A Sudden Cute Baby:My Awesome President Dad

Chapter 1449

The sun was setting, and they ate from sunshine to night.

When the night lights are on in Yulong mountain villa, the neon lights and the water waves complement each other, which is more beautiful than other people's fairyland.

How beautiful

Summer solstice to see the eyes are unable to move, coupled with the buildings here with ancient style, as if through the general, back to the ancient feeling.

"A lot of people here like the scenery and make delicious food!"

Shen Lianqing let the store stir fry a few special dishes for them to taste. It really tasted wonderful.

They were the only people who came here. Now they are almost full of people. It's like a restaurant.

Xia Zhi holds Leng Yicheng and looks at the bustle. From time to time, he feeds his son and himself.

"Mommy, I'll take some beautiful pictures for you and send them to Daddy!"

"Don't send it to him!" Summer solstice smile, lest someone greedy and urge her to go back.

"Xiaobaozi, take more food and see how your father reacts!"

Ji Yixi gave him a bad idea. Jingdong glanced at him and reminded him, "be careful, boss. You know it's you who instigated it. If you're punished, don't cry to us!"


"Give it to old four. I'm so greedy of him!"

Five simply took out his cell phone and shot a video. The frequency was sent directly to the south.

Summer solstice funny looking at them, "we all come here to play, leaving him alone in the hospital, you also eat in the past, will it be a bit too much?"

"Just to make him greedy!" The thief laughs.

Midway through the summer solstice, I changed my clothes and shoes. On the way back to the box, I couldn't help taking a picture of the night here.

She didn't find a shadow.

But when I look back, I feel like I'm looking at the wrong person.

How could that guy let her come here in the cold!?

The summer solstice group came out from Yulong villa. It's almost eight o'clock. Let's go for a walk in the busy street to enjoy the night scenery.

Seeing the red lanterns all over the street, she couldn't help laughing and took more beautiful pictures to share with her friends.

Ziqi and Xiaoyue are envious, especially Ziqi.

"Xiaozhi, where did you go to play again? Romantic with the president, leaving me to work here alone. It's so sad!"

Seeing the wechat Ziqi sent to her, Xia Zhi replied in a funny way, "he's not with me. I'll come to Haicheng with my baby for a few days!"

"No wonder, no wonder your husband has been black all day. The feeling is that you ran away with your son and left him behind."

Summer solstice smiles.

"Who are you talking to? It depends on your smile." Moqing glanced at her mobile phone.

"Grandma, I'll talk to Ziqi."

When Jingdong heard a name at the tip of his ear, he looked over and his ear moved.

"Oh, the girl with short hair?"

"Well. That's it. "

Xia Zhi calls up a picture of Ziqi for MuQing to see.

"It's a long sign. They haven't met yet. You can also introduce them. Maybe they'll be together."

MuQing suggested, she laughed, secretly said: "originally want to match her with the third, is they meet less."

As soon as MuQing's eyes brightened, he looked at Jingdong and laughed.

"It's OK. It's urgent. Some people fall in love at first sight, and some people don't see eye to eye when they meet every day."


They went to the night market again before returning home.

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