The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 1670: Please help me

Chapter 1670: Help Me

The movie was over, many people didn't plan to leave, and some even bought several games of Wolf Warrior 3.

Fang Chuan walked out with Luo Yao.

As they walked, they discussed the movie just now, talking about China, talking about the good places in the motherland, and talking about the bad places.

However, as Luo Yao said, some people can tolerate the shootings that occur from time to time abroad, but they cannot tolerate the conflicts that occur from time to time in China.

Some people have minimized major foreign incidents, magnified certain domestic matters infinitely, and criticized them in various ways.

"These people are the most hateful. They didn't take a cent from the American emperor, but they were helping some American emperor organizations to build momentum on the domestic Internet." Luo Yao was very angry.

Fang Chuan waved his hand: "These people are just ants, and the world is in great power. People like them can stop them."

He smiled: "China's rise is unstoppable. These clowns are just passing by. They can't change much. They can only find their presence on the Internet."


Luo Yao nodded, "They can't stop it. A few years ago, people were driven by their rhythm. However, these few international rescues and the increasing status of Chinese people abroad, they The speech is getting worse and worse."


Fang Chuan smiled faintly, "This is also the reason why I dare not easily oppose the country. The general trend of the country, I can't stop it. Especially in a country as big as China, such a big trend. With my current cultivation base, I can crush it. I also do things in minutes."

"Xiaochuan, you can't fight against the country!" Luo Yao said quickly.

Fang Chuan waved his hand: "I love this country, but it doesn't mean that I will make compromises from some people I don't like."

He smiled: "Okay, let's not talk about such a big thing, let's go and see what Manager Wu looks like."

"This is good!" Luo Yao's eyes lit up, and she quickly took Fang Chuan to the drink shop.

"Three thousand and one, three thousand and two..."

Before they walked over, they heard the two big guys counting, accompanied by a slap in the face.

"I'm wrong!"

"I was really wrong!"

"God, please help me!"

Manager Wu slapped himself while muttering to himself, he was about to be unable to hold on, he was about to collapse.

His face is no longer sensible, and his hands are so numb.

But Fang Chuan just won't come!

What can he do?

"Ha ha!"

Fang Chuan smiled, walked behind them, and smiled faintly: "It seems that your execution is still possible."


Manager Wu reflexively turned around and quickly looked at Fang Chuan: "Mr. Fang, I was wrong, please, let me go!"

"I feel like I'm dying!"

"I'm going to the hospital!"

His speech is already a little rounded, his teeth are loosening, and his whole nerves are almost confused.

"Boss, three thousand and five, one is not too much, one is not too much!"

"Boss, we count it seriously!"

These two big men are also in a cold sweat. Only they know that counting is so uncomfortable. After counting for two hours, they must control themselves at all times. Don't be distracted.

This punishment is entirely spiritual.

They feel like they are going to collapse.

Fang Chuan smiled faintly. In fact, these two numbers were wrong.

However, he also knew that these two big guys were nothing but Manager Wu's subordinates, and it was entirely because of Manager Wu that they came to trouble them.

Therefore, he did not plan to punish them severely.

As for this Manager Wu, he must be punished severely, which is absolutely lawless. In Fang Chuan's hands, he even dared to come over with his own tickets, so that they could not be seen as a movie.

To put it lightly, it is called a routine.

To put it more seriously, this is called cheating, this is called robbing!

However, it seems that Manager Wu has also been severely punished. He waved his hand: "Okay, you can get out."

He paused: "However, Manager Wu, please listen to me. If you dare to collude with the scalpers in the future, I won't find you Mr. Wang."

"Understand, understand." Manager Wu nodded quickly, and did not slap himself, but his face started to hurt again.

He grinned. Although he wanted to leave, he couldn't leave without Fang Chuan's permission.

Fang Chuan nodded: "In the future, Wanda Film and Television will not have scalpers. You'd better say this to Mr. Wang."

"Understand, understand!" Manager Wu nodded again and again, as if he couldn't say anything else.

Later, Fang Chuan let them leave, and when the two of them were about to leave, a large group of people passed by the door.

"Well, it's the director of Wolf Warriors!"

"There seems to be another person, Liu Menglu!"

"Ah, I didn't expect to be able to meet them here, so lucky!"

The other fans suddenly found Director Wu and Liu Menglu walking past, and they hurriedly rushed up.

However, Director Wu and Liu Menglu both brought a lot of bodyguards, and quickly stopped the fans to maintain order, for fear of something wrong.

Director Wu and Liu Menglu also interacted friendly with the fans, greeted them, and even signed a few people nearby.

The two of them appeared here and were immediately spread out. Soon, a large number of movie fans were rushing over here.

In order to prevent mass incidents from happening, Director Wu and Liu Menglu hurriedly said something to the fans, and waved away quickly.


Luo Yao couldn't help but sighed: "It's a pity, I also like Wu Jing very much, and Liu Menglu also did not squeeze in."

Fang Chuan only came out when they found out, Wu Jing and Liu Menglu had already left.

Luo Yao and Liu Menglu had met before, but because she had something to do, she left soon.

She looked at Fang Chuan: "Xiaochuan, you seem to know Liu Menglu!"

"Sister Luo Yao wants to meet Liu Menglu, or should she meet Wu Jing?" Fang Chuan smiled faintly.

"If it works, it would be better." Luo Yao smiled.


At this time, Fang Chuan had a very bold idea. Anyway, I will bless Luo Yao tonight, so let's bless Liu Menglu together.

The number of wives, the more the better.

He smiled and immediately took out the phone and dialed Liu Menglu's number. Then he knew that Liu Menglu was here to discuss another Wu Jing directed film and attended the opening dinner of Wolf Warriors 3.

She knew that Fang Chuan would take a friend to participate, and she immediately agreed.

Wu Jing heard that the owner of Yunchuan Entertainment, where Liu Menglu worked, was coming to attend their dinner, and he was very welcome.

Afterwards, Fang Chuan hung up the phone.

"Sister Luo Yao, it's done, Wu Jing welcomes us to their dinner party very much." Fang Chuan clicked.

"You are so amazing!"

At this time, Luo Yao, just like an ordinary girl, was so excited that she gave Fang Chuan a kiss on the cheek.

"Then let's go!" She couldn't wait.