A Sudden Cute Baby:My Awesome President Dad

Chapter 1162

"Bad guy, don't scratch my clothes. You can't afford to pay for them if you scratch them!"

Leng Yicheng wriggles his hands and feet, and his appearance is especially funny.

Everyone laughed.

Hearing the laughter here, Xiazhi and Xiaoyue also curiously look at the past, and they move to the living room.

"Your parents, how do they know about the fifth child, see you contact?" Xia Zhi continues to ask.

Xiaoyue puffed the corners of her mouth and glared at her with complaint. "It's not all your fault. He had to send fruit to our house. My grandmother and my mother saw it!"

The summer solstice is a bit gloating, "it's not my name, it's their own offer."

"Ah, is it the fruit that Lao Wu sent to you?"


She quickly cut off the topic, "I don't know when Ziqi will come!"

Summer solstice

She looked at her speechless friend with a smile, stopped talking, and just came.

"Mommy, help! Daddy grabs people's clothes again!"

Leng Yicheng frowns and complains with her.

She quickly walked over and bent over to save her son from the cold weather. She picked him up and bawled on his little face.

"Baby, kiss me

"Baby also kiss mommy baby!" Leng Yicheng also smiles on her face and makes a proud expression to lengtian.

People funny looking at the mother and son, eyes to one side of the face heavy man took a look.

Cold light glanced at the proud little guy, light reminder, "you are four years old, also want your mommy to hold, don't feel ashamed?"

"Four years old is also a child!" Cold Yi Cheng opens black bright eyes, naive reply him.

Ji Yixi patted his thigh with a smile and gave the little guy a thumbs up, "little steamed stuffed bun, you're right!"

It's just a child.

They all looked at it in a funny way.

"Xiaoyue, you are welcome to sit down!"

In the south, he saw the fifth month standing on one side and moved away to greet the next.

Seeing the vacant seat beside Ji Yixi, Xiaoyue really doesn't want to sit in the past, but the two old men are all greeting, so she has to sit in the past.

Jingdong funny tea, as what do not know.

A group of people sat for a while talking and laughing. The summer solstice was about to go to the kitchen to see how the dinner was prepared, so there were guests at home again.

It's the family of Ji Yixi and Nan Bian.

Leng Chao exchanged greetings with them, pulled the summer solstice and introduced them to her.

"This is my granddaughter-in-law, summer solstice, Xiaozhi!"

"Ha ha, I've been curious about who it is for a long time. I finally saw it today. It looks good! Is that right? " The stepmother looks at the summer solstice funny, with one side virtuous lady nagging.

That is the mother of the south, is a doctor, also curious to look at the summer solstice, nodded with a smile, "with a small day is a good match!"

The summer solstice blushed in embarrassment.

"Xiaozhi, this is Xiaonan's parents and uncle's family. These are Xiaoji's parents and elder brother. Just follow Xiaotian and call them uncle and aunt."

The old man told her each other's name again. There were a lot of people, so she couldn't remember the first time we met.

"Hello, aunts and uncles, welcome to come here! Sit down for a while and have tea She said hello politely with a smile.

"Good!" A group of people looked at her with a smile, not implicit at all.

She blushed in embarrassment.

Until the cold to say hello to them, just slightly turned their attention, did not stare at her.

Summer solstice secretly relieved, this than see parents also embarrassed.

On a cold day, they were introduced to Xia Guangyao by the way. A group of people exchanged greetings with each other and became lively.

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