The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 523: Buy buy buy

Chapter 523

Tang Yueying did not sleep well recently, her nervous system was weak, and she felt exhausted sometimes, but she didn't care.

However, when Fang Chuan said so, she felt that it was indeed the case.

However, she couldn't help but blush when Fang Chuan told me to do a full-body massage.

She couldn't help but smiled and said, "Forget it, it will be too much trouble for you."

"No trouble." Fang Chuan waved his hand, "Teacher, you understand better than me. It doesn't matter, I will give you a massage, it is better than you will be more painful in the future."

Of course Tang Yueying understands the truth, but this really makes her a little embarrassed.

However, in her heart, the idea of ??letting Fang Chuan massage was emerged, and, like the plague these years, it quickly occupied her brain.

She couldn't help but shocked: "In this way, it will be too much trouble for you."

"Haha, don't say it." Fang Chuan smiled, stood up and pointed to the single bed: "Teacher, you lie down first."

"Okay." Tang Yueying nodded, then walked over and lay down on the bed, feeling extremely nervous.

Fang Chuan smiled faintly, then walked over, stretched out his hand to press on Tang Yueying's head, and then displayed the massage technique to give Tang Yueying a massage.

His fingers interspersed between Tang Yueying's hair and wandered around the acupuncture points on her head, making Tang Yueying extremely comfortable.

Every time he presses his hand on Tang Yueying's acupuncture point, Tang Yueying's body will tremble, giving her a kind of extreme nerve enjoyment.

She had never been so relaxed before, and she couldn't wait for Fang Chuan to keep pressing on her head.

Afterwards, as long as Fang Chuan gently rubbed, she couldn't help but let out a low groan, the voice was very crisp, giving people a kind of auditory enjoyment.

Afterwards, Fang Chuan's hand began to go down, wandering around her body, kneading her acupuncture points one by one.

His technique was very skillful, and he could know which acupoint Tang Yueying was in Du under the scanning of his divine consciousness.

There was a trace of real energy on the fingertips, stimulating all parts of Tang Yueying's body, making Tang Yueying groan more frequently.

After Fang Chuan pressed Tang Yueying's back, he also massaged some touchable positions on Tang Yueying's front.

From top to bottom, she followed her slender legs all the way to Tang Yueying's three-inch golden lotus.

He could feel that Tang Yueying's skin was soft and tender, although not as good as Saixi Shi, it was not worse than Lu Wei and the others.

At first, Tang Yueying just wanted Fang Chuan to press her head and shoulders, but Fang Chuan's technique was so comfortable that she couldn't hold back for a while, and she did a full body massage.

Except for some sensitive parts, it seems that her body has been pressed all over by Fang Chuan.

She was suddenly embarrassed and blushed!

"Okay, teacher." Fang Chuan smiled faintly after pressing the button, "Why, is it comfortable? Is the whole body relaxed?"

"Yes." Tang Yueying blushed and nodded, "Thank you, Fang Chuan."

"It's okay, it should be." Fang Chuan smiled, "If you still feel uncomfortable in the future, come to me."

"Yeah." Tang Yueying had already blushed to the root of her ears and lowered her head. When she moaned comfortably just now, she regretted a bit.

However, that seems to be instinct, and some can't be controlled.

So, that kind of voice really made her a little shy.

Fang Chuan met with a smile and said, "Since I want to see my uncle and aunt, I should still buy some gifts. Let the teacher accompany me."

"Yes, I want to buy a gift." Tang Yueying nodded, "However, I will buy a gift."

"Teacher, do you think I am a person who lacks money?" Fang Chuan smiled, "Since I saw my uncle and aunt, although I am a fake boyfriend, it is natural to give them a gift."

"But..." Tang Yueying had something else to say.

Fang Chuan waved his hand: "Stop talking, I have already decided."

"Okay." Tang Yueying felt an irresistible breath of leader and superior from Fang Chuan.

This gave her a great psychological impact.

She took a deep breath, recovered, and smiled: "Then let's go."

Immediately, Fang Chuan and Tang Yueying drove his Porsche 918 and left the school all the way to the Central Business District and bought a lot of gifts.

Tang Yueying is also a woman. She hasn't been shopping like this for a long time, and she still has the rhythm of buying and buying.

As a lecturer at a prestigious university, she is officially staffed with a salary of about 10,000 yuan and her income is not low.

However, she could not buy it like this.

Fang Chuan took her to high-end brand-name shops, and some clothes were worth one or two months of her salary.

A box of health care products is close to her monthly salary.

There are other things, whatever you want, can be her salary for half a month or one month.

She was really unwilling to let her spend the money.

As a result, when Fang Chuan came over in the afternoon, Fang Chuan not only bought a lot of gifts for her parents, but also some clothes, jewelry and necklaces for her.

In front of Fang Chuan, she was clearly a teacher, and she clearly did not want Fang Chuan to buy her these expensive things.

However, I don't know why, Fang Chuan has an obedient temperament.

So, when they got back to the car, the trunk was already full of bags, and even her feet were full of things.

She probably figured it out. In one afternoon, Fang Chuan spent more than one million yuan, which was her salary for about nine years!

She has only worked for a few years since she graduated...

"Fang Chuan, it really cost you money this time." Tang Yueying was a little embarrassed.

Fang Chuan held the steering wheel, looked at Tang Yueying, and smiled faintly: "Teacher, how can it be considered a waste, as long as you like it."

He said again: "Don't care about this little money."

"Oh!" Tang Yueying sighed, "to you it is a small amount of money, to me, it is the salary of 1989."

"Haha." Fang Chuan smiled slightly, "Teacher, don't care about it like this. With your capital, how easy is it to get these? But you don't, which means you are a very good woman."

He said again: "I am your student. I am very happy that you can accept my kindness."

Tang Yueying listened, but didn't know what to say.

Over the years, from university to the present, there are indeed a lot of brothers who have given her a lot of expensive things, but she has refused them all.

Unexpectedly, she accepted Fang Chuan's gift today, and her heart was very complicated.

However, she quickly recovered and smiled: "I had a great time today, thank you, classmate Fang Chuan. But, from now on, you will temporarily become my boyfriend."

She said again: "My mother, they should be at the airport, let's pick them up."

"Then I'll change another car." Fang Chuan smiled, took out the phone, and called Yu Fan.