The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 2064: No need to exist

When Fang Chuan finished speaking, everyone was shocked.

The person in charge also raised his brows, and didn't expect Fang Chuan to say such things.

But those Chinese girls showed curiosity, with a hint of expectation.

Their lives here are so terrible that they always want to escape here.

They all saw Fang Chuan's performance just now.

The person in charge was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled: "We Chinese girls don't sell, I'm really sorry."

He smiled: "If your husband likes it, you can come often!"

"Ha ha."

Fang Chuan smiled faintly, then his eyes drenched: "No one can stop what I want."

A tick at the corner of his mouth: "Neither can you!"

The person in charge of the bar frowned: "Sir, peace is the most important thing. We don't want to have a dispute with you, but we won't be afraid of anyone!"

He looked at Fang Chuan coldly: "We are organized by Teles. Even if you have a great influence in China, you can't affect us!"

Fang Chuan looked at him and said indifferently: "I don't need China's power to deal with you."

Fang Chuan just smiled faintly, and then said: "And I didn't really want to buy them from you just now, because they are not goods!"


The face of the person in charge was even more ugly, and his brow frowned: "Then what do you mean?"

Fang Chuan waved his hand faintly: "I want to know the price so that I can judge how much you need to compensate?"

He shrugged: "That's it!"


The person in charge of this bar is hard to see the extreme.

He has seen arrogant, he has never seen such arrogant.

In their place, dare to say such arrogant words, isn't it looking for death?

He said coldly: "I hope you are not joking, sir, otherwise you may not get out of our place!"

His tone was full of murderous intent.

Everyone around could not help but shook his head.

In their view, the influence of Luo Shaolong and the Teles organization in the Philippines is completely two concepts.

Fang Chuan can suppress Luo Shaolong, but cannot suppress the Teles organization.

Provoking the Teles organization on the island of the Philippines is entirely seeking death.

"You can go and find out, do I have this qualification?"

Fang Chuan waved his hand: "I am here, not only to let you hand over you, but also to hand over the Chinese girl."

He paused: "Moreover, I want you Phi Island, all forces, to hand over all Chinese girls!"

He smiled coldly: "I'm not kidding!"

"What I just said was not a joke!"

The person in charge of this bar said coldly: "Today you can't go if you want to, just let you see, our Teles organization is great!"

There was a sneer in his heart.

Fortunately, I didn't find the right opportunity and the right excuse to deal with this Huaxia.

But this Huaxia person himself provided opportunities.

He seemed to have seen that hundreds of millions of dollars fell into his hands.

Thinking about it, he was very excited.

Then he waved his hand, and a crowd of black people, carrying machetes, surrounded the second floor.

At the same time DJ said to everyone: "Today's show ends here, if you don't want to die, leave now!"

After listening, everyone knew that Fang Chuan might be dead this time.

It's no longer a small mess!

Even some gangsters dare not stay here.

The Teles organization is completely a force of extreme terror.

They dare not provoke the slightest!

Everyone has quit the bar!

The people in the bar were even more frantic.

"I know you are a rich man, then I will give you a chance!"

The person in charge, with a sneer on his face, looked very proud.

A set of wins is in hand.

He looked at Fang Chuan lightly: "One billion dollars, buy you a life!"

He turned his gaze to Su Yun and other beauties: "As for them, all of them stay for me!"

"Ha ha."

Fang Chuan couldn't help but shook his head: "You are really looking for death, just this one wants my life?"

He dismissed a smile: "Then you don't need to exist!"

"Don't be ashamed!"

The person in charge of the bar, looking at Fang Chuan, only felt that he had lost his mind.

Among them, all of them have gone through a lot of battles, with one out of ten.

Some people even received the blessing of Nanyang Master, which is beyond the scope of normal people.

What can you do with Fang Chuan alone?

This person in charge does not believe it at all.

"Hahahaha, does this person have a brain problem?"

"I think so, he is a lunatic at all!"

"He alone wants to kill all of us, funny!"

The people in the bar laughed loudly.

They didn't pay any attention to Fang Chuan.

There was a mocking look on everyone's face.

Fang Chuan just smiled faintly.


Suddenly a black long knife appeared in his hand.

This is a magic knife with a middle-grade magic weapon.

As soon as the knife appeared, the surrounding air became cold.

The face of the person in charge of the bar changed involuntarily.

"Since you have offended our China, then let you bear the corresponding consequences!"

As Fang Chuan spoke, he suddenly stepped on his feet, his figure resembling lightning.

I saw that he appeared in front of the person in charge of the bar in the next moment.

With a bang.

He directly used the handle of the knife and slammed it on the person in charge's abdomen.


The person in charge suddenly let out a scream, the whole person arched up like a cooked lobster, and then fell to the ground.

He felt that the pain was extreme, as if to suffocate.

And at the next moment, Fang Chuan's figure flickered throughout the bar.

I saw his knife cut out continuously.

Knife light blooms.

The blade is sharp to the extreme, with one knife and one knife, like death's sickle, continuously harvesting life.



One after another screams resounded throughout the bar.

Some people were directly cut into two pieces, blood frantic.

Some people have cut their throats and the pain is extreme.

So many people have absolutely no resistance in front of Fang Chuan.


"This person is terrifying!"

But in a moment, they were all killed by Fang Chuan, without any courage.

They quickly turned and fled.

But it's too late!

Fang Chuan's speed is too fast, they have no chance to escape the bar door.

Hh hh...

Fang Chuan's knife light flashed continuously, and blood flowed into the bar suddenly.

The sound of calling father and mother quickly disappeared.

So many people died in a pool of blood.


Including those who have been blessed by Nanyang Masters, no one can resist Fang Chuan's knife.

The bar suddenly became quiet.

Now the rest, except Fang Chuan and the Chinese girl, only the person in charge of the bar. Fang Chuan's knife was dripping with blood.