A Sudden Cute Baby:My Awesome President Dad

Chapter 1447

The summer solstice laughed a few times, a little embarrassed.

"Where is it? You look much better than my daughter in this way. Girls have to wear it like this. How beautiful it is. I'll get busy first, and you can go and play! "

The landlady was very enthusiastic. She took the clothes, praised her and then walked away.

"Please, Madame!"

"No trouble, go and play!"

The landlady answered back.

Seeing the landlady go far away, Xia Zhi takes her son's little hand and goes to everyone.

"Mommy, you look beautiful in this way!"

Leng Yicheng tilts his head and looks at her with crooked eyes.

Summer solstice smile, tease tease small guy, "like mommy wear like this?"

"Well!" Leng Yicheng nodded, frowning, a little puzzled, "Mommy, why do you wear long pants, not hot?"

When he comes to summer, he always wears shorts, and trousers are hot.

She coughed, looked at the beautiful scenery, and murmured, "isn't it your daddy who won't let me wear it?"

"Why?" Leng Yicheng continues to ask.

“....” Summer solstice thought, casually found a reason, "your father is afraid of my tan."

"Oh But, Mommy, I'm wearing shorts too, but I'm not suntanned! "

On the son's clear and curious eyes, summer solstice a little headache, water eyes turn, "Uncle Ji took your little fish! Go and have a look Maybe he put it back in the lake

Leng Yicheng quickly turns his head and sees Ji Yixi picking up his little fish from the bucket.

He quickly yelled: "Uncle Ji, let go, let go, don't let go."

Ji Yixi's hand shakes, and the little fish falls back into the bucket again. When he looks at it funny, he sees the little guy running over.

The summer solstice follows, "slow down."

"Uncle Ji, that's what I want to take home. Don't let it go!"

Leng Yicheng was so nervous that he ran to the other side while shouting.

Several old men smile and squint.

Jingdong looked at the small fish in the bucket and said with a smile, "just take one back to raise it. Isn't it a little less?"

"Don't be too greedy, just one!" Leng Yicheng, panting, stood by the bucket and was relieved to see that the fish was still there.

"Aren't you afraid of its loneliness?" Jiyixi amusingly touched the little guy's head.

"No, there are other fish in my family!"

"That's a different breed. Maybe this fish is hungry and eats your other little fish!"


Leng Yicheng was surprised. She turned her eyes around and said shrewdly: "I can raise them separately!"

Anyway, he's going to take it back.

"I really don't think about bringing some more back?"

Jingdong squatted down and touched the little guy's face. Leng Yicheng shook his head. "Don't think about it. Otherwise, the boss won't take it away for me!"

"Ha ha..."

Shen Lianqing saw that the summer solstice had changed her clothes, and asked everyone to come to the box. After discussion, she made a fish pot.

The store took the fish they had fished and fishbone them, sliced them into pieces, and then served them with some meat dishes.

"Order whatever else you like!"

Shen Lianqing greets everyone, takes the recipe and puts it on the turntable table, asking them to order.

"It's quite a lot. I'd better wait for the food. If it's not enough, I'll order more." Xia Guangyao looked at all the dishes on the table and thought it was almost done.

Leng Chao didn't order either. He looked at the younger ones and said, "you can order it!"

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