A Sudden Cute Baby:My Awesome President Dad

Chapter 165

Standing at the door of his son's room, Leng boss heard the sound of locking the door. Jun's face turned black.

Is this woman too arrogant?

Just as this is her home, what do you want?

Jun face tight, eyes cold swept a summer solstice room, cold day this just walked back to his bedroom.

Hand impatiently pulling the neck tie, suddenly think of her back to the son with snacks, Mou Ren flashed.

Is she going out at night with her friends?

Suddenly, a night of irritable mood, seems to have found a breach, feel a lot better.

Tie a throw, accurate hang on the hook, cold day stride to the bathroom.

When the summer solstice came out, she saw the little guy sitting on the bed, nodding his head sleepily and refusing to sleep.

He walked over.

"Baby, why don't you sleep when you are sleepy?"

This little guy is so heartbreaking.

"Mommy, Hello, I'll wait for you!"

Leng Yicheng reaches out his hand and wipes his eyes. He is so sleepy that he can't open his eyes, and his tone is wilting.

"Fool, sleep first when you are sleepy!"

Summer kneaded his head, supported him to lie down, painfully pinched his small face, soft voice coax a way: "sleep!"

"Good night, Mommy!" Leng Yicheng laughs.

Summer solstice smile, soft should way: "good night, baby!"

She leaned over xiaochengcheng's forehead and gave him a kiss. She pulled over the quilt and put it on him. When he fell asleep, she turned around and turned off the light. Only a small light was left before she lay down.

The long breath of the little guy around her is like a lullaby. She holds the little guy's body on her side, naturally.

I fell asleep after a while.

The next morning, summer solstice didn't go to the hospital to see my grandfather, because I came back late last night. I felt guilty for the little guy and wanted to accompany him more.

I'm going to go to work after breakfast.

"Cold is always early!"

Seeing the man coming by, the summer solstice couldn't help but take a furtive look. The man is dressed in an iron gray suit, tall and straight. He changes a suit of different styles every day, which makes him more handsome and extraordinary.

Cold light swept her one eye, light said: "at home do not call me cold total!"

Summer solstice also does not care about this with him, smiling greeting, "Mr. Leng, please sit down, I'll go to carry breakfast right away!"

Every day, the dimple of a woman is like a chicken's face staring at the sky.

Summer solstice looked at him for a while, then turned in and brought out the breakfast.

Fu Ma also helped to bring out the rest.

"Sir, this pumpkin porridge is made by young lady. Would you like to try it?"

Fu MA put a pot of colorful pumpkin porridge in front of the cold weather with a smile and asked him.

On a cold day, I frowned and didn't want to eat porridge.

"Granny Fook, I want to drink it!"

Leng Yicheng throws away the Rubik's cube and looks up at the pot of porridge greedily.

The summer solstice touched his small head with a smile, "Auntie gives you Sheng!"

She took the little guy's special iron bowl and gave him a small half of the bowl. "Be careful to scald it. Drink it slowly. I'll give it to you after drinking it!"

"Mm-hmm! Mommy, you too Leng Yicheng nods his head fiercely. He can't wait to blow the hot air with a spoon and eat it.

Summer solstice nervous looking at him, always afraid that he will burn.

Make sure that he is very careful to eat, just rest assured, a turn on someone's deep eyes.

She was stunned and asked with a smile, "Mr. Leng, don't you like porridge?"

"Give me a bowl!" Cold light said, see son eat sweet, he also a little want to taste.

The summer solstice picked eyebrows, took the bowl in Fu Ma's hand and filled it for him.

"Mr. Leng, drink slowly!"

"Young lady, yours!" Fu Ma also served a bowl for the summer solstice.

"Thank you, mama!" Summer solstice back to a smile, just bow to eat up.

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