The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 3926: Order in chaos

Inside the summit of Emei is a bizarre world, which has surpassed the human imagination of the unknown world.

Fang Chuan entered it and felt the chaotic rules.

This kind of rule, even if he had the memory of Xianzun from the previous life, could not find the clues in it.

He leaned towards the core a little bit.

However, this feeling gave him a feeling of fear.

The whole world flashed and disappeared.

And the moment of darkness is not the disappearance of light, nor the disappearance of vision, but the feeling that oneself does not exist.

However, he also felt that amidst this chaos, there was another force supporting him.

"In this world, where there is yin, there is yang, where there is right, there are negative, and where there is order, there is chaos!"

Fang Chuan suddenly realized something.

Every world has two sides.

The outside world is a world of order, full of rules, allowing everyone to survive under the laws of this world.

And here, I am afraid it is the place where the chaos is stored.

Once this chaos breaks through, confronts order, and fights, the world will transform into a primitive appearance.

What is the original?

Nobody knows.

At least, Fang Chuan didn't know!

"The chaos here is too uncomfortable!"

As Fang Chuan walked, he felt as if he was falling into the abyss. This chaos is not negative energy.

Nor is it the surprise of black and white.

Simply chaos!

"No more!"

In the chaos, there is no flow of time, so he can't feel how long he has been walking.

I don't know how far I have gone.

He stopped suddenly because he felt that he had reached the limit, and his mind was confused.

It feels almost exploding.

Sitting cross-legged, he used his supreme will to suppress the chaos in his mind and calm himself down.



Fang Chuan didn't know how long he sat cross-legged and adjusted his breath. Finally, his consciousness became clearer.

He opened his eyes, and when he looked at the chaos, he seemed to see a little light.

These lights seem to represent some power.

In the chaos, there is order again.

Just like the outside world, no matter where there is order, there can be no chaos.

Everything is not absolute.

Every place has vitality.

He saw the order in chaos.

There was a hum.

Suddenly, a figure walked out of the chaos.

This person, wearing a robe, is a bald head, but looks extremely holy, like a Buddha.

He smiled and looked at Fang Chuan: "I have been waiting for you for a long time."

"You know me?"

Fang Chuan looked at each other faintly, "You live here, I'm outside, you can't know me!"

"Do not."

The bald head shook his head, "Everything has cause and effect. Once intertwined, cause and effect are intertwined."

"When you are in the past, this moment is your future."

"Your future is intertwined with me, then your past is already intertwined with me!"

"It's also intertwined with the past me."

"As long as I am strong enough, I can know the past you in the past!"

His words were full of convincing, admirable, and terrifying truths.

His smile makes it seem that he is not lying.

"Then can you know what I was like in the past?" Fang Chuan smiled faintly, referring to the memory of Xianzun.

"That is a stalwart existence!"

The bald head raised his head and looked at the sky. There was only a mess of light, but it made people think that he was observing the long river of time.

He smiled, "A stalwart existence prevents me from prying, and you in the past already know us now!"


Fang Chuan's expression changed.

The bald head smiled and said, "So, you think we are seeing each other for the first time, but in fact, we have already met."

Fang Chuan has no memory of this.

However, he could think that if the past Immortal Venerable could know his present opportunity at this moment.

If he thinks it is a bad situation, it may change, but fate is sometimes very magical.

Even if you want to change, you can't change it.

What's more, memory can also be changed.

"Unfortunately, my strength is still not strong enough, I can see so far, and influence so far!"

The bald sighed, seemingly regretful, "I can't see the world of your past."

"But, I feel it, that is a stalwart world!"

He then smiled and looked at Fang Chuan, "I know your situation, I will tell you my situation first."

"I am another spirit in this world, you can call me order, or you can give me a name, anyway, no name!"

He said with a smile.

"Are you order?"

Fang Chuan felt something strange, because in this chaotic environment, a spirit who claimed to be order lived.

Order smiled and said: "There is yang in the yin, and there is yin in the yang, isn't it right, I am order, but I am born out of chaos."

He pointed to the back of Fang Chuan, "and she is chaotic, but she is born out of order."

"When the world was born, both life and death occurred!" He smiled. "If there is no life and no death, there would be no so many epic stories, right?"