The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 2461: Give you a chance

Guiguzi Fang Chuan was full of worries, but also a kind of expectation.

The fighting power of the Holy Emperor Lamar at this moment has surpassed Dracula's level.

Once he makes a mistake, Fang Chuan may be seriously injured or even fall.

He was naturally unwilling to see Fang Chuan's genius falling here.

He is the hope of mankind!

It is also the hope of the earth!

Guiguzi also hopes to see Fang Chuan's future achievements.

Boom, boom——

And just between Guiguzi's extremely worried, fierce battle has broken out.

Fang Chuan has also displayed the Secret Technique of Amplification and the power of the Nine Candle Beads.

At this moment, the pill fire on his body was also burning, like a fire god.

The two of them collided like a meteor rushing into the atmosphere and a fireball burning at the same time.

The speed of this collision, ordinary people, ordinary nine-fold masters can no longer capture.

In the eyes of ordinary people, the sky is full of afterimages of flames.

The sky is full of deafening noises!

However, Fang Chuan and the Holy Emperor Lamar collided with a mysterious and sacred killer move.

Every time it collides, it is not the holy light shining, the holy fire is surging, or the sword energy is vertical and horizontal, and the sword energy is surging.

The area they are in is already extremely dangerous, forming an extremely dangerous field.

If an airplane passes over them at this moment, it might explode directly.

That kind of power is no longer the ordinary people can bear.

Ordinary people around the mountainous area were so flustered at the moment, some people wanted to leave immediately.

Some elderly people knelt on the ground, and kept praying to God for peace.

However, Fang Chuan's battle with the Holy Emperor Lamar became more intense, and every attack had exhausted their greatest strength.

Holy Emperor Lamar was astonished to the extreme. He never expected that this young man, a rising figure, would be so terrifying.

He has now used the three holy artifacts and communicated with the heavens before he can have the power he has now.

However, they are equally divided.

What he is most anxious about is that this kind of power that does not belong to him will soon dissipate.

Boom, boom——

Therefore, his offensive has become more fierce.

As soon as the staff was lifted, the flames of holy light like meteors rushed past.

With a wave of one hand, a wave of power suddenly oppressed the past, and the sky was exploding.

The power of the half-step golden core has already reached a level of fear.

The protective body on Fang Chuan's body was infuriated, and it exploded with a bang, but it surged again in a moment.

The glazed flying sword and immeasurable sword aura in his hand are all breakthrough levels, and the lethality that bursts out is no small thing.

Throughout the past, the Holy Emperor Lamar also quickly deployed the Holy Golden Beetle to deploy defenses.

With one breath, the two will bang hundreds of times.

Very tragic!

They are all injured in varying degrees!

However, when the Holy Emperor Lamar was shocked, Fang Chuan was not well.

You know, in the morning, he fought with Dracula, using the secret technique and nine candle beads to be able to fight Dracula's transformation state.

At this moment, the Holy Emperor Lamar is the power of the Holy Kingdom, which is stronger than Dracula's transformation state.

Therefore, his pressure is extremely high, and cracks have appeared in his body.

The formation of the Demon Mirror has been brought into full play, frantically providing him with power to resolve the attack power passed by the Holy Emperor Lamar.

He can't hold on anymore!

Although his instincts are huge in quantity and extremely high quality.

However, after all cross-tier battles, he is also very uncomfortable.

However, it was just physical discomfort, and his heart was extremely excited, extremely excited!

The more this kind of battle, it also helps him.

Moreover, he is also eager to fight!

Boom, boom——

The battle continues, and the energy released by the two is almost comparable to a nuclear explosion.

The ancient manor has completely turned into ruins.

The apostle mages and apostle knights in the manor had already escaped as early as the battle broke out.

Cracks appeared on the mountain, which was shocking!

"This kid is really scary, getting stronger and stronger, and the means are endless!"

Guiguzi's eyes were full of surprises.

At first, when he saw Jun Feng, he was excited for a long time and felt that mankind was hopeful.

But now, he saw Fang Chuan, who was far ahead of Jun Feng, how could he not be happy?

"However, continuing the battle will affect his tomorrow's affairs."

Gui Guzi shook his head, tomorrow is the most critical moment.

Fang Chuan enters the realm of God, where there is a broader sky, and he will be more like a fish in water.

Although, he only temporarily entered God's Domain, completed his mission, and gradually merged God's Domain with the Earth's main space.

However, he needs time after all.

Moreover, he will encounter more powerful enemies.

His kind of genius is strong when it is strong.

Gui Guzi was excited to think about it, as if he could reach a higher level.

Therefore, he felt that he should make a move.


The Dragon Sword was suddenly unsheathed, and the sky was full of sword aura, containing the aura of Guiguzi himself.

At that moment, Guiguzi seemed to merge with the world.

The sharpness is revealed, making the scalp numb.

"not good!"

The Holy Emperor Lamar, who was in the midst of a fierce battle, suddenly changed his face and then retreated.

As he backed away, the sacred staff in his hand continuously pointed out.

Boom, boom——

The holy light in the sky, like a thunderstorm, kept blowing in front of Fang Chuan.

Fang Chuan repeatedly pinched the tactics, one after another thunder burst out, and the Holy Light of Lamar Holy Emperor was annihilated.

The sound of shock, mighty.

In the world, night is like day.

"Lamar Holy Emperor, today I will join forces with Fang Chuan, and I will be able to kill you!"

Gui Guzi smiled faintly, but his eyes filled with murderous aura.

The soul of the Holy Emperor Lamar was greatly impacted.

Guiguzi obtained the Heaven-level Peerless Technique, and gained his insight into the technique.

Although he has only cultivated for less than half a month, his aura has become more mysterious.

His strength has advanced by leaps and bounds.


Holy Emperor Lamar sighed, knowing he underestimated Fang Chuan.

He also knew that it was impossible to defeat them in this situation today.

He shook his head: "It's impossible for you to kill me. If I want to go, you can't stop me!"

"You can't bear my desperate fight!"

Lamar is full of confidence, of course, with his current strength, he does have this qualification.

Because he got Fang Chuan right, they didn't dare to work hard.

"Ha ha."

Gui Guzi laughed and shook his head: "You still know too little about our China!"


The realm on his body was revealed, and the sharp sword aura revolved in the realm.

At that moment, his risk factor soared wildly.

"Huh?" Lamar Holy Emperor was shocked.

The pressure Guiguzi puts on him is too great, this person is too dangerous!

Could it be that this is the legendary Chinese powerhouse?

He gave in a bit! "

"and many more."

Fang Chuan suddenly waved his hand with a smile on his face. He looked at Guiguzi: "Master Gu, leave this person to me."

Afterwards, he smiled faintly and looked at the Lamar Holy Emperor: "Today you are bound to die, but I will give you a chance."

"The three moves after picking me up, after the three moves, no matter what, I will let you go!"

His tone was full of confidence.

"What?" Holy Emperor Lamar was taken aback, followed by overjoy. However, Gui Guzi's pupils shrank suddenly, looking at Fang Chuan, thoughtfully!