A Sudden Cute Baby:My Awesome President Dad

Chapter 1214

"Are you friends or relatives of Ziqi?"

The person in charge escorts them back and looks at the dragon and Phoenix in each of them. He can't help gossiping.

Ji Yixi and Nan Bian look at each other and the person in charge. The person in charge is only in his early twenties. He is still a young man.

Ji Yixi laughs deeply, "friend!"

See each other a little lost look, he added with a smile, "Ziqi is our friend's girlfriend!"

South Heart funny glance rare witty guy, secretly give him praise.

"Oh, Ziqi has a boyfriend!" The person in charge of the supermarket dodged his eyes. He was lost and embarrassed.

Ji Yixi's eyes crossed a clear vision, pushing the shopping cart, chatting with the south.

Leng Yi follows them sincerely, holding a bag of French fries to eat.

"This is a good time!" Leng Yicheng takes one bite at a time and learns the movements on TV. As soon as she grabs her hand, she throws it into her mouth and eats contentedly.

"Xiao Chengcheng, don't eat too much. We'll have lunch later!"

Leng Yicheng is happy to eat.

"Uncle, don't be a wet blanket. It's still a long time to leave the dinner!"

Leng Yicheng turns her eyes around and feeds the bird one at the same time. The little guy and the pet bird eat French fries at the same time.

"Eat as you like!" Ji Yixi doesn't care, winks at the little guy, and continues to push the shopping cart with one hand.

Leng Yicheng smiles at him. After eating for a while, he reaches out to help push the cart. "I'll help you!"

Two people look at the little guy, mouth gently.

At Ziqi's door, the person in charge of the supermarket didn't say hello to Ziqi, so he quickly found a busy excuse to run away.

"Look at what you've done!" The south side pushed the car in, while teasing the next five.

"I'm helping the old three!" Ji Yixi left his mouth and didn't feel that he was wrong.

When he suddenly remembered what he had seen, old five began to steal his eyes and said mysteriously to the south, "guess what I saw in it before?"

The south side laughingly swept him one eye, the corner of the mouth rises, "I saw early!"

Ji Yixi was stunned and said, "what do you mean, old three? Not only to live in, but also to help get the monitoring! Tut tut... "

No wonder these prisons. It's the third man who installed the control system so deeply.

This is the protection of Ziqi's daughter-in-law.

"You have to ask the third man about that."

The South shrugged, bent over, lifted the front wheel of the shopping cart and pushed it in.

Leng Yicheng stood eating, his eyes blinking, flashing bright light.

Uncle Jing lives here?

"Xiaobaozi has entered the house. What are you doing outside?"

Ji Yixi follows behind the South and sees Leng Yicheng standing on the other side of the fence.

"I look at this!" Leng Yicheng is just a little worried that mommy won't give him snacks. He wants to eat more here.

"Isn't it your bodyguard? Nobody dares to steal. Come on in

Ji Yixi's eyes indicate the next bodyguard, and immediately someone comes forward to help push forward.

Leng Yicheng walked slowly in.

"Wow, you buy so many things?"

See them back, summer solstice with Ziqi, Xiaoyue come, see the three shopping cart in the room, three people surprised open mouth.

The synchronous expression of God.

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