A Sudden Cute Baby:My Awesome President Dad

Chapter 1230

Hearing the noise from the other side, she was not polite and said, "well, the cold weather is over now. What happened to the company?"

"Today's product launch of Lishi group is similar to our upcoming products..." At the other end, someone seemed to be calling Fang Yi. Fang Yi said to her in a hurry, "young lady, I won't tell you first. Don't worry, I will take care of Leng Zong!"

"Oh, good! Go and do your work

Summer solstice did not ask, hung up the phone, hurried back to the house, turned on the TV, searching about the Li group, to see if there is a report.

"Mr. Li, how did your idea come from this time?"

The reporter interviewed Li Ziheng with a straight suit, smiling and gentle, and said to the camera: "the idea of this time is mainly from the inspiration given to me by Allen's paper. I thank him very much, so our new product launch integrates the cutting-edge high technology, which is absolutely a new experience. I think just now everyone has seen our new product Products, but also feel the unprecedented sense of technology! You are welcome to experience a lot later. The first batch of products will be on the market this Friday. You are welcome to buy, 50% off! "

The camera changed, and it was the exhibition hall of the robot of Lishi group.

Summer solstice serious look, brow tight Cu.

Fenglei group spans many industries, and black technology is its core department. Housing design is only a branch of Fenglei group.

Is the product of Lishi group similar to that of the company to be launched soon?

It's more important for the company to come up with something similar. It's just a matter of the past.

Do you mean Technology leaked?

She doesn't understand these high technologies, but if they are all preempted and occupy the market, their products will not have an advantage.

Is this Friday the day of the company's new product launch?

Looking at the high spirited man on TV, she frowned, Li Ziheng, is this intentional?

The products are similar, and they are specially selected to go on the market on the same day of Fenglei group's product launch. No one believes it intentionally.

This man is too treacherous.

How could it be similar.

Isn't the technology really leaked?

Looking at those robots, she was worried. She had never been in touch with them when she was a secretary in cold weather. She almost forgot the main business of Fenglei group.

I hope the company is OK.

"Mommy, what's the matter with you?"

Cold Yi Cheng sees her brow tight wrinkly, worried, ran to come over, concern a way.

"Nothing! Your daddy has gone to the company. Mommy is worried about his health! "

"Mommy, don't worry. Daddy is very strong. He will be fine. There are many uncles in the company."

Leng Yicheng sits on the sofa and rubs her eyebrows.

Summer solstice heart warm embrace son, looking at the TV above the exhibition of products, heart hanging, can't put down.

cold Yi Cheng as like as two peas, and his little eyebrows wrinkled and wrinkled. "Daddy's company has these, how does he look exactly like his father?"

She was shocked. "The same?"

"Well!" After a while, Leng Yicheng ran with her little knee in his hand and climbed over.

"Mommy, do you think it's the same?"

Xia Zhi looks at a mini bee intelligent robot in his son's hand, and then looks at a slightly larger robot on TV. It's really the same.

Everything is the same except the body shape

"What's this for?"

"It's for shooting. It's super fun!" Leng Yicheng shows it to her.

Her heart sank. It was a big deal.

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