A Sudden Cute Baby:My Awesome President Dad

Chapter 1582

On the day of the party, Xiazhi and Ziqi go there on time. According to the meaning of cold weather, they take Leng Yicheng with Fang Yi.

But their two advanced boxes, Fang Yi, accompanied the little guy to the bathroom.

Liu Xinyuan came early and was talking to everyone. Zhu bi'er was among them. Suddenly she saw them come in and stood up to welcome them.

"Here you are

She stretched out her head to look back, and asked with a puzzled face, "don't you mean to bring your husband here?"

"My husband is not free!" Summer solstice a pink dress, hair lifted at will, it seems that the beautiful face smaller, pink tender.

Her gentle smile immediately attracted many people's eyes.

Liu Xinyuan saw that everyone's eyes were on her, secretly gritted her teeth, but she was smiling. She deliberately distracted everyone's attention, but she couldn't smile. "I think it's your words of evasion. We just want to meet your husband, which doesn't mean anything else. It doesn't matter if our work is not good."

Summer solstice eyes coldly staring at her, tone no ups and downs to go back, "how do you know my husband's work is not good? You see that? I didn't tell you what he did, did I? "

Liu Xinyuan's face changed and she laughed: "you don't dare to say it. It must be your husband's bad job that you are embarrassed to say it!"

"I'm not like some people. I like to publicize everywhere. I want to let everyone know that my husband's job is the best!"

Summer solstice laughs back.

Liu Xinyuan's face went black. Her expression changed. She immediately took the attitude of a lady and tried to save face. "My husband's annual salary is one million. Isn't it the best?"

Xia Zhi chuckled and didn't want to argue with her.

Other students around, "summer solstice, you get married we don't know, come to the party also don't know, with your husband to come, at that time don't know!"

Summer solstice smile, "another day, he really does not have time today, have social intercourse, another day to introduce you."

"I can't bring it." Zhu bi'er gets up with schadenfreude in her eyes. She still remembers the embarrassment when she was threatened by the cold weather. Now that the summer solstice has not been brought, she must have broken up.

"How do you know you can't bring it?"

Ziqi laughingly looks at her and waits for xiaochengcheng to hit her face.

"Hum!" Zhu bi'er sneered and said, "if you want to bring it, you must bring it, unless you break up!"

"Break up?"

"Summer solstice, are you divorced?"

All of a sudden, the students clamored up and whispered to each other.

Ziqi's face gasped, these people's imagination is not too rich.

Xia Zhi stares at her, and now she is too lazy to talk to Zhu bi'er.

"Some people are thick skinned and steal other people's boyfriends. Now they forget how they are a junior. Now they dare to laugh at others so shamelessly. They always think that they are better than others in everything! In fact, it is a.... " Ziqi smiles at Zhu bi'er, but she doesn't say the last two words, which makes people think that it's not a good thing.

Zhu bi'er's face was blue and white. She gave them a hard look and said with a scornful smile, "how good are you? You haven't heard of it. Is the third party who is not loved?"

"It's not sure who is true love!" Ziqi confident smile, let Zhu bi'er hate a bit more, gritting teeth to accept back, suddenly a classmate called peacemaker Hello everyone.

"Oh, these are old things. I don't care about them. They all go in and sit at the door. The students coming from behind can't come in!"

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