A Sudden Cute Baby:My Awesome President Dad

Chapter 1430

"Ha ha You said so, I dare not bully! Sit down, or your son will think I'm bullying you! "

Shen Lianqing called the next summer solstice.

She was embarrassed to smile, "grandfather don't mind his words, baby is joking with you!"

"Oh! You don't know. This little guy can't be coaxed by anyone when he's serious! "

Shen Lianqing talks and laughs, doting and pinching Leng Yicheng's small face, "let Taigong have a good look, have you grown tall?"

"It's like I'm getting fat!"

Leng Yicheng

Leng Chao and Xia Guangyao smile and bend their eyes, then Shen Lianqing's words should be: "there is a long high, long a centimeter!"

If you don't grow tall, the little guy will be angry.

"Grandfather, you remember wrong, it's one centimeter two!"

Leng Yicheng's correction of little pride.

Summer solstice with sitting on one side, listening to the elderly chat, see delicate snacks, while we do not pay attention, secretly eat one.

Shen Lianqing takes a look at her, but she loves to eat.

"These are all snacks made by your grandmother. If you like, eat more, but don't be too full. Dinner will be ready soon!"

When the summer solstice was embarrassed, he said with a smile, "I know, grandfather!"

"Don't be shy. Just eat. We've eaten a lot just now. These are for you!" Leng Chao didn't see the outside, greeting his granddaughter-in-law.

Summer solstice nodded and asked Xia Guangyao, "grandfather, do you want to eat some more?"

"I've just had several. Save my stomach for a while!"

Xia Guangyao poured her a cup of boiled water.

"Master, the guest rooms are all ready!"

When the housekeeper comes to report, Shen Lianqing gets up and greets the two old people.

"I'll show you the room first, and then come down for dinner!"

"Yes Leng Chao's Frank response, Xia Guangyao has no problem.

Summer solstice thinks that sitting in the living room is boring, so she goes with Leng Yicheng.

"Mommy, this is delicious, too. Here you are!"

Seeing the snack stuffed in the little guy's trouser pocket, summer solstice took it with a smile, and whispered to his son, "we'll take it when we eat. If you take so much, others will laugh!"

"Who dares to laugh at me, Mommy? Don't be afraid. This is our home, too!"

Leng Yicheng is very happy.

Summer solstice smile, looked around, see those servants are just smiling, no look of disdain, rest assured.

"You've taken all the snacks. How can others eat them?"

Shen Lianqing saw the interaction between their mother and son, and deliberately put on an old face and scolded the little guy.

Leng Yicheng blinked his eyes, and duzui retorted, "aren't these for me and Mommy? I'll take it and eat as I walk! "

The tears of Leng Chao and Xia Guangyao's smile are coming out.

Shen Lianqing pointed at him and said nothing.

He turns around and leads the way to the guest room. The summer solstice takes Leng Yicheng to the end and steals one from time to time.

"Mommy, don't worry. I'm here. Taigong doesn't dare to bully you!"

Summer solstice warm heart a smile, small voice way: "your grandfather didn't bully Mommy."

She knows more or less about the old man's temperament.

If you don't like her, you won't be so polite to her grandfather.

"In laws, do you still like this room? If you don't like this style, let's change another one. We have to live comfortably! "

Shen Lianqing asks Xia Guangyao.

"This one will do. Don't bother. I like it very much." Xia Guangyao looked shy.

The old man's life is ordinary, and the high family he knows is lengchao. He is somewhat embarrassed.

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