A Sudden Cute Baby:My Awesome President Dad

Chapter 1518

Wennuan stares at the bottom, climbs to bed and lies for less than a second. She gets up impatiently, climbs down again and runs to the balcony to have a look.

The South car is still there.

She gritted her teeth, turned back, rushed out of the bedroom and ran downstairs.

"Warm out!"

"Ha ha, I won the bet!"


Warm breath straight to the south side of the car.

The man sitting in the car, seeing her come out, his eyes flashed.

"Professor Nan, Miss Ji is out!"

The South glared at him.

At this time, wennuan knocks on the car window. She looks at the girl in the south, but she doesn't lower the car window.

Nuan Nuan opens the door directly, stares at the man who lies asleep inside, and shouts angrily, "why don't you go back?"

Nanbian lazily opened her eyes and looked at her. "It's a little uncomfortable. I want to go back slowly!"

"What are you doing when you're sick?"

The warm air glared at him.

Nanbian suddenly reaches out and pulls her in. Xiaolin takes her eyes back and gets off the bus.

"It's hard here!"

He held her hand to his heart and looked at her with fixed eyes.

"Let go of me!" Warm fierce draw back hand, gas drum of stare him, "you shouldn't be a stomachache?"

He's appendicitis, not a heart.

Nanbian reached out and touched her head, but wennuan dodged her.

"I feel bad if you don't come to see me!"

He looked at her aggrieved angry look, the heart shrinks.

Warm depressed swept him one eye, depressed said: "you don't want me to see you?"

He chased her when she went!

"No, I'm glad you came to see me!"

He reached over and gently touched the back of her head.

"That day, it was my fault. I shouldn't have driven you back. Don't be angry?"

Looking south, looking down with warmth.

Wringing his fingers and biting his lips, warm.

Nanbian touched her face and asked cautiously, "wennuan, why did you black my number?"

“....” Warm pursed the corners of his mouth, did not answer his question.

"Because I drove you away?"

The heart of south side all constricted up, that day saw her turn back, he didn't really want to drive away her, who knows this wench really.

“....” Wennuan still doesn't answer.

Southern Mou Guang is one Shan, bold guess, "you can't see what?"

Nothing made her so angry except that she saw the nurse come in to visit him.

"What do you think I should see?" Wennuan looks up and stares at him.

A meal in the south, I knew I was right when I saw her staring.

His heart immediately relaxed, the crux of the problem found, which is good for the right medicine.


He hooked the corner of his mouth with a cheerful face.

Warm thought of his affinity with other female nurses, heart straight sour.

"Silly girl!" Nanbian touched her head, and wennuan reached out and waved his hand. He said, "I'm stupid. It's none of your business!"

The south side one Zheng, corrects a way: "don't say rude words!"

"I said, none of your business!"

Warm angry red face, stare back.

The south side picked next eyebrow, along with her comfort way: "well, you like to say OK, but only in front of me, lest you say in front of others, others still think you have no quality!"

Warm cheek smoked, "I just don't have quality, have anything to do with you? It has nothing to do with you

Looking at her red face, she sighed a little. She didn't tangle with her about this problem and explained: "I just have a simple relationship with her colleagues. I don't believe you ask aunt Nan!"

Just a simple colleague relationship?

She's not a child again. Can't you see their relationship is ambiguous?

"Dare you say she doesn't like you?"

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