A Sudden Cute Baby:My Awesome President Dad

Chapter 1486

Summer solstice smile at him, "do not hate, also not particularly like, but looking at my aunt to prepare this bedroom is still very beautiful."

If she could have a daughter, it would be the same.

Hey, hey!

"What do you think?"

In the cold sky, she looks down at the giggling woman in her arms and picks the sword eyebrow curiously.

"Nothing to think of!"

She frolicked and went to sleep.

Cold side body, prop up a head, Feng Mou smile of looking at her, "quick say!"

Summer solstice speechless swept him one eye, curled his mouth way: "even my heart bottom scolds you, you also want to listen to?"

The cold day is tiny surprised, sword eyebrow picked to pick, "you are scolding me, scold me what?"

"You are so handsome!"

Man a Leng, in a flash pressure over, tickle her.

"It's my fault that I'm handsome?"

Deep and proud, staring at her cold eyes.

"It must be your fault. Is it my fault?"

The summer solstice laughably pushed him away, took the lovely alarm clock on the head of the bed and fixed the time.

Cold day looking at her busy these, hand pinched her ear, "quick say just what you are thinking?"

"Nothing more!" Summer solstice pull quilt, directly cover the head.

On a cold day, he took her into his arms and pinched her waist. At the summer solstice, he was ticklish and dodged.

The fork is about to giggle.

"I said, you let me go, don't scratch!"

She smacked him on the chest, panting.

On a cold day, the thief stopped laughing and glared at her with overwhelming momentum, "hurry up!"

"I'm just thinking, if we have a daughter, we'll decorate the room like an aunt!"

Summer solstice said more and more quietly, head buried in his body, shy red whole face.

The woman who is gazing at the little bird is shining in the cold, and her long finger is combing her hair gently.

"There will be!"

The daughter should be very obedient, certainly not as clingy as the son.

As long as she wants to have one, they'll have one.

The summer solstice looked, "I'm just talking about it!"

Whether the body can recuperate well is not certain.

Cold day swept her one eye, firmly said: "if you don't want to, will you say it?"

Summer solstice smile, "this is not to say there is some."

"The wife said yes!" Cold days smile, lean over pressure past, touched her face, "I will work harder in the future!"

Summer hot cheek, pinched him, Jiao angry way: "who want you to work hard ah!"

Cold day light smile narrowed Feng Mou, kiss his hair, "fast sleep for a while!"

Seeing him get up, Xia Zhi looks at him curiously, "what are you going to do?"

"I'm not used to sleeping. Go out and make a phone call!"

Sit up in the cold and tuck her in.

Summer solstice rolled down on the bed, the quilt is soft, comfortable, no discomfort.

When she saw him calling from the balcony, she began to doze off.

By the end of the cold call, she was asleep.

It's a bit boring in cold weather, so I turn around and call Fang Yi to ask about my work.

I've been busy until everyone gets up.

When Xia Zhi woke up, he saw that he was still calling from the balcony. He thought that he didn't sleep long. He took the alarm clock and saw that it was almost her time. He was stunned.

He's been on the phone so long?

She got up, went over, and heard the cold weather speaking a language she didn't understand. She lowered her voice, "are you working?"

On a cold day, the Phoenix's eyes flashed and looked at the woman with a bleary face. Her thin lips lifted lightly.


His voice is normal.

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