A Sudden Cute Baby:My Awesome President Dad

Chapter 1473

"It's not enough to stuff your teeth. It doesn't matter if you eat two more fish!" Mr. Shen retorted and quickly grabbed another one and put it in his mouth.

MuQing smiles and shakes his head, "you old man, the things in the countryside are to your taste."

"I don't eat it often!"

Xia Guangyao smiles with lengchao, and he agrees, "I used to eat it, but I haven't tasted it in recent years, and I miss it very much. It's very kind to smell it!"

"That's it Leng Chao nodded, "when he used to live in his hometown, he sent me little fish from time to time. I like it. I can eat four bowls of rice for a meal, which is very good."

In the cold, he glanced at his grandfather. It turned out that those little fish were sent by grandfather Xia. The old man was very precious.

I still remember one time when it rained for more than a month, the little fish he was hiding got moldy and the servant lost it. He had a big fire.

Since then, no one dares to throw things around. Before throwing things, you have to ask the old man.

In case it's another old man's treasure.

He was amused at the thought.

Leng Chao found that he was snickering. He glared at him fiercely and said, "what do you laugh at? It's you. The little fish sent by Lao Xia are moldy."

The cold day is very speechless, "how do I know you put the fish to my garage?"

Smelling the smell, he asked Uncle Jia to clean it up.

"You've got so many eyes on your head

Old things, cold weather was the old man scolded a meal.

Xia Guangyao laughingly looked at the two of them, "one day I'll go back to my hometown and see if there's any left. I'll catch them to dry!"

"If you go back and tell me, I'll go back with you and do more!"

Leng Chao calculated and touched his forehead on a cold day. He was speechless to the old man.

The clock looked at them and laughed, "if you like, you don't have to run so far. I'll go to the old place tomorrow and catch more for you!"

"Are these really wild?"

Shen Lianqing is also interested and wants to have a look.

"It's wild. Today we used to. There are many in that pond!"

"Let's go there tomorrow and get more back."


"Grandfather, so many of you used to live in the past, the fish will be extinct!"

On a cold day, those old men are as excited as young men. They are a little embarrassed.

"If I catch them, I'll let them put fry in, won't it?" Shen Lianqing blows his beard and stares. He knows about environmental protection.

Besides, they don't let go of all of them.

Just grab some and try some.

"Ha ha That's it

Leng Chao stares at his grandson who is pouring cold water on him.

"Will you all go fishing tomorrow? May I go? " Leng Yicheng looks at them expectantly.

"You want to go, too?" Clock doted on the little guy's head, and Leng Yicheng nodded, "well, I want to go too!"

Thinking of training tomorrow, he turned and sat down, "Daddy, can I catch fish tomorrow?"

"The pond in the field is so deep that you can't see it under your neck."

He pinched his son's face in cold weather.

"Have you been there?" Xia Zhi looked at him curiously and saw that he was serious and believed it.

"It's not very deep either..." The clock compared, almost to the knee.

"Look, your uncle has said deeply, you little man have gone. If you get lost in the ridge, you will not be found! You'd better go to army training. If you want to play, we have fields in Jiangcheng. "

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