A Sudden Cute Baby:My Awesome President Dad

Chapter 1256

In the bedroom, Leng Yicheng calls someone but doesn't answer in the cold.

The little guy hummed a few times, and then began to voice the cold weather.

"Bad Daddy, mom and I won't go back to sleep tonight. You can sleep alone!"

"Originally I wanted to tell you where we are, but if you don't answer the phone, I won't tell you."

"Tonight, I sleep with mommy. Bye!"

When summer solstice came into the bedroom, he just heard his son's voice talking with someone, so he couldn't laugh or cry.

"Baby, let's take a bath. Don't irritate your daddy!"

Just now she called back and asked Uncle B, someone was still angry and didn't eat much at night.

"Well!" Leng Yicheng throws away her mobile phone and runs to take a bath.

Mother and son both bathed and lay in bed. When her son fell asleep, she sent a message to someone.

"Tonight, I won't go back with the baby, you should have a rest early!"

After waiting for a while, he still didn't respond. He took his son's mobile phone and checked it, but he didn't reply.

Summer solstice

This guy doesn't even care about his son?

Just before the baby fell asleep, he was still talking about whether daddy had enough at night.

She was depressed and called someone with her son's mobile phone.

I thought he would not answer, but a cold voice came from the other side.


She was a little dazed.

"Leng Yicheng, speak up if you have something to say!" There was a trace of anger in the majestic voice.

She turned her mouth. "It's me!"

The other end quieted down, if not for hearing his breathing, she almost thought he had left his cell phone.

Her watery eyes brightened, and she thought he should be a little less angry.

"Did you have dinner?"

Originally, I wanted to apologize, but when the words came to my mouth, they rolled back to my stomach. This is what I blurted out.

“....” The other side is quiet.

"Did you take the medicine?" Her heart beat faster.

"What do you want to say?" Someone's voice is so cold that people's scalp is tense.

He finally made a voice, she said in a hurry.

"I'm sorry!"

"Don't disturb me!" Cold sky way a, angry very.

Summer solstice corner of the mouth twitches, this man whether or not like this, with a child tantrums.

"Well, have a rest. Bye!" She didn't want to talk to him anymore.

I explained it to him. It wasn't her intention.

He fired her, and she didn't protest with him.


Before hanging up, she could not help but exhort angrily, "you remember to take the medicine."

At the other end, looking at the hung up mobile phone, the man's face is black and black.

I'm too fat to go home at night.

"Uncle Yi!"

A roar came from the study, uncle B ran in in a hurry, "young master, what's the matter?"

"Where are Leng Yicheng?" Jun's face is very gloomy in cold weather.

Uncle B's scalp became numb. He carefully looked at the angry man and truthfully reported, "the young master wants to be a little fool. He and his wife, and the master, they all went to the old house!"

It's a cold day.

Uncle B swallowed his saliva and didn't dare to make a sound.

In the cold, he manipulated the wheelchair to go out and turn back to the bedroom.

Second uncle looked for a while, after confirming that he didn't say anything, he was relieved and looked at the gate eagerly.

Why did everyone run away? He also wanted to run

It's really cold here.

He's an old man. He can't stand it.

Cold back to the bedroom, in the face of cold space, Jun face even colder.

Take a bath. The more you wash, the more fiery you get.

That woman, the thing that assures with him is to tease him, later don't want to ask him thing.

I dare to hide when I've done something wrong. Good job.

Cold weather from beginning to end, Jun face angry heavy, see what is not pleasing to the eye, the air pressure of the whole space are falling dozens of degrees.

It's chilly!

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