The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 1337: With performance

Chapter 1337

The idea of ??Cuntou and Scar is very good, and he has the ambition of breaking his wrist.

It is a pity that ideals are full, and reality is very skinny.

They were seriously injured when they attacked Fang Chuan just now. Naturally, their actions now are not as neat as before.

Moreover, Fang Chuan's control of a hatred would not make him unable to withdraw or restrict his strength.

After all, he can do multiple tasks.


Fang Chuan's left hand suddenly waved, and the two imperial wind techniques turned into invisible big hands, grabbing the two men's necks.

This heart has three functions, and simultaneously displays three imperial wind techniques to control three current masters!

For Fang Chuan, it almost reached the limit.

His forehead also overflowed with cold sweat.

However, he is the reincarnation of Xianzun after all, with an extremely strong foundation.

"Let us go!"

Cuntou and Scar were caught in the air out of thin air. They struggled hard, but their breathing became increasingly rapid.

Their strength is constantly erupting, but there is nowhere to use their strength.

The more they struggle, the more uncomfortable they are.

Their mood is getting worse, and Fangchuan's fear gradually increases.

Fang Chuan controlled three people alone, his face was as usual.

He sneered and said: "Then let the three of you try it out, life is better than death, or the taste of life and death!"

Boom, boom!

The two divine senses blasted directly into the minds of Scar and Cun Tou in an instant, projecting a terrifying illusion.

These two people also fell into it immediately, lost themselves, and uttered a terrible cry.

Fang Chuan sweats more on his forehead!

If the three of them were ordinary people, Fang Chuan could easily control them, not to mention cold sweat, I am afraid they would be at ease.

However, these three are masters after all, although they lose themselves, they will struggle frantically.

Their willpower is much stronger than ordinary people because of years of martial arts training and years of assassination.

Therefore, the maintenance of the illusion is also a great test for Fangchuan.

Originally, with the strength of the ninth-level cultivator, it might be okay to control one person, but two would be impossible.

Three people, that is even more difficult to think about.

The reason why he is now able to do so is firstly because he has a very strong sense of spirit, and secondly because he has an extremely deep understanding of Chaoshenshu and Yufengshu.

He can exert the greatest effect with the least strength.

Lu Hua looked at the scene in front of him, and his heart was throbbing.

Although she had seen Fang Chuan's incredible things, every time she saw it, she felt particularly exciting.

These methods of Fang Chuan can only be seen on TV and movies.

She was excited and envious.

However, the screams of these three people made people feel shuddering, too miserable, as if they had experienced the greatest pain in the world.

ten minutes later!

Bang bang bang--

The three Qiu Xin were thrown to the ground by Fang Chuan. They were panting heavily, their bodies wet with sweat.

They are like dead dogs, curled up, their bodies trembling constantly.

ten minutes!

For ordinary people, it is just time to play a game, but for them, it is like suffering for ten years.

After all, the illusion is like a dream. The deeper the illusion, the faster the flow of time.

Moreover, the torture itself will be subjectively manifested for a longer time.

They are almost going crazy!

Ten minutes is completely enough to completely collapse them.

Fang Chuan also took a deep breath, and he almost reached his limit just now.

He also wanted to try his limits.

He smiled and looked at the three people on the ground: "Don't pretend to be dead, I know you are still alive, and know you can still talk."

"You, you..." Qiu Xin didn't have much strength at all.

I was strangling my neck for ten minutes. Although I didn't hold my breath completely, I could still take a breath after breathing hard.

Coupled with their cultivation level, they will not die from lack of oxygen in these ten minutes.

However, they really don't have much strength left.

At this time, even if Lu Hua took a dagger, he could easily kill the three of them.

He took a hard, deep breath, raised his eyelids, and looked at Fang Chuan with a complicated and terrified look: "Don't torture us..."

He was hatred, cruel, and determined, and under this torture, he completely compromised.

Scar and Cuntou are the same for both of them. They don't have any idea of ??persistence.

Fang Chuan smiled faintly: "Well, you can cooperate with me and show Fu Zhixin in a play, so that he thinks you control my company and my woman."

With a wave of his hand, his true energy surged over and Fan Huang woke up leisurely.

"This..." Fan Huang felt that he had just slept, and found that these three masters were completely conquered by Fang Chuan.

He is more and more afraid of Fang Chuan!

Only those who have experienced it will understand the pain and despair of being tortured by Fang Chuan's illusion.

After they wake up, they are absolutely unwilling to enter that illusion again.

Qiu Xin nodded quickly: "Okay, I promise!"

Scar and Cuntou's face also showed a relaxed look. After all, they were still worried before, and once again they were tortured to death.

Fang Chuan smiled: "Well, let's get started. Record a video here and send it to Fu Zhixin, and then tell him that Yunchuan Group is basically controlled by you."

"Understood." Qiu Xin nodded, and Fang Chuan completely obeyed.

Afterwards, the Qiu Xin trio recovered some stamina under Fang Chuan's Qi therapy technique, making them look full of energy from the surface.

But in fact, Fang Chuan did not treat their injuries.

In order to act realistically, Lu Hua requested that Qiu Xin control her, and then she called a few more trustworthy people to act with Qiu Xin.

These people are all the top of the company.

They were directly controlled by Qiu Xin, and then recorded a video, mainly to express that they have controlled the Yunchuan Group.

Even Lu Wei also revealed some of the company's books, some not particularly important secrets.

A video takes only a few minutes.

In order to save their lives and not tortured by Fang Chuan, Qiu Xin and the others did their best to act.

Fan Huang is also very cooperative, and together with Qiu Xin and others, he also participated in the performance.

Finally, a video came out soon.

After Fang Chuan audited that there was no problem, he let Qiu Xin send it to Fu Zhixin.

Not long after, Fu Zhixin's WeChat replied, ‘Okay, wait for my notification’.

"Mr. Fang, we have done what you said, can you let us go?" Qiu Xin looked at Fang Chuan with worry.

He doesn't even have the power to negotiate. He tried his best to cooperate before, and now he can only hope that Fang Chuan will not kill them.

Their lives are completely in Fang Chuan's hands.

Fang Chuan smiled faintly, and glanced at them: "You can't leave for the time being, lest you confide in the news."

"We won't." Qiu Xin said quickly.

Fang Chuan glanced at him: "What did you say?"

Qiu Xin suddenly became excited and waved his hand quickly: "I didn't say anything, Mr. Fang, you have the final say."

Fang Chuan hooked his mouth and waved his hand: "You will spend this evening here, no one will bother you."

As he said, he slapped each of the three Qiu Xin at lightning speed!