A Sudden Cute Baby:My Awesome President Dad

Chapter 1274

"Hum!" Leng Yicheng pursed her lips and hummed, "are you amusing me?"

Ji Yixi and Nanbian look at each other and smile.

Nanbian winked at the little guy and said with a smile, "you go to coax your uncle Ji. Now he promises to give you a red envelope for mummy!"

"Why don't you give it to yourself?" he said

"I have no money!" Nanbian shrugs his shoulders. He is a paid doctor.

Ji Yixi's mouth twitched violently. This guy said it with good intention.

He glared at the man with glasses, turned his head and teased Leng Yicheng with a smile, "little steamed stuffed bun, come and kiss uncle, you kiss, I'll give you a red envelope now!"

Old five bent over, pointed to his face, motioned him to kiss.

Leng Yicheng looks at him, and then at lengtian. Seeing his father's slight nod, he comes forward.


West West, a surprised smile, opened, and teased: "or red packets to awesome!"

"One more kiss!" He turned his face to Leng Yicheng.

Leng Yicheng leans forward and kisses him with saliva on his face and forehead.

Ji Yixi also showed off to the South with a proud face, "look, how generous the steamed stuffed bun is!"

"Where's my mommy, my uncle!" Leng Yicheng reaches in front of him.

Ji Yixi glances at the little guy, takes out his wallet and takes out a card.

"Here you are!"

Leng Yicheng shrugged his shoulders with a smile and said, "thank you, uncle!"

Sweet and greasy voice, especially pleasing.

Ji Yixi hugged him and kissed him on his small face. He fondled his head and said, "you're welcome. You can kiss me more in the future."

I used to want this little guy's kiss, but I couldn't even tempt him with a red envelope.

South funny looking at them, half with envy said: "it seems that you this red envelope is worth it!"

"It must be!" Ji Yixi is proud of his neck.

"Mommy, Mommy, your red envelope!"

Seeing the figure of the summer solstice, Leng Yicheng breaks away from the embrace of Ji Yicheng, runs to her and pours into her arms.

"Who gave it?"

Surprised, she took her son's bank card and looked at it. There was no signature on it.

"It's uncle Ji!" Leng Yicheng narrowed his eyes with a smile and was very happy for the summer solstice.

The summer solstice was shocked. Looking at the sofa, he was very puzzled, "Lao Wu, what do you want me to do with the red envelope?"

I still gave you my bank card. It's too sudden.

"Sister-in-law, the meeting ceremony!" Ji Yixi narrowed his eyes with a smile and said in a smooth tone: "I haven't given you a formal gift yet! I'll make it up. "

She drew the corners of her mouth and walked over. "That doesn't need so much!"

A bank card should be more than a few hundred yuan.

"Take it back!"

Ji Yixi held out his hand and shook his head in horror. "No, sister-in-law, please close it quickly. It's really a red envelope for you. There isn't much money in it, really!"

He insisted that she take it. The summer solstice was so muddled that she looked south to the cold weather.

"Why did he suddenly give me "Red envelopes?"

They're not going to bet anything, are they?

"Take what he gave you." In cold weather, he hooked the corner of his mouth and said softly.

She was still puzzled.


She is not at ease when she receives red envelopes and bank cards directly.

"I don't want to be clear!" She shoved it back into her arms.

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