The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 3115: Are all dead?

Boom, boom...

A burst of violent explosions passed, Qianming and the others roared. They were able to escape, but Fang Chuan's golden light blasted the spear from the opponent and detonated in advance.

The huge explosion caused Qianming and the others to be greatly impacted, and they vomited blood.

However, Fang Chuan took advantage of this explosion, moved one by one, and slashed out more than a dozen waves of Great Thundery Sword Qi behind the strong magician.

The Demon Dao powerhouse also reacted extremely quickly, even though he had just burst out of power, he had time to return to his defense, and he shot out black lights to resist Fang Chuan's sword energy.


However, Fang Chuan's sword aura contained the power to suppress him, and every time the energy collided, he would receive a slight counterattack.

It doesn't matter in normal times, but at this time, he was extremely injured, and he was constantly attrition, making him extremely uncomfortable.

While resisting, he counterattacked, taking the opportunity to gather a spear and pierce it again.

Although his attack speed was extremely fast, Fang Chuan's speed was not too slow. The movement technique was already thoroughly practiced.

So, in an instant, his attack failed.

At the next moment, Fang Chuan appeared behind Qian Ming and others.


"Too much!"

Qian Ming and the others waited to kill Fang Chuan, this guy hid behind them every time, letting them face the anger of this strong man.

If it weren't for their crowds, powerful equipment, and the other's serious injuries, they would have died a dozen times, okay!

While roaring, they quickly urged the body protector, and then rushed to the side like a plague god.

Boom boom boom...

The fourth-rank strongman waved his hand again, and pieces of black light fell down and exploded continuously in the air.

This is already an indiscriminate blow. He wants to kill these people directly, at least, let Qianming not get in the way.

However, when he came this way, he made himself consume even more.

Although irrational, how could he be sensible, he had already suffocated the fire after chasing Fang Chuan before.

Now fighting with these few ants, none of them have been killed, and Fang Chuan has consumed a lot!

He is already full of negative energy, alright!

"Oh shit!"

"This old guy is crazy!"

Qian Ming and the others also roared. The blow of the Demon Dao powerhouse just now has affected them. Although the fairy armor can protect their bodies, the violent shock will also cause them to be injured.

One by one resisted the range attack of the powerful demon, and when he was about to glare at Fang Chuan, Fang Chuan had disappeared again.

"If you still don't fight back and wait for me to die, you all have to die. If you don't seize the opportunity, you will definitely die, not this demon!"

Fang Chuan's voice rang in their ears, and then they saw that Fang Chuan was leaving with a single blow.

The next moment, Fang Chuan fell behind them again.


These few people could only curse at most, and then began to welcome a wave of counterattacks from the powerful demon road, resisted them, and their injuries were serious again.

However, they also understand that if they do not fight back, they must die.

This guy Fang Chuan has an unpredictable shifting technique. He wants to run away, and he can run away with a high probability.

Therefore, they knew that Fang Chuan was going to attack the other party again, and the other party would definitely be furious, so they rushed up and exploded with swordsmanship at the strong master of the Demon Dao.

Boom boom boom...

Suddenly, the strong demon road fell into an extremely uncomfortable situation. Although these people's attacks on him were not very strong, they couldn't let it go.

While Fang Chuan took advantage of these people's attacks, he took a moment to take advantage of his angle, and the timing was simply inhuman.

In just a few minutes, he was cut a few times by Fang Chuan's Da Lei Yin sword qi, and his injuries suddenly expanded.

The heavier the injury, the greater the consumption, and the faster life goes by!

In other words, he is dying!

He is going crazy!

He hadn't thought about being forced into this by so many little ants.

"I'm dying!"

"Fang Chuan, you will kill him directly!"

Qian Ming and the others roared again and again, and after these waves of attacks, although the devil's strong men were hurt more severely, they were also badly hurt, vomiting blood.

So much so that they all forgot to hide their identity!

Fang Chuan didn't say his name from beginning to end, OK?

"Ha ha."

Fang Chuan just smiled when he heard it, but he didn't really care. He had already determined that these people were guilty of misconduct against him, and they were the people of the eternal saints.

Therefore, he just smiled and said, "I can kill him if I insist on two more waves!"

"Two waves!"

The three Qianming's faces were extremely pale, they had reached their limit, and after two waves of attacks, they might not be able to hold on!

But there is no way!

At this time, it is too late to withdraw. You have to bite the bullet and do it, otherwise, there is only a dead end anyway.


"Two waves are two waves!"

Qian Ming and the others roared and began to take medicine. One person knocked out several pills, all of which were middle-grade immortal-level pills.

In an instant, their vigor rose, and their injuries were contained.

Boom boom boom...

They knocked on the medicine, and suddenly became alive and well, and for a while, a sword gas should not lean over like capital, forming a torrent.


The devil’s strong man swears at his mother. These righteous people are not good at cultivation, but they are rich. If they hadn’t been well-equipped and sufficient medicine, they would have died long ago!


He hummed coldly, and began to burn his vitality. His origin was very weak, and his origin was almost zero before crossing the Tribulation Realm.

Therefore, he can only burn vitality now!

After a while, the defensive devilish shield was condensed, and with a burst of explosion, he forcibly received a wave of attacks from these people.

The strength of the attack made him vomit blood.


And the next moment, Fang Chuan appeared behind him again, and the Ten Fang Sacred Sword slashed on him.


This person's devilish energy was very strong, and the ten-square holy sword was surging with the light of merit, and failed to break the defense, directly cutting his devilish energy into a crack.


The demon master suddenly grinned, as if he had expected it, suddenly turned around, gathered a demon hand, and grabbed it at once.

This scene is too fast!

Although Fang Chuan sensed the crisis, there was no way to get out.

However, he laughed.

"He's desperately, another wave of attacks, take him!" Fang Chuan was running the ten-square magic mirror, immediately wrapping him up, and at the same time his voice was transmitted.

Boom boom boom...

The terrifying magic hand kept squeezing him, and the defense of the Shifang Shenjing was about to collapse because the opponent's strength was too strong.

The end of the fourth-rank strong crossbow is also the fourth-rank!

In an instant, he squirted blood and his face was pale.


Qian Ming and the others were also willing to go out. Seeing the opportunity, they all displayed their ultimate moves at the bottom of the box, and a series of sword auras penetrated the body of the strong demon.


The strong demon road roared again and again, and the body was almost cut to pieces.

A wave of sword energy pierced through his body, cutting out a bone-bearing wound.

He twisted his face and roared, "I will take you even if I die!"


As he said, his body suddenly exploded.

He blew himself up!

Very fierce!

"Huh?" Qianming and the others were dumbfounded. They just used all their strength, and this blew up, they didn't even have the chance to run.


A loud explosion ran through the world.


"All dead?"

At this moment, the demon master and Xin Yong who were fighting with Xin Yong stopped, and looked over while resisting the surge of shock waves.

Xin Yong's face showed joy.