A Sudden Cute Baby:My Awesome President Dad

Chapter 1083

Summer solstice turned out, just heard their father and son two dialogue, see cold depressed expression, smile.

"Didn't you fall once before?"

The cold glared at her.

"Ah, Duyi nodded and said to me with a big smile

"Protect my image!" In the cold, he gave her a warning.

The summer solstice astringed the smile on his face, coughed, then turned to his son and explained, "your father fell down because he was injured."

"Oh Leng Yicheng quickly closed his smiling face and said: "I won't laugh at daddy!"

"What a wonderful baby Xia Zhi thumbs up to his son, with a happy face.

On a cold day, he took a look at them and controlled the wheelchair to get in.

The summer solstice instinctively followed in, his eyes vaguely swept her one eye, "now so conscious?"

She was embarrassed, turned to help him close the door, "I'm not afraid you'll fall!"

Second fracture, the damage will be greater.

Cold weather

After the trivia, she stares at her son's intelligence exercises in the cold, while she sits aside and continues to knit a scarf.

It took an hour to finish weaving.

She stretched, picked up her scarf and wool, and went out to find fu MA.

"I'll go down for a while!"

"Mommy, I'll go down with you!"

Leng Yicheng gets up, but Rou Dudu's body doesn't move so quickly and slides down again.

Cold funny seize his clothes behind, carrying him to sit, "there are a few questions, finish to play!"

Leng Yicheng's mouth is pouting.

Summer solstice funny to see them for a while, just hurry down.

When fu MA saw that she had finished weaving, she praised with a smile, "young lady, you are weaving very fast and very good. The young master must like it."

"Compared with Fu Ma's skill, I'm so careless. Help me to finish it!"

"Wait a moment, young lady."

Fu MA quickly went to wash her hands and took out a few more balls of wool. When the summer solstice saw it, she was puzzled.

"Fu MA, what are you doing with wool?"

"Well, it'll look good when you mix it with whiskers later." Fu MA took the scarf to tail, summer solstice sat on one side, watching attentively.

It seems very simple, but Fu Ma's action is too fast for her to understand.

Fu MA quickly cut the wool, and took a few strands of wool to get the same length cut off, and then tied to the lower end of the scarf, suddenly it was different.

"Fu MA, I'll do it!"

This is simple.

Summer solstice took over, according to Fu Ma's practice, tied up the wool, "is that so?"

"Yes, young lady, you learn so fast. If you tie it up well, these wool can be separated and look better!" Fu MA demonstrated, and she understood.

The rest, the summer solstice itself.

Ten minutes later, Leng Yicheng's scarf was ready.

She opened it for appreciation and hung it around her neck. She thought it looked good with it.

She quickly took the scarf upstairs and ran back to the bedroom with excitement on her face.

The treasure giver sent it to their father and son, "baby, look!"

"Wow! Mommy, are you ready? "

Leng Yicheng gets up happily and pounces on him.

"Well, it's finished. Mommy, I'll show you how to wear it!" The summer solstice caught him and hung the scarf around his son's neck for several times. After looking around, it was quite good.

She asked the cold weather with a smile.

"Husband, isn't he handsome?"

Cold weather

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