A Sudden Cute Baby:My Awesome President Dad

Chapter 118

The sound of gnashing teeth on a cold day can be heard clearly on this side of the summer solstice.

She trembled and thought it was better to follow him.

She asked softly, "what can I do for you? I have something else to do... "

"Come up!"

Cold orders, no smell of people.

Summer solstice is speechless. What's the matter with this man?

"I'm going to dinner with my colleagues..."

"Come up!"

This time it's colder.

The summer solstice said goodbye and hung up in a hurry.

Who cares.

On the first day of work, in order to welcome her to the Department for dinner, if she is absent, how can she have a good relationship with her colleagues in the future.

"Summer solstice, hurry up!" Du Yuanyuan waved to her and called her to come. Xiazhi put away her mobile phone and ran to her colleagues who were climbing the elevator.

We didn't go far for dinner.

Eat in a special local restaurant around the company.

The whole design department sat at two big tables, most of which were girls at the summer solstice.

When we get together, we can't avoid gossip.

Today, the protagonist is the summer solstice, or a newcomer, many people can't help but wonder about her origin.

"Summer solstice, did you really just graduate this year? Today, I see you are very skillful! "

"I am a fresh graduate. In fact, I still have many shortcomings. I still need to learn from my predecessors. I hope you will take care of me and don't dislike me."

"Where, today you help us a lot, today's meal, we all trust you, our director is usually very stingy!"

"That's right. You'll know when you stay a long time."

Summer solstice polite smile, with everyone chatting, still harmonious, but some people just don't like her.

Zhou Jiani laughed and asked out loud: "which university did you graduate from? This year's graduate student, you don't look like it! "

The summer solstice embarrassed, but still very sincere back: "Jiangcheng University, undergraduate!"

All of a sudden, the private room quieted down and looked at her.

"Cut, you can enter our Fenglei? It's a matter of trust, isn't it? I thought you had a lot of ability. It turned out you were an undergraduate! " Zhou Jiani mocked the corner of her mouth, scorned and disdained.

What happened to her?

Xia Zhi twisted her eyebrows and was humiliated by Zhou Jiani many times in public. She tolerated her a lot.

She said in a deep voice, "I don't think there's anything shameful about undergraduates. Haven't you ever been to an undergraduate? Have you ever been a graduate student, you must be superior to an undergraduate? Is your design better than others? Also, you said that I trust the relationship, then whose relationship do you think I trust to come in? Do you have any evidence? Please don't be preconceived and deliberately aim at me. I'm just a new colleague like you and everyone else. Is it necessary for you to be so mean? "

Some people look away awkwardly. The design industry always talks on the basis of their ability. It's really not just a diploma.

Zhou Jiani was twisted by her face. She felt that some people looked at her strangely. Zhou Jiani hated the summer solstice more.

Die wench, come to play prestige!

"Whether there is a trust or not, we all know that Fenglei always doesn't want people with bachelor's degree or below to come in. Dare you say no!"

Summer solstice Zheng next, think of that day cold special help to her words, also say not recruit undergraduates.

Is that true?

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