A Sudden Cute Baby:My Awesome President Dad

Chapter 1141

"Baby, you're great. I'll show you to Mommy later. Mommy will make the cake first!"

Summer solstice bent over to kiss the baby son, with a smile told.

She was distracted by her son's dance steps, and the first cake was not ready.

she quickly poured a little protein foam into it, stirred it down, took a heart shaped grinding tool, and poured the cake liquid into it.

Leng Yicheng runs to the chair, lies on it and looks at it without blinking.

She's done this, and she's going to do the next few.

It's much more vigorous than her to take over the egg yolk beating in cold weather.

She was happy and relaxed. Later, she sprinkled flour and asked him to stir. Under the guidance of the teacher, "just cross stir, don't beat in circles!"


Cold should be a low, a serious look at the hands of the action.

This is his first time to participate in making cake for his son, and it's still very interesting.

In the past, it was either bought cake or made by fu MA.

Two people cooperate well, summer solstice took the other three, the same proportion of the mold, let him do the cake liquid to pour in.

There is still a little cake liquid left.

"Take this thing and bake it together, and give it to the baby later!"

Hearing what she said, Leng Yicheng brightened her eyes and licked the corner of her mouth, "hee hee, there will be cake to eat soon!"

She laughed, took a napkin, wiped the edges of the grinding tool clean, and sprinkled some nuts on the cake liquid. Then she put it into the oven.

Inside the villa, there are all kinds of kitchenware, and it's very convenient to make cakes.

She adjusted the time according to the time she grasped yesterday, and then turned to clean up the table.

Start mixing cream.

On a cold day, she helped and obeyed her orders. She peeled and seeded several kinds of colored fruits to extract juice.

She divided the rest of the egg into six portions, more than one, and the other five portions averaged.

Each portion is served with a fruit juice, including blueberries, strawberries, black grapes, oranges, green apples, and the rest is served with yogurt.

Seeing how busy they are working together, Leng Yicheng also wants to participate.

"Mommy, can I help you?"

Summer solstice funny look want to participate in the son, said with a smile, "you will help later, OK?"

He can't help with all this.

"All right!" Leng Yicheng sat on the chair, eating the rest of the fruit, watching them busy.

"What are these for?"

In the cold weather, she was well matched and asked.

"these are all done with foam, and the butter is fix."

She explained to him, carrying a good match in the past, cold weather also follow, "I come!"

"Come on!" The summer solstice gave him the egg liquid and put it in the machine on a cold day. After a while, she poured a little juice into the machine. After a while, the colored cream was finished.

Cold day picked next brow, just know these things are so come.

"You are very talented!"

He praised, summer solstice laughed, "there are a few behind."

"Bring them all!"

I know how to do it in cold weather. I'll tell her to bring it.

the summer solstice went out to the end and put the rest in the tray. "This one is mixed up, and the foam is thickened."

"Well, I see!" The boss nodded.

He was busy with the summer solstice. He went to the oven and observed. Fifteen minutes later, there were almost a few minutes left.

It's already a little fragrant.

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