The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 1785: Sister nurse, sorry

"ran away?"

Fang Chuan's mouth twitched. He hadn't expected that the opponent would have such a powerful disposable weapon, which caught him off guard.

If it hadn't been for his spiritual sense to catch it first, he might still be injured.

The scene was a mess, and the floor of the fifth floor was completely shattered.

The dead bones that were impacted by the explosion all fell to the fourth floor.

He floated in the air and swept away his consciousness, but he couldn't find the person behind Xu Ziqi. Obviously, they either rushed out more than ten kilometers at a very fast speed, or they had magic weapons that shielded the consciousness.

"Forget it."

Fang Chuan smiled faintly, this time he came, originally it was a lesson to those who wanted to rob him.

His shot almost wiped out the main force of the Blood Demon Hall.

Moreover, he also understood that the people of the Blood Demon Cult were also hitting the merchant's amethyst ice coffin.


He turned around, walked against the wind, and returned to the Ferrari.

"Boss, what's the matter with the big movement just now?" Zhou Zhengfeng looked at Fang Chuan curiously.

He saw the blood-red explosion just now, and when he saw the old building, the roof was opened directly.

Fang Chuan smiled faintly: "There is a powerful character in the Blood Demon Cult. He threw a bomb at me when I was unprepared."

He waved his hand: "Do you have anything to do with the Shanghai stock market police? Ask them to look up these people and take this den directly."

"You can try it." Zhou Zhengfeng smiled.

Fang Chuan nodded.

At this moment, his cell phone rang, and when he opened it, he hadn't contacted him for a long time. Li Dong, a classmate in the university dormitory.

"Li Dong, what's the matter?" Fang Chuan smiled slightly. Although he had known Li Dong and the others not long ago, the things that happened in the middle had already made him recognize the three brothers because of their simplicity.

"Ogawa, it's not good!"

Li Dong's voice was a little excited: "The boss has been kidnapped!"

"What?" Fang Chuan raised his brows, "The boss was kidnapped? How could it be possible?"

"It's true!" Li Dong said quickly: "We don't know what's going on. Suddenly a few people rushed out and took the boss away. We chased after him and were seriously injured!"

He said again: "They look fierce, I don't know what the old meeting is like!"

"Where are you now? I'm not in Yizhou. You run and call Li directly. He knows that you are my brother. Ask him to investigate first. I will come back as soon as possible!" Fang Chuan said quickly.

"We are not in Yizhou either, we are in the Shanghai stock market!" Li Dong said quickly, "I don't know what to do, do you have time to come?"

"I'm also in the Shanghai stock market!"

Fang Chuan raised his brows. He didn't expect such a coincidence, "You send me an address and I'll come over right away!"

"Okay!" Li Dong said, hung up the phone, and then sent Fang Chuan an address via WeChat.

When Fang Chuan looked at the map, he was only ten kilometers away.

"What's wrong, boss?" Zhou Zhengfeng asked quickly.

Fang Chuan waved his hand: "I have some brothers who are in trouble, you should go back first, keep the phone open, and I will find you if I have something to do."

"The car?" Zhou Zhengfeng was taken aback for a moment.


Before he finished speaking, he saw Fang Chuan soar into the sky, and then disappeared into the night in the blink of an eye.

"Um!" Zhou Zhengfeng gave a wry smile, then, with a blow on the accelerator, rushed to the Medical Sacred Mansion.

Fang Chuan arrived at the location that Li Dong sent him at the fastest speed. It was a Grade A hospital.

Li Dong and the others are lying on the beds in the outpatient department!

Fang Chuan shook his figure and came to this temporary ward.


"Brother, you are finally here!"

When Li Dong and Chen Ke saw Fang Chuan, they got up quickly and were very excited, but when they moved, they immediately affected the wound.

"What's the matter?" At this moment, a fat nurse walked over angrily and shouted: "This is the ward, what are you screaming for?"

She saw Fang Chuan again: "Are you their friend? Give me a little voice!"

"Ha ha."

Fang Chuan smiled slightly, and made a gesture: "OK!"

"O you are so big!"

The nurse was obviously in a bad mood, and pointed to Fang Chuan: "You go out first, I want to treat their wounds."

"no need."

Fang Chuan waved his hand, "I can handle their injury, thank you. But, can you please go out first?"

"what did you say?"

The nurse was very angry, and shouted at Fang Chuan: "Get out now! Here is my final say, not you!"


Fang Chuan sighed, waved his hand, and a puff of real aura penetrated into the fat nurse's body, immediately making the nurse unable to move.

He smiled and said, "Sorry, beautiful nurse sister."

As he said, he came to Li Dong and played several Qi therapies against them.

In a moment, the injuries in the two men's bodies completely recovered.

They quickly pulled out the needles from their bodies, lively, jumped up, and came to Fang Chuan's body.

"Xiaochuan, your medical skills are really awesome!" Li Dong said excitedly.

Fang Chuan smiled: "This is nothing."

He said and waved his hand, the fat nurse immediately regained her freedom.

"You..." The fat nurse was very angry at first, but when they saw that these two were dying, they became normal people like chicken blood, and their eyes widened.

She swallowed: "How did you do it?"

Fang Chuan smiled faintly: "Just do it casually, very simple, thank you, we are gone!"

With that said, regardless of the bewildered nurse, he took Li Dong and the two of them, and left the hospital straight to the street.

"It turns out that's the case."

Fang Chuan and Li Dong walked out of the hospital all the way, and then they frowned upon hearing Li Dong's narration.

It turned out that Liu Ru and the three of them met to visit the Shanghai stock market. When they were in a commercial area in the Shanghai stock market, Liu Ru was suddenly kidnapped.

The person who kidnapped Liu Ru was so fast that people couldn't react at all.

However, Li Dong, Chen Ke and the others also chased after them. In a small alley, they were seriously injured by each other and were warned.

When they woke up, they had been called to the hospital by kind people.

So, they called Fang Chuan in the hospital.

"So, you didn't see each other's looks clearly at all?" Fang Chuan frowned and looked at Li Dong.


Li Dong nodded, "Including that we chased up and was attacked in the alley. We didn't see the other side clearly, only heard the other side's voice."

"Then what shall we do?" Chen Ke was a little worried.

Fang Chuan waved his hand: "Three or four hours have passed since now, but the other party didn't call?"

"Yes." Li Dong nodded, "This is what I worry about the most. If it's just kidnapping, we can still think of a way. What if... the other party doesn't want anything at all, but harms others?" "My God!" Chen Ke was trembling all over, "Isn't it a perverted organization?"