The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 1571: Stab you

Chapter 1571

This rogue leader was immediately depressed. Why did he regret that he spent all the money he got before?

"No money?"

Fang Chuan smiled faintly, walked to the side of the rogue leader, and looked at him: "If you don't have money, what kind of society will you come out and mess with?"

"I--" The rogue leader was full of fear: "Big Brother, I really don't have any money anymore. Or, let me be allowed for a few days?"


The old man sighed and said, "Just forget it if you don't have money. If you give me a few days, I'm going to grab other people's money."

"Boss, you are really my ancestor, thank you."

The rogue leader almost burst into tears of joy. He turned around and said with a flattering smile: "Brother, don't worry, his business will be mine in the future. If anyone dares to trouble him, I will try my best to help him!"

Fang Chuan sneered after hearing this. He also knew that these rascals seldom can save money, they are all people who will be mixed for a day.

Moreover, it is too much to lose his points if he really wants to care about these rascals.

However, when he stabbed himself at the beginning, he had to pay it back.

He smiled: "Well, since you have no money, then forget it. But, what about the knife you stabbed me?"

As he said, with a wave of his hand, a blade thin as a cicada wing was taken out of the mustard space.


The rogue leader backed away in fright, his face turned pale, and he waved his hand quickly: "Big brother, I didn't mean it at the beginning. I, I... please let me go, I was wrong!"


He knelt in front of Fang Chuan again, kowtow and said, "My big brother, I was really wrong. Please, I won't dare anymore!"

Fang Chuan glanced at him coldly, although, if it weren't for this guy, he wouldn't have been inherited from the Pill King Immortal Venerable and become Immortal Venerable II.

However, this knife is a causal cycle. If it is not reported, there will be some knots in the heart.

Of course, the heart knot didn't have much effect on him, because he, as the Second Immortal Venerable, naturally had a solution.

However, if you can stab others and easily solve this problem, you don't have to think about other things.


He shook his body and came to the front of the rogue in an instant, and lifted the rogue up.

"Ah!" The hooligan let out a panic scream.


Fang Chuan hooked his mouth and stabbed him in the same position that the gangster stabbed him. The blood flowed down the knife.


The hooligan screamed again, instinctively covering the wound, his whole body was trembling, and the blood wet his five fingers.

He grinned in pain, screamed again and again, and sweated coldly on his forehead.


Fang Chuan threw him on the ground at once, looked at the other person, and smiled faintly: "You remember this feeling. Back then, you stabbed me like this."


The hooligan felt that he was dying, curled up on the ground, struggling constantly, but he was getting weaker and weaker.



"Let's stop talking!"

The subordinates of the rogue leader never thought that one day they would be stabbed. Although they were a little worried about their boss, they didn't dare to provoke the savage man in front of them.

"Huh?" The old man who grabbed the cake was also taken aback. He didn't expect this young man who looked very kind to poke and poke him.

However, he was also relieved. This rascal has harassed him for a long time, which can be said to be hateful.

"Help, help me..." The rogue leader felt that he was bleeding too much, he was about to faint, his whole body was weak, his eyes were staring.

Fang Chuan smiled faintly, and then with a wave of Qi therapy, it hit the rogue leader.

In almost a moment, the wound of the rogue leader was healed and no more bleeding. However, he is still very weak.

"thanks, thanks!"

He cried with joy! He thought he was dead. Unexpectedly, at this critical moment, the other party still saved him.

However, this made him feel even more terrifying.

This kind-looking young man in front of him can not only say let him die, but let him die. Moreover, if you say let him live, let him live.

This is terrible too!

He shivered all over, stood up quickly, wiped the blood stains on his hands, and swallowed a mouthful of water.

He looked at Fang Chuan: "Thank you, brother, you, are you really Fang Chuan, boss Fang?"

"Is there a fake?"

Fang Chuan sneered, "I stabbed you because you stabbed me at the beginning. I saved you because you are just an ant that is worse than a dog. Killing you is a shame.

He said again: "However, don't think I won't kill you. Sometimes, to trample an ant to death, you only need to lift your foot once."

"Understand, understand!" At this time, the rogue leader faced Fang Chuan and could only nod his head, there was nothing else to say.

Fang Chuan smiled faintly: "All of you, stand here without moving and wait for me to come back."

"Yes." The rogue leader nodded quickly, although he didn't want to stay here at all, but how dare he defy Fang Chuan's order?

Fang Chuan turned around, walked to the side of the old man, and said with a smile: "Boss, sit down and rest for a while."

With that, he held the old man and sat beside the flowerbed.

The old man smiled and nodded: "Thank you, young man. I have always believed that there are still many good people in this world. No, you good people showed up when I needed help."

"Ha ha."

Fang Chuan smiled slightly, "I'm not exactly a good person. On the contrary, you are someone who can help people in adversity!"

"Huh?" The old man didn't understand.

However, Fang Chuan understood very well.

Good and evil are in one thought.

At the beginning, he had just become Xianzun II and acquired the memory of Xianzun. At that time, he was full of resentment towards society.

How could he have hope for this world, obviously he was brave enough to do what is right, but ended up in such a bleak end.

Moreover, when Xianzun fell, it was also because of his confidante and the frame of his friends, the resentment was naturally not light.

Therefore, in that situation, once he gains strength, his personality may completely change and he will do anti-social things.

If so, there are only two ways. One, he has now become an out-and-out wicked man, without any mercy in his heart, killing people like numb.

Second, being discovered by the country's sharp weapon, those strong men will get rid of him.

That's it!

Had it not been for this old man, he had given him a glimmer of hope at the beginning and let him realize that there is a kind of friendliness between people, and a kind of care that can help each other even if they don't know it, regardless of money. He has gone astray!

This old man is his savior!

Now, he is here to repay his favor.

He smiled, raised his hand, and gently patted the old man's body: "I hope you will live a long life, a happy family, and good children and grandchildren."


A puff of true energy poured into the old man's body...