The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 1770: Mr. Fang is very charming

"Unexpectedly, Mr. Fang has such a great medical skill at a young age. With one hand, people can live and die. You are the real doctor!"

Shang Zhengguang is a smart man. Of course he understood the situation just now and knew that Fang Chuan had real skills.

He said, bowed to Fang Chuan, and said: "I'm really sorry about the previous thing, and I hope Mr. Fang doesn't mind."

Fang Chuan waved his hand: "Hehe, why would I mind? Zhao Zhiping, the master and apprentice, are actually quite capable, but they are just too weak in front of me."

He paused: "Thanks to the two of them, I have the opportunity to prove it to everyone."

His gaze swept away: "It's a pleasure to meet everyone today. If you need it, you can go to the Medical Sacred Mansion for a 20% discount."

The crowd listened and quickly agreed with him.

They also understood that this Mr. Fang had good medical skills and had an excellent relationship with the Patriarch of the Mo family, and they could not offend him.

At this time, everyone wanted to come and meet Fang Chuan, but how could Fang Chuan give them this opportunity?

He went directly to the banquet hall with Shang Zhengguang and Mo Yuan.

The banquet hall is arranged so differently, giving people a bright feeling.

There are already many people in the banquet hall.

The main form of the banquet is self-help, and if there is demand, the waiters present can pour wine, take food, etc.

The spacious banquet hall is large enough to hold hundreds of people in it and communicate freely.

Pleasant music makes people more happy.

After Shang Zhengguang led Fang Chuan and the others in, he immediately went out to greet other guests.

Mo Yuan chatted with Fang Chuan for a while, and also went to chat with other friends.

And those who came in with Fang Chuan just now, the high-ranking officials and dignitaries in Shanghai stock market, when they saw the opportunity, they also hurriedly came to fight Fang Chuan.

Some people even took the opportunity to hope Fang Chuan would treat him.

However, how could Fang Chuan be so lackluster, and he said that he should see a doctor if he wants to see a doctor? Now he is a generation of genius doctors, how could he take out any disease himself?

Therefore, he also took the opportunity to let Zhou Zhengfeng come out and contact these high-ranking officials.

When everyone saw this, they didn't dare to pester Fang Chuan more, but chatted with Zhou Zhengfeng.

It's just that there are some people with special identities, such as famous people in Shanghai stock market, or people with high public positions in Shanghai stock market, he will chat with them.

"Mr. Fang, hello, my lady hopes to have a separate talk with you." Fang Chuan was sitting on a chair, looking at the beauty of the past, a woman with a good body came over.

This woman, in the eyes of ordinary people, is already a beautiful woman, even ordinary female stars can't compare with her.

Fang Chuan would not be too rude to beauties, even if they were one level worse.

He smiled and looked at the woman: "Miss your family? Miss Shang Yuqin, right?"

"Yeah." The woman smiled slightly, "Mr. Fang, our lady hasn't talked to a boy alone yet."

She waved: "Please."

"I'm going, was he caught by Shang Yuqin the first time he came?"

"I heard that he is a man with superb medical skills and a perverted relationship with the Mo family. It is normal to be regarded by Shang Yuqin!"

"Impossible, isn't it rumored that Shang Yuqin likes women?"

The men on the side heard Fang Chuan's conversation, their expressions changed, and they began to discuss in a low voice.

However, in their eyes, there is a kind of envy.

Fang Chuan heard this, but didn't take it seriously. He stood up and smiled at the woman: "You can lead the way, but don't take me to the toilet. I am a serious man."

"Chuck..." The woman couldn't help but smiled, covering her mouth, and looked up and down at Fang Chuan, "To be honest, Mr. Fang is very attractive, but I don't know how much effort is."

"Ha ha."

Fang Chuan raised his brows when he heard it. He didn't expect this woman to be so open. He couldn't help but stepped forward and gently raised her chin: "Your provocation like this will make your legs soft in the end. I believe I."

"If I have a chance, I have to try it." The woman smiled, took a step back, turned and walked forward, "Go to Miss's first."

"Good!" Fang Chuan nodded.

After a while, they passed through the crowd, left the banquet hall through a side door, and came to a room outside through a corridor.

In front of him, there was a big door.

The woman knocked on the door, and then gently pushed it away. Fangchuan smiled and said, "Mr. Fang, please."

She paused: "My lady is a very honest person, don't tell her those frivolous things."

"rest assured."

Fang Chuan waved his hand, "No matter how upright a woman is, I can make her open up."

"Sir!" The woman frowned.

Fang Chuan smiled and waved his hand: "Okay, I promise you."

With that, he walked inside.

This room is very large, a place for people to rest, magnificent and luxurious.

Standing by a window on one side of the room, a slim figure is standing, and only looking from behind can give people a feeling of strong attraction.

She wore a simple but very high-end dress, which completely outlined the most beautiful side of a woman.

She just stopped there, enough to attract everyone's attention.

She heard Fang Chuan's footsteps, smiled slightly, and turned around, showing her extremely delicate face.

The facial features are three-dimensional and give people a supernatural beauty. The delicate skin adds a touch of charm to her.

This is a woman who is willing to give everything for her when all men see her.

She is enough to make people head over.

There is endless magic in her smile.

She looked up and down at Fang Chuan: "Are you the Fang Chuan who was arguing with Wu Shuo and the others just now?"

Her voice was also melodious to the extreme, crisp and gentle, and her voice reached her ears, as if she was massaging her eardrums.

"Do you know my name?" Fang Chuan tickled the corner of his mouth. "You were here just now. Did you see the situation outside?"


Shang Yuqin nodded, and then smiled: "You are coming closer, and you are more attractive than far away. You should have many girlfriends?"

Fang Chuan listened and smiled faintly: "You tell me, I do have many girlfriends."

"It's pretty honest."

Shang Yuqin kept a charming smile on his face, then walked gently to the side, and looked back at Fang Chuan: "You came to the dinner today, do you want me too?"


Fang Chuan was taken aback. He didn't expect Shang Yuqin to be so direct, but he smiled lightly: "If you can, it's okay."

"Ha ha."

Shang Yuqin shook her head, "It's dishonest again. Whoever comes here doesn't hold this idea?" She suddenly stared at Fang Chuan, "What if I give you this opportunity?"