again and again.

The man next to him naturally knew that when he provoked people who shouldn't be provoked, he naturally apologized.

"Xiaochuan, are you okay?" Tang Yueying sat beside Fang Chuan, also a little worried, after all, it was because of her.

Fang Chuan pressed her hand: "Don't worry, no problem, it will be a fierce battle at most."

"Then I--" Tang Yueying felt guilty.

Fang Chuan smiled and said, "Don't think too much about it. Even without you today, that Sam and I are inevitable."

"Well then!" Tang Yueying nodded.

Fang Chuan waved his hand: "Let's go dance, don't worry about so much."

"Okay." Tang Yueying blushed and followed Fang Chuan to the dance floor under everyone's booing. The two began to twist their posture rhythmically.

At this time, Mr. Zhang has come to Sam's side.

He calmed his face and said, "Mr. Sam, I have just investigated it clearly. It is you expatriates who are plotting misconduct against our Chinese women. This is a big taboo. I want to record what happened today and report it to the imperial capital. As for subsequent handling , The imperial capital will solve it!"

"What?" Sam was taken aback, his face was extremely ugly, and he glanced upstairs again, but found no trace of Fang Chuan. Then he saw them on the dance floor.

In his eyes, fire almost burst out.

Unexpectedly, this Mr. Zhang liked to help him with small things before, but this time he was so serious.

He snorted coldly, naturally he couldn't do anything to Mr. Zhang.

He waved his hand: "Then leave it to the investigators of our two countries to investigate. We still have something to do, Mr. Zhang, please go slowly."

"Farewell." Mr. Zhang was also angry in his heart, responded indifferently, and finally left.

"Sam, what should I do?" Hardy glanced at Zheng Tangjing, then asked angrily.

"What else can I do? Of course, after they are happy enough, I will cause them a little accident." A thick murderous intent flashed in Sam's eyes.