The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 1290: Be a good person in the next life

Chapter 1290 Be A Good Person In The Next Life

Puff puff--

Fang Chuan's mouth raised a faint smile, his face was full of confidence, only a flash of murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

His fingers jumped slightly, flying knives and flying swords, which contained his true energy, directly penetrated.

The speed of flying knives and flying swords far exceeds the speed of these Feng Ren.

"not good!"


"Be careful!"

Chidori and others captured the tremor in the air and the danger in the air.

However, just when they wanted to evade, the flying knives and flying swords had exploded, assassinating them like a meteor.

Chidori's left arm was directly pierced by a flying sword, and the blood soared. His whole body was smashed to the ground by the impact, and he was in pain.

The other companions were also seriously injured and fell to the ground.

One of the companions, whose chest was pierced, and his heart was directly shattered, lay on the ground, vomiting out how much blood, and then died of anger.

Chidori was stunned!

They just fought Fang Chuan just now, why suddenly it turned into a unilateral killing?

"What did you just say?" Fang Chuan took a step forward, "You must die."

Chidoraki glanced at his embarrassed companion, clutching his wounds, and looking at Fang Chuan: "You have to pay a price for killing in our country!"

Fang Chuan smiled faintly: "Then see if there is any evidence. There shouldn't be any problems with this place, there is no such thing as black lights?"

"You underestimated the ability of our Miyamoto family and the Amaterasu organization. I tell you, no one dares to kill our Amaterasu people in the country!"

Chidoraki sneered: "If you dare, you will already be a corpse."

"What?" Fang Chuan raised his brows: "Don't dare? Haha! You may not believe it, but I killed one just yesterday. Liu Shengliao, is it your Amaterasu system?"

He didn't say about killing Liu Shengtai, because now Liu Shengliao might not know whether Liu Shengtai was alive or dead.

Chidoraki looked disbelief: "How is it possible? The strength of Liu Shengliao's colleagues is not something you can resist."

Fang Chuan raised his hand and smiled faintly: "Don't talk nonsense, so be it, you must be dead, but I am wondering if it will make your death more painful."

"You--" Chidori found that using Amaterasu's prestige did not seem to prevent this person from harming them.

He also understood that all of them combined might not be Fang Chuan's opponent.

He gritted his teeth: "Are you really going to be right with my Amaterasu system? You know, our Miyamoto family knows we are here for you. If we have an accident, how can you escape the relationship?"

The corner of Fang Chuan's mouth clicked: "What are you doing to me if you have nothing to do? And, is there evidence? Who can prove that I have seen you? Destroy the corpses, won't I?"

Chidori's face was hard to see the extreme, he felt an unprecedented crisis.

The five of them are super masters. They were sent by the Amaterasu headquarters to help Miyamoto Fujiichi accomplish some invisible things, while protecting Miyamoto Fujiichi.

They can say that it is already a cutting-edge force.

However, the four of them teamed up to attack, and Fang Chuan instantly injured three and killed one.

With this person, it is not an order of magnitude at all.

There was a flurry of hair in his heart!

"Are you scared? Are you regretting it?" Fang Chuan smiled and looked at Chidori's nervous look. He waved his hand: "You should be scared. After all, you are offended by Huaxia people!"

As he said, he waved his hand.


There was a burst of lavender sword glow from the flying sword, and almost instantly, through the past, Chidori barely reacted and was pierced by a sword in the other arm.

"Ah--" Chidoruki screamed, his arm was pierced with bones.

Chidori just felt a heartache!

Then, behind him, there was another yelling, and obviously, his companion was treated the same.

"Do not--"

Chidori naturally didn't want to be like this, without any resistance!

He roared, dragging his arms that were painful and unbearable, his stature rushed, and his body was accelerated by the seal of wind like lightning.


He rushed to Fang Chuan's body, his toes slammed, and a sharp knife popped out, and he flipped a very gorgeous arc in the air.

With a whirr, the sharp sharp knife turned into a crescent shape, and the tip of the knife pointed at Fang Chuan's throat at an extremely fast speed.

This time the rush was somewhat sudden, but it was very effective.

When you change to another person, you may be caught off guard, especially when a person is in an advantage and his heart is swollen.

However, Fang Chuan's previous life had experienced many battles without knowing it, and used the ultimate move of setting the dead and resurrecting to kill many swollen people.

Therefore, it is impossible for him to be arrogant enough not to guard against the opponent's desperate fight.

His divine consciousness had already locked the opponent's meteor-like rush.


The blade light flashed, Chidori's foot was pierced through the knee by a flying knife from the side. The huge momentum brought by the flying knife directly caused him to fly out and land on the ground.

His rush failed!

"Ah!" Chidori screamed violently, his knees completely shattered by the strength of the flying knife.

He was lying on the ground and could hardly stand up!


Unprecedented pain!

The air and his nose seemed to be filled with a sticky and salty smell of blood.

His whole body was trembling, and his eyes looked at Fang Chuan with a hint of pleading: "You, can you not kill me?"

"No." Fang Chuan smiled, filled with indifference, completely ignoring this Chidori's pleading.

He waved his hand: "When you follow me and want to kill me, you should think of this result."

He raised his hand: "Okay, goodbye, if you want to be a good person in your next life, pray that you will be reborn in China."

"No—" Chidori felt desperate.


His screams hadn't fully spread, and the sword light penetrated directly, penetrating in from one side of his temple, and out from the other side.

The blood splashed out, Chidori's eyes widened, and then fell to the ground with a thump.


"not good!"

All this happened actually very quickly. The death of Chidori and another companion made Chidori's companion the first reaction to escape.

They rushed wildly, using the seal of the wind.

They just want to pass on what happened today and let Amaterasu organize revenge for their companions.

They must live to be witnesses!

However, their speed is far less than that of Shangchuan's flying knives.

The fighting power of the ninja at the nine levels of Qi refining is a little stronger than that of the martial artist, but in this case, it is almost useless.

Because Fang Chuan is getting stronger every day.

Also, at the beginning, they underestimated Fang Chuan's ability and let Fang Chuan kill them by surprise.

Otherwise, they will not fall into this situation!


The two penetrating sounds were concealed by the surging waves of beatings, and the two screams just broke through the waves and resounded in the air.

However, at two o'clock in the morning, no one knows what happened here on this coastal road.

Fang Chuan smiled, clapped his hands, and turned his eyes to Yulong and Kumano Kawakami who were fighting.

He shook his head: "It takes so long to fight a Japanese man, why are you fighting me to the death?"