A Sudden Cute Baby:My Awesome President Dad

Chapter 1121

Xia Guangyao was warm in his heart and said with a smile, "Xiao Chengcheng, you don't have to come to my grandfather's side. You can also accompany my grandfather there!"

This little guy is so sweet.

We all eat at the same table, and we can think about that.

Summer solstice smile, turn to ask him, "really want to pass?"

"Well, I want to go with my grandfather!" Leng Yicheng nodded and reached for his bowl.

"Go ahead first, Mommy will take it for you!"

Leng Yicheng narrowed his eyes with a smile, "thank you, Mommy!"

Said with her, he just pedaled ran past.

Summer solstice quickly took his chair in the past, B uncle see, quickly came forward to help take small sincere chopsticks move past.

"Let him sit here!"

Xia Guangyao moved his chair and let Leng Yicheng sit between him and lengchao, just opposite the cold weather.

"Great grandfather, eat quickly!"

Leng Yicheng moved his butt and sat down. Before eating with his bowl, he told Xia Guangyao with a smile.

Xia Guangyao smiles and gives him some dishes.

"Eat together!"

Leng Yicheng also gives him some dishes. Seeing lengchao looking at him, he also gives him some dishes, which makes the two old men happy.

"Mommy, I can't clip it to you because of my short hand. Let daddy clip what you want to eat!"

The little guy's tearful exhortation made everyone laugh.

"Why don't you let your mommy clip it for me?" Cold eyes smile at a glance across the body moving son.

Can't help but scold him again, "don't move when you eat!"

"Oh Leng Yicheng answered, sat upright and continued to eat.

After eating a few mouthfuls, he said seriously: "Daddy, you are a man. A man is responsible for taking care of mommy and me!"

"Ha ha!"

Leng Chao couldn't help laughing and reached for his sour face.

Xia Cheng asked, "who are you swallowing these things?"

Leng Yicheng thinks about it seriously.

Summer solstice funny looking at his son occasionally stay cute, heart full.

Cold day swept an eye to pretend deep small fellow, remind next, "too grandfather asks you words, why don't you answer?"

"Oh, don't interrupt me. I'm thinking about something!" Leng Yicheng stares at him.


The summer solstice deeply felt that he had raised a Toby's son. Didn't he say that he spoke very little before?

During the time she came into contact with her son, he was no different from other children.

Her stomach was sore with laughter.

Uncle B, they can't help holding their stomachs, and the tears of laughter are coming out.

It's cold. I blame him.

"I think you eat too much and your brain is blocked. This kind of problem still needs special time to think about?"

He made a bad remark to his son.

Cold Yi Cheng small face a pull, Balabala's connect back, "my brain is small, not enough, and not your head big!"

"Ha ha..." Summer solstice can no longer help but put down chopsticks, smile bent over.

He put his hand on the handle of the wheelchair in cold weather, and his smiling face was stiff.

Hearing her laughter, Leng Yicheng also laughed and looked at lengtian with pride. "What I said is the truth. Your head is bigger than mine. I don't accept refutation!"

The corner of my mouth twitched in the cold.

Where did he learn this? He didn't accept refutation. He was so arrogant that he almost didn't vomit blood.

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