The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 513: Reincarnation for a hundred times, looking for you for a hundred times

Chapter 513: Reincarnation For A Hundred Life, See You For A Hundred Life

When Wang Xun saw Fang Chuan's car, he couldn't help but stunned for a moment. He didn't expect this kid to be able to drive a Porsche 918.

This is a tens of millions of luxury cars. Although his family has money, the money can't let him spend it alone.

These rich second generations of them are indeed very rich for ordinary people, but how can they compare to the rich generation like Shangchuan.

Fang Chuan admired Wang Xun's expression, and then smiled: "How about it, do you have fun?"

"You are crazy, you have nothing to do with bumper cars, don't play!" Wang Xun was not that stupid, playing bumper cars with Fang Chuan.

His car is more than six million yuan. It is his favorite car. How can he hit it casually?

Even if his car is cheaper than Fang Chuan's, but if it crashes, he will suffer pain.

Fang Chuan listened, and the corner of his mouth twitched: "Is the service soft? Since the service is soft, don't harass my Xiao Rui in the future."

He turned around and said to Rui Zhixin: "Xiao Rui, let's go, where do we go first."

"Go buy something first." Rui Zhixin looked at Fang Chuan with a happy smile, and then told Fang Chuan an address.

After Fang Chuan navigated, as soon as he stepped on the gas pedal, the Porsche 918 was like a bolt of lightning, hurriedly away, and galloped away from the campus.

In fact, Rui Zhixin called Shangfangchuan to attend other people's birthday parties because it was inconvenient to go alone.

The second is because she hasn't seen Fang Chuan for a while, so she wants to play with Fang Chuan.

So, she asked Fang Chuan to come to the Central Business District, accompanied by Fang Chuan, went to the store, had lunch together, and put a rag doll.

Fang Chuan's ability to clip cloth dolls under the influence of divine consciousness is very small, basically one can be clipped for one dollar.

In fact, these dolls are not worth money, but Rui Zhixin was very happy, and put the dolls that Fang Chuan gave her carefully in a pocket.

It seems that she is much more expensive to these dolls than the one to two thousand, two to three thousand pieces of clothes she bought.

In the afternoon, Fang Chuan accompanied her to an ice skating rink.

As a result, when he arrived at the skating rink, Fang Chuan knew that Rui Zhixin had never skated.

However, although Fang Chuan has never skated, these sports are still too simple for him, and he can master them without practice.

Therefore, he took Rui Zhixin and slid happily on the rink.

Rui Zhixin couldn't control her body's center of gravity well, and she staggered from time to time. Fortunately, Fang Chuan was present, so she didn't let her fall.

However, Fang Chuan was very happy this half of the afternoon. Rui Zhixin threw himself in his arms more than once.

Rui Zhixin was a bit shy at first, but then slowly adapted, but there was a tendency to fall, so she took advantage of the trend and fell into Fang Chuan's arms.

Fang Chuan felt Rui Zhixin's beautiful body, and after that kind of heat wave, the two almost merged together.

This made the other men present envious. The two of them almost became a beautiful landscape on the skating rink.

Rui Zhixin was tired from sliding, so she took Fang Chuan's hand, got off the court, and after retracting the equipment, she sat aside to rest.

She was cuddling with Fang Chuan, looking at Fang Chuan, her eyes full of happiness.

"Xiaochuan, it would be nice if we were together like this every day." Rui Zhixin said with attachment.

"There will be a chance in the future." Fang Chuan smiled and kissed Rui Zhixin gently on the cheek, "As long as you need me, give me a call, I will try my best to come over."

"Well, I understand." Rui Zhixin nodded, "I know you have a lot of things to do, and you have such a big company to manage. I know!"

Rui Zhixin's heart was very complicated.

When she was with Fang Chuan before, she already knew that Fang Chuan had a girlfriend, and there was more than one.

At first, she thought maybe they were impulsive, and after a long time, maybe she would give up.

She herself only regards the relationship between them as a beautiful love affair in a student's life. She hopes that in the future, she will occasionally have memories, so she will be satisfied.

She thought that in the future, they might embark on their own paths.

However, she suddenly discovered that the more she was with Fang Chuan, the more she was attracted by Fang Chuan's invisible charm.

She has a feeling of sinking in mud feet and can't extricate herself!

She felt like she was playing with fire, and she suddenly thought, what should be done in the future, is it possible to share this man with other women for the rest of her life?

If he gets old and no longer has his current beauty, he will still like her mother?

She thought of this with a tear in her eyes.

However, she didn't know that Fang Chuan would never let her grow old or separate from her.

Fang Chuan saw Rui Zhixin's eyes with a gleam of crystal tears, he was taken aback, and then gently kissed Rui Zhixin's eye corners.

Rui Zhixin's tears were a bit bitter.

He smiled and took Rui Zhixin's hand: "Are you wronged?"

"No." Rui Zhixin shook his head and smiled: "I'm just thinking, if I get old, will you dislike me anymore."

"Haha!" Fang Chuan laughed and clenched his hands. "You think too much, do you know that I am a genius doctor? I won't make you old."

"Really?" Rui Zhixin smiled. Whatever Fang Chuan said, she was willing to believe: "I believe you. Then...Will you love me forever?"

Fang Chuan looked at Rui Zhixin: "A lifetime is not enough, I will love you forever, even if you reincarnate forever, I will find you forever."

"Xiaochuan, I love you." Rui Zhixin couldn't help it any longer, and took Fang Chuan's hand and kissed Fang Chuan's lips with tears.

At that moment, they seemed to have melted, and everything around them was no longer important.

It seems that there are only two of them left in this world.

Rui Zhixin was so excited that Fang Chuan was talking about love.

But in fact, Fang Chuan is not talking about love, but a vow that he can realize and complete.

He will do his best to protect every woman, but in the endless years to come, there may be unpredictable twists and turns.

However, even if he stepped through the world and entered the cycle of reincarnation, he would still find his own woman.

Time passed quietly. After the two people kissed, Rui Zhixin's face showed a smile. She felt that after hearing Fang Chuan's words, she felt that her long-time lovesickness was completely enough.

She stood up: "Well, Ogawa, let's go to the birthday party."

"Yeah." Fang Chuan nodded, took Rui Zhixin's hand, got out of the mall, and drove to the destination.

Fang Chuan asked while driving, "By the way, who is living today?"

"He Zixuan, from Yizhou City, is a friend of a friend of mine. I didn't want to go, but I was invited by my friend several times and had to go."

Rui Zhixin paused, then said, "You have also met this friend, it's Qiao Ziqiao."