A Sudden Cute Baby:My Awesome President Dad

Chapter 1278

She gave him a look with a sweet smile and said, "Leng is always powerful in business. How dare you bother your hands?"

"I'm happy to make food for my wife!"

She chuckled, her heart full of sweetness.

On a cold day, I threw it away, washed it up, and took a handful of vegetables again.

"What are you doing?"

Summer solstice to see his waste, slightly annoyed, quickly picked up and put aside, intend to take a while to feed chickens.

"It's rotten. What else do you pick it up for?" Looking at her frowning, she didn't understand.

"Feed the chickens!"

Cold weather

Husband and wife together in the kitchen, one to two, but also warm.

"I'll take the rest. Get out of here!" She turned on the fire and urged him out.

"I want to learn..."

She didn't see a clue when she looked serious in the cold.

But I was a little curious, "what day is it today, and you want to learn how to cook?"

"Anyway, there's nothing else to do. You don't let me see the documents. It's time to pass the time!"

There is no flaw in what he said.

Summer solstice to see the range hood turned on, began to hot oil cooking.

She turned around and took a mask, put it on him, cold days don't understand with that pair of sultry Phoenix eyes glare at her.

"Wear it, the fumes here are heavy!"

She laughed and turned to be busy.

Looking at the busy little woman, his eyebrows and eyes were soft, and the corners of his mouth hidden under the mask were light.

His wife still cares about her!

"Wife, don't cook at night!"

"Why?" She didn't understand and looked back at him. Fu MA asked for leave today. She didn't cook and he didn't like to eat.

"Let others do it!" Cold days together in the side, staring at her pot of things, good fragrance.

She smiles, focusing on the pot and responding to him from time to time.

Two old men didn't come back, just four adults and one child. She made four dishes and one soup, and everyone was satisfied.

"Mommy, I'm full. I'm going to study!" After eating, Leng Yicheng wiped his mouth, slid down his chair and ran to his small study. On a cold day, he was given a lot of homework, which was good in every subject.

The summer solstice is a little strange. My son doesn't like to study very much. Before, he complained to her about someone's strictness and made him learn a lot of things.

So positive today!?


"Mommy! What's the matter? " Leng Yicheng looks back at her.

"Take a break and study again!" She also is not good to blow the son's enthusiasm, soft voice told a.

"Good!" Leng Yicheng listened to her very much and really went to play with his pets.

Watching her son run in and out, having a good time, the corners of her mouth are light.

But in less than ten minutes, the little guy ran to study. She looked at the man on the throne and said, "what homework did you give him?"

"Make up for the last few days!" There's no guilt in the cold.

She was speechless.

"The baby is still young, don't squeeze him too much!"

There's a lot of news. Too much academic pressure makes children tired of school.

"Some habits must be cultivated from childhood. Otherwise, who will take care of the company in the future?"

He glanced at her, very powerful, in the cultivation of his son, he did not compromise.

That boy, he's been lax a lot. If he doesn't stare, he'll go crazy.

"Isn't there you?" She murmured, but she thought he was right.

"I'll be old, too!" The cold boss is not ashamed.

She glanced at him. Isn't grandfather still in charge of the company? Why doesn't he think his grandfather is too old to manage?

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