A Sudden Cute Baby:My Awesome President Dad

Chapter 1263

The cold day stares at the silly little guy and warns, "next time you go to the old house for the night, you don't have to come back here!"

Leng Yicheng's mouth is big and his eyes are bright. He seems to have something in mind. He runs over and takes the summer solstice outside.

"Mommy, I think it's too much for them. Let's go and play with them."

The summer solstice took a look at the man's dark face, hooked the corners of his mouth, followed his son and went outside.

"Slow down!"

Looking at the mother and son walking outside in cold weather, he murmured, "Leng Yicheng, come here for a while!"

"No, you must want to hit me!" Leng Yicheng takes the hand of summer solstice, turns his head and spits out his tongue.

He's not going to be stupid..

Cold day sneered, "you think you don't come over, I can't catch you?"

Leng Yicheng holds the thigh of summer solstice and looks at him with his eyes twinkling. He is innocent.

Cold day picked next eyebrow, looking at the little guy who pretended to be naive, thin lips with a touch of calculation, "still want your tortoise?"

Leng Yicheng blinks. He hasn't met his little turtle when he comes back.

Looking at the imposing man again, he turned and ran back to his bedroom. After a while, the little guy ran out and stared at him angrily, "where did you hide My tortoise?"

In the cold, he kept silent and looked straight at his son's angry appearance.

"Mommy, My tortoise is gone!"

Leng Yicheng holds the leg of the summer solstice and sucks his nose.

She rubbed her son's head and said softly, "don't worry, Mommy will help you find it!"

She turned her head and looked at the intentional man. "Where did you take his tortoise?"

Cold day raised Mou to sweep her one eye, operating wheelchair to go out.

She picked up her son and let him go. When he came out, the mother and son went into the house to look for him, but they didn't see the tortoise.

"Mommy, where's My tortoise?"

The summer solstice touched the son's small face painfully, "it must be hidden by your daddy. Let's go to find him!"

"Daddy is so bad!" Leng Yicheng has a small mouth.

The little guy with a small nose and a small face is cute.

She couldn't help kissing the little guy on the face.

Go downstairs and find someone.

Sitting at the table in the cold, eating breakfast, they went in, he did not look.

Leng Yicheng pursed his mouth and glared at him secretly.

The summer solstice amusingly touched his son's hair and asked the man who focused on eating: "where did you take his tortoise?"

Food does not speak, sleep does not speak!

Someone chews his food calmly without saying a word.

See him intentionally, summer solstice show eyebrow tight Cu under, low voice way: "really childish!"

Tease my son. It's almost enough.

Cold day's face instantly sank down, the vision sharp swept her one eye.

"What did you say?"

Summer solstice

"Mommy says you're naive!" Leng Yicheng hums angrily, and the expression is the same as Leng naivete.

I squinted in the cold.

"You know that bullying us is not childish, what is it?"

Leng Yicheng holds the summer solstice's neck in one hand. He's so bold that he goes back.

Cold days glanced at the unconvinced little guy, looking back, continue to eat breakfast.

Summer solstice looked at him, holding his son turned to the study, looking for a circle, still did not find the little turtle.

"Uncle Yi, have you seen the tortoise?"

Uncle B was stunned. He shook his head and asked anxiously, "no, is the tortoise missing?"

The summer solstice took a look at the restaurant and yelled: "yes, I don't know which thief stole the little turtle while we were away!"

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