A Sudden Cute Baby:My Awesome President Dad

Chapter 1562

"Son of a bitch!"

Cold day pinched his small face, took that dish and put it directly in front of Leng Yicheng, "it's all yours!"

Leng Yicheng narrowed his eyes with a smile, and sweet Nuo Nuo called out: "thank you, Daddy!"

Summer solstice funny to the cold clip, "you eat!"

Leng Yicheng looked at the plate, there are many, also gave him a clip, "Daddy, give you one!"

Cold day wry smile can't, tease a, "you are really generous."

"That's it!" Leng Yicheng narrowed his eyes with a touch of cunning.

"Eat quickly, don't talk to your daddy!"

She laughingly glanced at their father and son, holding chopsticks to give his son a lot of food.

After eating at JunJing international for almost an hour and packing two snacks, they left.

It's not a coincidence at the door.


Luo Siqi brings his clients to dinner. He happens to meet the warm look of their family. His eyes fall on Leng Yicheng, who is led by the summer solstice. He stays for a few seconds, and his eyes pass by and he doesn't understand.

Did she really become someone else's stepmother?

Did not expect to meet him, the summer solstice Zheng Xia, on the bottom of his eyes do not understand and regret, she politely alienated, with a smile responded.

"Why don't you come to dinner, too?"

"Well, bring the client over." Lotzy didn't expect that she would respond to herself, and she couldn't help but feel happy.

"Well!" The summer solstice nodded.

The cold day narrowed the MI Feng Mou, the vision sharp stares at him, this man still does not give up!?

He stretched out his long arm and swept her shoulder possessively, with a cold voice, "we're going!"

"Goodbye!" Xia Zhi nodded and said to losqi, and left with the cold weather.

"Xiaozhi, last time..." Lordsky called to her, to the mouth of the words on the cold warning eyes, he was surprised, or said, "I'm sorry last time!"

Xia Zhi looks back at him and nods with a smile.

"Will you go to the alumni association?"

Lozzie looked at her expectantly with a burning look.

She looks silly, what Alumni Association, how can she not know?

"No one told me about it. I didn't know about it!"

Rothschild laughed. "Maybe I haven't informed you yet. I'll take it as if I told you. This Friday night, in..."

"She's not free!"

Cold cold stare at him, directly refused for the summer solstice.

The summer solstice looked at him, turned his head to Rothschild and said, "let's talk about it then."

Lengtian warns luosiqi and leaves with Xia Zhi and Leng Yicheng. The little guy turns to luosiqi and smiles, squints his eyes, and says with pride, "my mommy wants to accompany me. I don't have time to go!"

Luo Siqi's eyes flashed. Seeing the dimples on the little guy's cheek, he felt very similar to the summer solstice.

Maybe it's his illusion.

People get along with each other for a long time.

To the car, the summer solstice took a look at the man who did not speak, a little cold.

"Baby, this heart can only be eaten at recess!" She was afraid that the little guy would eat when he came to the classroom. She told him to put it in his schoolbag.

"Well!" Leng Yicheng nodded and looked at her, then at the cold man with a handsome face. His eyes turned around.

"Mommy, where are you going this afternoon?"

He sticks to the side of the summer solstice, raises his neck and asks softly.

"Mommy goes to work. What's the matter?" She looked down at the pink Dudu, her heart was full.

"Hey, hey, ask!" Leng Yicheng smiles and narrows her eyes. She takes her mobile phone and sends her a message.

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