The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 1960: Breakthrough, build a triple foundation!

This is indeed a small secret realm, which is already very good for the earth.

The aura here is hundreds of times higher than the outside.

If Fang Chuan is allowed to practice here, he will definitely reach the Golden Core Stage within ten years.

For ordinary people, this speed is incredible.

Even if those geniuses are cultivating in this little secret realm, it is impossible to reach the Golden Core Stage so quickly.

And some people can't reach the golden core stage at all!

However, this is still too slow for him.

Of course, he can only think about it now, he knows he will be teleported out in two days.

So he didn't hesitate, sitting cross-legged, running the pill fire art, and the real energy in his body moved violently.

The spirits around him kept pouring into him, and it was as thick as syrup.

He has hair standing all over his body. Since he got the inheritance of the Immortal Venerable, he has never cultivated in such a plentiful spiritual energy.

This is the first time for him!

This kind of feeling makes people feel extremely comfortable, as if knocking on medicine.


Fang Chuan quickly turned his practice to the extreme.

Hu Hu Hu-

The aura of the sky rushed to him frantically, forming a whirlpool with him as the center.

The Zhen Qi in Fangchuan's Dantian was continuously compressed, forming a series of turbines.

But in half an hour, his dantian was almost full.

However, he did not touch the cultivation base barrier now.

If he continues to absorb it, he may explode and die.

If it was a coincidence, he happened to get the Ice Fire Spirit Pill this time.

This ice and fire spirit pill not only possesses a huge aura, but also can hone a person's Dantian.

Use the power of ice and fire to stimulate people's dantian and speed up the cultivation process of cultivators.

Fang Chuan did not hesitate and swallowed the Ice Fire Spirit Pill.

Suddenly, the ice and fire elixir melted into a ball of flame and cold air, intertwined, and entered his body.

They were on Fangchuan's Dantian, sometimes colliding with each other, and sometimes flying away in all directions.

This makes Fang Chuan's Dantian look like two heavens of ice and fire.

The heat expands for a while, and the cold shrinks for a while!

However, between this expansion and contraction, Fang Chuan had already grasped the charm.

About half an hour later, Fang Chuan absorbed a lot of spiritual energy, which made his dantian even more true energy.

And the quality of Zhenqi is getting stronger and stronger.

The transformation of Zhen Qi stimulated Dan Tian, ??and Fang Chuan suddenly grasped a fleeting inspiration at a certain moment.

Then the divine consciousness surged out and found it directly, feeling a breakthrough.

But after a while, he discovered that the cultivation base was a barrier.

The cultivation base barrier is equally unbreakable, even more terrifying than the last time.

But at this moment his savings are many times stronger than last time.

He is ready to break through!

It didn't take long for him to make another breakthrough.

If you let other people know, I can't believe it!

Boom boom boom -

He just did what he said, and immediately turned his true energy into a tornado.

The situation was similar to the last time, but this time he used these infuriating tornadoes in his dantian to arrange the formation.

With the blessing of the formation, the infuriating tornado is even more terrifying.

Boom, boom——

After forming a formation, Fang Chuan used his divine sense to command these zhenqi and slammed into the cultivation base barrier.

The deafening sound resounded in the pubic area.

It seems like the sky is cracking and the earth is cracking, making your scalp numb!

Fang Chuan's way of breaking through is now dancing on the tip of a knife.

I'm afraid I can't bear such a danger if I change to any other person.

Only he, because he has the memory of Immortal Venerable, dare to act so boldly.

However, he knew very well, and only in this way could he break through quickly.

Otherwise, he will proceed step by step and the speed is too slow for him to accept it at all!

Boom boom boom -

The terrorist bombardment again and again made Fang Chuan very painful.

However, this is nothing to him!

He just clenched his teeth and kept going again and again!

Fortunately this time, he took the Ice Fire Spirit Pill.

In this little secret realm, the aura around Fang Chuan rushed towards him like a chicken blood.

Fortunately, his location is so full of aura.

Otherwise, it is impossible for him to break through so easily.


After the deafening sound, Fang Chuan's whole body was for a while, and the aura around him became more surging.

He did break through!

Building the base triple!

He finally reached the triple foundation!

His strength has improved by leaps and bounds, whether it is the strength of the true energy, the strength of the divine consciousness, or the strength of the body, it has increased many times.

Boom, boom——

As his hand tactics continue to be played, the entire little secret realm is constantly roaring with his true energy!

At that moment, full of pride!

The brain is even more excited!


He jumped into the air instantly, and then flew crazy at a speed of Mach 5 in this small secret realm with limited space.

The sea of ??clouds in the little secret realm, as it penetrated, almost formed a tornado.

This is simply overwhelming!

Fang Chuan is now very confident, the great elder, such a five-tiered master, is nothing in front of him.


And the next moment, he cleared up his excitement and fell onto the little secret realm.

Then he sat cross-legged and began to absorb the aura of this little secret realm.

Chiff, chick——

Once his pill fire art was displayed, the surrounding aura surged towards him, making a chirping sound.

He is like a long whale sucking water!

The breadth of his pubic area is unbelievable, and it's incredibly wide.

He has the current amount of zhenqi storage, at least three times that of the base five!

And while he breathed, he was able to quickly recover his true qi, and the speed was several times faster than others.

If someone really compares endurance with him, I am afraid there is nothing comparable.

He faced a dozen or so five-level masters on his own without any problems.

This is where he is now terrifying!

Moreover, some powerful spells need to explode more true energy in an instant, and only his foundation can be displayed.

The same spell, in his hands, is several times stronger.

This is also the foundation of his leapfrog challenge!


Just as he absorbed aura like a long whale absorbing water, suddenly the space surged.

After that, the great elder appeared out of thin air and fell onto this sea of ??clouds.

"Where is this place?" The Great Elder was obviously in a daze.

Fang Chuan couldn't help but smile when he saw it!

He clearly understood that the attitude of the spirit body towards him was completely different from the attitude towards the great elder.

The Great Elder is like being kicked in!

"What a thick spiritual energy!" The great elder's expression became ecstatic in the next moment.

But afterwards, he discovered that he was like Fang Chuan watching a play.

"You are here!" The Great Elder was furious and gave Fang Chuan a fiercely stared look. Fang Chuan ticked the corner of his mouth: "We can have fun!"